# Must be included at the top of the file asm "extern malloc" asm "extern realloc" asm "extern free" asm "extern printf" asm "extern CreateFileA" asm "extern ReadFile" asm "extern WriteFile" asm "extern CloseHandle" {}uint8 _alert = "Alert!\n\0" {}uint8 _dec = "%d\n\0" /; _alloc (uint size) [~void] ~void out # Mov size into proper register, and set all extras to zero asm "mov rcx, r8" asm "mov rdx, 0" asm "mov r8, 0" asm "mov r9, 0" asm "sub rsp, 32" asm "call malloc" # Set out to the returned value # (The compiler assignes spaces sequentially, and we have a uint in r8) asm "mov r9, rax" return out ;/ /; _realloc (~void ptr, uint new_size) [~void] ~void out # Mov ptr and new size into proper registers, and set all extras to zero asm "mov rcx, r8" asm "mov rdx, r9" asm "mov r8, 0" asm "mov r9, 0" # Do call asm "sub rsp, 32" asm "call realloc" # Set out to the returned value # (The compiler assignes spaces sequentially. We have a ptr in r8, and a uint in r9) asm "mov r10, rax" return out ;/ /; _delete (~void ptr) # setup call by clearing most values asm "mov rcx, r8" asm "mov rdx, 0" asm "mov r8, 0" asm "mov r9, 0" # do call asm "sub rsp, 32" asm "call free" # there's no more to do 'cause free returns nothing ;/ /; _printf (~void str) # setup call by clearing most values asm "mov rcx, r8" asm "mov rdx, 0" asm "mov r8, 0" asm "mov r9, 0" # do call asm "push qword 0" asm "push qword 0" asm "push qword 0" asm "push qword 0" asm "call printf" # there's no more to do 'cause printf returns nothing ;/ /; _print_num (~void str, int num) # setup call by clearing most values asm "mov rcx, r8" asm "mov rdx, r9" asm "mov rdi, 0" asm "mov rsi, 0" asm "mov r8, 0" asm "mov r9, 0" # do call asm "sub rsp, 32" asm "call printf" # there's no more to do 'cause printf returns nothing ;/ # Create file for writing (overwrite) /; _create_file (~void name) [~void] ~void out asm "mov rcx, r8" # lpFileName asm "mov rdx, 1" # dwDesiredAccess asm "shl rdx, 28" # (GENERIC_READ 1 << 31 | GENERIC_WRITE 1 << 30) asm "mov r8, 3" # dwShareMode asm "mov r9, 0" # lpSecurityAttributes asm "push qword 0" # hTemplateFile asm "push qword 128" # dwFlagsAndAttributes (NORMAL_FILE = 128) asm "push qword 2" # dwCreationDisposition (CREATE_ALWAYS = 2) # Shadow space asm "push r9" asm "push r8" asm "push rdx" asm "push rcx" # Do call asm "call CreateFileA" # Set out to the returned value # (The compiler assignes spaces sequentially. We have a ptr in r8) asm "mov r9, rax" return out ;/ # Open file for reading or writing (no overwrite) /; _open_file (~void name) [~void] ~void out asm "mov rcx, r8" # lpFileName asm "mov rdx, 1" # dwDesiredAccess asm "shl rdx, 28" # (GENERIC_READ 1 << 31 | GENERIC_WRITE 1 << 30) asm "mov r8, 3" # dwShareMode asm "mov r9, 0" # lpSecurityAttributes asm "push qword 0" # hTemplateFile asm "push qword 128" # dwFlagsAndAttributes (NORMAL_FILE = 128) asm "push qword 3" # dwCreationDisposition (OPEN_EXISTING = 3) # Shadow space asm "push r9" asm "push r8" asm "push rdx" asm "push rcx" # Do call asm "call CreateFileA" # Set out to the returned value # (The compiler assignes spaces sequentially. We have a ptr in r8, and a uint in r9) asm "mov r9, rax" return out ;/ /; _close_file (~void handle) asm "mov rcx, r8" # handle asm "mov rdx, 0" asm "mov r8, 0" asm "mov r9, 0" # Shadow space asm "push r9" asm "push r8" asm "push rdx" asm "push rcx" asm "call CloseHandle" asm "add rsp, 32" ;/ /; _read_byte (~void handle, ~uint8 byte, ~int read) [int] int out asm "mov rcx, r8" # handle asm "mov rdx, r9" # buffer asm "mov r8, 1" # one byte asm "mov r9, r10" # read bytes buffer asm "push qword 0" # Shadow space asm "push r9" asm "push r8" asm "push rdx" asm "push rcx" asm "call ReadFile" asm "mov r11, rax" return out ;/ /; _write_byte (~void handle, ~uint8 byte) [int] int out asm "mov rcx, r8" # handle asm "mov rdx, r9" # buffer asm "mov r8, 1" # one byte asm "mov r9, 0" asm "push qword 0" # Shadow space asm "push r9" asm "push r8" asm "push rdx" asm "push rcx" asm "call WriteFile" asm "mov r10, rax" return out ;/ /; print_alert _printf(~_alert{0}) ;/