path: root/tnslc/compiler_structs.tnsl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tnslc/compiler_structs.tnsl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/tnslc/compiler_structs.tnsl b/tnslc/compiler_structs.tnsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ee9ce..0000000
--- a/tnslc/compiler_structs.tnsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-# Actual compilation of the vector of tokens, ported from the "dirty tnsl"
-# that was originally written for the interpreter
-# CompData represents three vectors:
-# hsec - the heading of the output assembly
-# dsec - the data tied to the assembly
-# csec - the .text section that is the code of the assembly
-struct CompData {
- Vector
- hsec,
- dsec,
- csec
-{}uint8 w_data_sec = "\n\nsection .data\n\n\0"
-{}uint8 w_text_sec = "\n\nsection .text\n\n\0"
-/; method CompData
- /; start
- self.hsec.start(1)
- self.dsec.start(1)
- self.csec.start(1)
- ;/
- /; add (CompData c)
- self.hsec.add(c.hsec)
- self.dsec.add(c.dsec)
- self.csec.add(c.csec)
- ;/
- /; _del
- self.hsec._del()
- self.dsec._del()
- self.csec._del()
- ;/
- /; write_file(~void fd)
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.hsec.num_el) [i++]
- _write_byte(fd, self.hsec.get(i))
- ;/
- write_to_file(fd, ~w_data_sec{0})
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.dsec.num_el) [i++]
- _write_byte(fd, self.dsec.get(i))
- ;/
- write_to_file(fd, ~w_text_sec{0})
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.csec.num_el) [i++]
- _write_byte(fd, self.csec.get(i))
- ;/
- ;/
-# Path represents the actual path of a file
-# that we are trying to tokenize
-# Assumes that the last item in the path array is a file name
-struct Path {
- int
- path_count,
- ~~uint8
- split_path
-/; method Path
- /; start (~uint8 path)
- self.split_path = _alloc(8)
- self.path_count = 0
- self.relative_file(path)
- ;/
- /; copy [Path]
- Path out
- ~uint8 f_pth = self.full_path()
- out.start(f_pth)
- _delete(f_pth)
- return out
- ;/
- /; relative_file(~uint8 rel_path)
- # Assume the last string is the file name
- /; if (self.path_count > 0)
- int idx = self.path_count - 1
- _delete(self.split_path{idx})
- self.path_count--
- ;/
- ~uint8 n_ptr = _alloc(1)
- n_ptr{0} = 0
- int idx = self.path_count
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < cstr_len(rel_path)) [i++]
- /; if (rel_path{i} == '\\' || rel_path{i} == '/')
- /; if (cstr_len(n_ptr) > 0)
- self.path_count++
- idx = self.path_count
- self.split_path = _realloc(self.split_path, idx * 8)
- self.split_path{idx - 1} = n_ptr
- n_ptr = _alloc(1)
- n_ptr{0} = 0
- ;/
- ;; else
- idx = cstr_len(n_ptr)
- n_ptr = _realloc(n_ptr, idx + 2)
- n_ptr{idx} = rel_path{i}
- n_ptr{idx + 1} = 0
- ;/
- ;/
- /; if (cstr_len(n_ptr) > 0)
- self.path_count++
- idx = self.path_count
- self.split_path = _realloc(self.split_path, idx * 8)
- self.split_path{idx - 1} = n_ptr
- ;/
- ;/
- /; full_path [~uint8]
- ~uint8 pth = _alloc(1)
- pth{0} = 0
- ~uint8 w_ptr = self.split_path{0}
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.path_count) [i++]
- w_ptr = self.split_path{i}
- int old_len = cstr_len(pth)
- int new_len = old_len + cstr_len(w_ptr)
- pth = _realloc(pth, new_len + 1)
- pth{new_len} = 0
- /; loop (int j = 0; j < cstr_len(w_ptr)) [j++]
- pth{old_len + j} = w_ptr{j}
- ;/
- /; if (i < self.path_count - 1)
- pth = _realloc(pth, new_len + 2)
- pth{new_len} = '/'
- pth{new_len + 1} = 0
- ;/
- ;/
- return pth
- ;/
- /; open_read [~void]
- ~uint8 path = self.full_path()
- ~void out = _open_file(path)
- _delete(path)
- return out
- ;/
- /; open_write [~void]
- ~uint8 path = self.full_path()
- ~void out = _create_file(path)
- _delete(path)
- return out
- ;/
- /; print_all
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.path_count) [i++]
- _printf(self.split_path{i})
- ;/
- ;/
- /; _del
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.path_count) [i++]
- _delete(self.split_path{i})
- ;/
- _delete(self.split_path)
- ;/
-# Compiler functions - here be dragons #
-enum POINTER_TYPE [uint8] {
- POINTER = 0,
- ARRAY = 2
-# 88 bytes long
-struct Type {
- int s,
- ~uint8 name,
- Vector ptr_chain,
- Vector members,
- ~Module mod
-/; method Type
- /; start
- self.ptr_chain.start(1)
- # 112 is the size of one Variable struct
- self.members.start(112)
- self.s = -1
- ;/
- /; copy [Type]
- Type out
- = cstr_make_copy(
- out.mod = self.mod
- out.s = self.s
- out.ptr_chain.copy(self.ptr_chain)
- # Deep copy members
- out.members.start(112)
- ~Variable v
- Variable cpy
