struct Module { ~uint8 name, ~Module parent, utils.Vector vars, funcs, submods, bool exported } /; method Module /; init (~uint8 name, ~Module parent, bool exported) self.parent = parent self.exported = exported = utils.strclone(name) Variable v self.vars.init(len v) Function f self.funcs.init(len f) Module m self.submods.init(len m) ;/ # Assumes that variable will be freed by this module /; add_var (~Variable v) self.vars.push(v) ;/ # Assumes that function will be freed by this module /; add_func (~Function f) self.funcs.push(f) ;/ # Assumes that submod will be freed by this module /; add_sub (~Module s) self.submods.push(s) ;/ # Free all contained substructures /; end _delete( ~Variable v /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.vars.count) [i++] v = self.vars.get(i) v`.end() ;/ ~Function f /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.funcs.count) [i++] f = self.funcs.get(i) f`.end() ;/ ~Module s /; loop (int i = 0; i < self.submods.count) [i++] s = self.submods.get(i) s`.end() ;/ self.vars.end() self.funcs.end() self.submods.end() ;/ ;/