# tnsl-lang This is the base repository for the tnsl language, and includes the standard compiler implementation, specification, and libtnsl implementation. The specification and compiler are licenced under the CDDL-1.0 (LICENCE.md), while libtnsl is dual-licenced under both the CDDL-1.0 (LICENCE.md) and BSD-3-Clause (libtnsl/LICENCE-BSD3.md). ## tnsl specification Under the folder `spec` is the TNSL language's specification. It has been broken up into chapters in markdown format. Any sub-folders are details on other related projects such as libtnsl (the standard library) and tnslc (the default compiler). Current specification version: 0.0.1 ## libtnsl An implimentation of the TNSL standard library. Dual licenced under the CDDL 1.0 and BSD 3-clause licences. Current focused portions of libtnsl (in order of importance): - Type reflection and implimentation - Stream operations (file, io, etc.) - Basic data containers ## tnslc The standard TNSL compiler suite. Contains a universal front end for producing ASTs and multiple backends for seperate ISAs. Focused ISAs at this time (in order of importance): - x86 - arm64 - risc-v ## notice Until the go based interpereter is done, some code may not be correct TNSL code to account for inconsistancies in the bootstrap interpereter. However, the code shouldn't be too far from normal TNSL, the only real difference should be import statements, which will be fixed after the compiler can compile itself. ## Status Specification: incomplete libtnsl: incomplete tnslc: incomplete ## Credits Copyright 2021 Kyle Gunger This file is licensed under the CDDL 1.0 (the License) and may only be used in accordance with the License. You should have received a copy of the License with this software/source code. If you did not, a copy can be found at the following URL: https://opensource.org/licenses/CDDL-1.0 THIS SOFTWARE/SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY, GUARANTEE, OR CLAIM OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED