// Deck class represents multiple cards. // Can be arranged in multiple ways. function Deck (options = {mode: "stack", smode: "one", sct: 0, pos: [0, 0]}){ this.cards = []; // View mode // infdraw - infinite draw. always appears as if there are multiple cards // stack - stack mode // strip // horizontal // left (strip-hl) // right (strip-hr) // vertical // up (strip-vu) // down (strip-vd) this.inf = options.mode == "infdraw"; // Select mode - controls what other cards are selected when one card is selected // above - selectes cards above the selected one // below - selects cards below the selected one // around - selects cards above and below // one - selects only card chosen // all - selects all cards when card selected this.smode = options.smode; // Select count (negative defaults to 0) // above - controls number of cards above clicked are selected // below - controls number of cards below clicked are selected // around // number - number above and below selected // array - [first number: number above selected] [second number: number below selected] // one - no effect // all - no effect this.sct = options.sct > 0 ? options.sct : 0; // Position // array of where the deck is centered this.x = options.pos[0]; this.y = options.pos[1]; this.e = document.createElement("deck"); this.e.style.left = this.x + "px"; this.e.style.top = this.y + "px"; this.e.setAttribute("mode", options.mode); } Deck.prototype = { // Add a card to the front of the deck appendCard: function(card) { this.cards.push(card); this.e.appendChild(card.e); }, // Add a card to the back of the deck prependCard: function(card) { this.cards.unshift(card); this.e.prepend(card.e); }, // Add a card at the index specified addCardAt: function(card, index) { if(index < 0 || index > this.cards.length) return if(index == 0) { this.prependCard(card); } else if (index == this.cards.length) { this.appendCard(card); } else { let temp = this.cards.slice(0, index); temp[temp.length - 1].e.after(card.e); temp.push(card); this.cards.unshift(...temp); } }, // Swap the cards at the specified indexes swapCard: function(index1, index2) { if(index1 < 0 || index1 >= this.cards.length || index2 < 0 || index2 >= this.cards.length) return var temp = this.cards[index1] this.cards[index1] = this.cards[index2]; this.cards[index2] = temp; this.cards[index1 - 1].e.after(this.cards[index1]); this.cards[index2 - 1].e.after(this.cards[index2]); }, // Remove the card at the front of the deck (index length - 1), returns the card removed (if any) removeFront: function() { return this.removeCard(this.cards.length - 1); }, // Remove the card at the back of the deck (index 0), returns the card removed (if any) removeBack: function() { return this.removeCard(0); }, // Remove a card from the deck, returning the card element removeCard: function(index) { if(index < 0 || index >= this.cards.length) return this.e.removeChild(this.cards[index].e); return this.cards.splice(index, 1)[0]; } };