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.members) [i++]
- v = self.members.get(i)
- cpy = v`.copy()
- out.members.push(~cpy)
- ;/
- return out
- ;/
- /; push_ptr (uint8 ptype)
- self.ptr_chain.push(~ptype)
- ;/
- /; pop_ptr [uint8]
- int l = self.ptr_chain.num_el
- uint8 out
- out = self.ptr_chain.get(l)
- self.ptr_chain.pop()
- return out
- ;/
- /; push_member(Variable member)
- Variable to_push = member.copy()
- self.members.push(~to_push)
- ;/
- /; _del
- self.ptr_chain._del()
- ~Variable v
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.members.num_el) [i++]
- v = self.members.get(i)
- v`._del()
- ;/
- self.members._del()
- _delete(
- ;/
-{}uint8 CSV_PRIMITIVES = "uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64,uint,int8,int16,int32,int64,int,float32,float64,float,comp32,comp64,comp,vect,bool,type,void"
-{}uint8 sizes = {1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 4, 8, 8, 4, 8, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0}
-{}uint8 NONE = "NONE\0"
-/; get_primitive (Vector artifact) [Type]
- ~~uint8 str_ptr = artifact.get(0)
- int idx = in_csv(~CSV_PRIMITIVES, str_ptr`)
- Type out
- out.start()
- /; if (idx !< 0)
- out.s = sizes{idx}
- = str_ptr
- out.mod = 0
- return out
- ;/
- out.s = 0 - 1
- = ~NONE{0}
- out.mod = 0
- return out
-/; is_primitive (~uint8 name) [bool]
- int idx = in_csv(~CSV_PRIMITIVES, name)
- return idx !< 0
-# Variables #
-# 112 bytes long
-struct Variable {
- ~uint name,
- Type data_type,
- int location,
- loc_type
-/; method Variable
- /; start (Type t)
- self.data_type = t
- ;/
- /; copy [Variable]
- Variable out
- = cstr_make_copy(
- out.data_type = self.data_type.copy()
- out.location = self.location
- out.loc_type = self.loc_type
- return out
- ;/
- /; _del
- self.data_type._del()
- ;/
-# Functions #
-# 72 bytes long
-struct Function {
- ~uint8
- name,
- Vector
- inputs,
- outputs
-/; method Function
- /; start
- self.inputs.start(88)
- self.outputs.start(88)
- ;/
- /; _del
- ~Type t
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.inputs.num_el) [i++]
- t = self.inputs.get(i)
- t`._del()
- ;/
- self.inputs._del()
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.outputs.num_el) [i++]
- t = self.outputs.get(i)
- t`._del()
- ;/
- self.outputs._del()
- ;/
-# Modules #
-# 145 bytes long
-struct Module {
- ~Module
- parent,
- ~uint8
- name,
- bool
- exp, # Export or not
- Vector
- typ, # Types
- fnc, # Functions
- def, # Variable definitions (lables)
- sub # Sub modules
-/; method Module
- /; start
- self.typ.start(88)
- self.fnc.start(72) # not impl yet
- self.def.start(112)
- self.sub.start(145)
- self.parent = 0
- self.exp = false
- ;/
- /; push_struct(Type t)
- self.typ.push(~t)
- ;/
- /; push_sub(Module s)
- self.sub.push(~s)
- ;/
- /; _find_type(Vector a, int depth) [~Type]
- ~Type none = 0
- ~Module p = self.parent
- ~~uint8 cmp_ptr = a.get(depth)
- # If we've reached the num_el of the artifact, we are looking for
- # the type name in this module's type vector
- /; if (depth + 1 !< a.num_el)
- ~Type t
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.typ.num_el) [i++]
- t = self.typ.get(i)
- /; if (cstr_eq(t`.name, cmp_ptr`) == true)
- return t
- ;/
- ;/
- # Else we are looking to see if we can find the next sub module
- # in the artifact
- ;; else
- ~Module m
- ~Type t = 0
- /; loop (int j = 0; j < self.sub.num_el) [j++]
- m = self.typ.get(j)
- /; if (cstr_eq(m`.name, cmp_ptr`) == true)
- t = m`._find_type(a, depth + 1)
- break
- ;/
- ;/
- /; if (t !== 0)
- return t
- ;/
- ;/
- # If the parent is zero, we are the root module, and should return 0
- # likewise, if we are above depth 0, we have been called from _find_type
- # and do not need to search our parent (the caller)
- /; if (p == 0 || depth > 0)
- return none
- ;/
- # Recursive search upwards
- return p`._find_type(a, 0)
- ;/
- /; find_type (Vector artifact) [Type]
- ~Type t = self._find_type(artifact, 0)
- /; if (t == 0)
- return get_primitive(artifact)
- ;/
- return t`.copy()
- ;/
- /; _del
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.typ.num_el) [i++]
- ~Type t = self.typ.get(i)
- t`._del()
- ;/
- self.typ._del()
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.fnc.num_el) [i++]
- ~Function f = self.fnc.get(i)
- f`._del()
- ;/
- self.fnc._del()
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.def.num_el) [i++]
- ~Variable v = self.def.get(i)
- v`._del()
- ;/
- self.def._del()
- /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.sub.num_el) [i++]
- ~Module m = self.sub.get(i)
- m`._del()
- ;/
- self.sub._del()
- _delete(
- ;/