/## Copyright 2021-2022 Kyle Gunger Dual licensed under the CDDL 1.0 and BSD 3-Clause licenses. This file may only be used in accordance with one of the two licenses. You should have received a copy of each license with the source code. In the event that you did not recieve a copy of the licenses, they may be found at the following URLs: CDDL 1.0: https://opensource.org/licenses/CDDL-1.0 BSD 3-Clause: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause THIS SOFTWARE/SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY, GUARANTEE, OR CLAIM OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED #/ /## _LIB_TABLE The array of library export trees. Convention: - index 0 is always reserved for language-specific types + libtnsl - index 0 module 0 represents the fundimental in-built types like int #/ : extern const {}~library _LIB_TABLE ; raw struct library { # Version uint16 major, minor, patch ~sym_node root_node } /## tnsl.reflect._method Metadata for methods (can be decoded from library symbol tables). Limits for methods defined here: - Max 2^8 inputs - Max 2^8 outputs #/ ; raw struct _method { {uint8}charp name, {uint8}~_type inputs, outputs, ~void address } /## tnsl.reflect._member Metadata about struct members #/ ; raw struct _member { {uint8}charp name, _type member_type, uint byte_offset } /## tnsl.reflect.sym_node Represents a module in a symbol tree #/ ; raw struct sym_node { {uint8}charp name, uint16 id, {}~sym_node sub_modules, {}~sym_type sub_types } /## tnsl.reflect.sym_type Represents a type in a symbol tree #/ ; raw struct sym_type { {uint8}charp name, {uint8}~sym_type super_types, } ############################### # Traverse the Library Tree # ############################### /; get_sym_node (~sym_node root, uint16 mod_id) [~sym_node] /;loop (root != null) /; loop (uint16 sub = 0; sub < len `root.sub_modules) [sub++] /; if (mod_id < `root.sub_modules{sub}.id) /; if (sub == 0) ; return null ;/ ;root = `root.sub_modules{sub - 1} ; continue 1 ;; else if (mod_id == `root.sub_modules{sub}.id) ; return `root.sub_modules{sub} ;/ ;/ ; break ;/ ; return null ;/ /; get_sym_node (uint16 lib_id, mod_id) [~sym_node] ;~library lib = _LIB_TABLE{lib_id} ;return get_sym_node(`lib.root_node, mod_id) ;/ /; get_sym_type(uint16 lib_id, mod_id, typ_id) [~sym_type] ;~library lib = _LIB_TABLE{lib_id} ;~sym_node mod = get_sym_node(`lib.root_node, mod_id) ;return `mod.sub_types{typ_id} ;/ /; get_sym_type(`const {}charp path) [~sym_type] ;/