path: root/spec/spec.txt
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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/spec/spec.txt b/spec/spec.txt
index 033bb32..4086d3c 100644
--- a/spec/spec.txt
+++ b/spec/spec.txt
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Each file may contain 0 or more of the following:
6) Module blocks
-Code blocks are the only blocks which may contain statements (1.3)
+Code blocks and method blocks are the only blocks which may contain statements (1.3) and logical blocks.
@@ -321,13 +321,19 @@ Statements make up the actual "doing" part of TNSL
1) Literal values
Literal numbers start with a decimal number, and can contain up to one non-number element:
- 0b1001 - valid
0 - valid
0.2341 - valid
120000 - valid
.34567 - invalid
- 0
+ 0asd...kj - invalid
+ Special bases:
+ 0b1001 - valid (binary)
+ 0o0127 - valid (octal)
+ 0xABCD - valid (hex)
+ 0BZZZZ - valid (base 64)
These rules will be ammended and are mostly for ease of parsing in the first version of the language.
@@ -344,14 +350,24 @@ Statements make up the actual "doing" part of TNSL
" - invalid
Literal characters use '' and either an escape character or a single character/code point between them
+ ' ' - valid
+ '\u2000' - valid
+ '\\' - valid
+ '\'' - valid
+ invalid:
+ '\u200220202asdasdaw qwe '
+ '\\asd asd '
+ 'ab'
+ '\'
+ '
2) Call with a return
calling a function is as simple as naming a block of code and then calling it with parentheses
# Define
- /; add ()
+ /; add
# Call (not expression)
@@ -403,8 +419,7 @@ Statements make up the actual "doing" part of TNSL
1.4: Types
TNSL's type system consists of built-in types, user interfaces, and user structs.
-The built-in types are always on the stack, while user types can be on the stack, on the heap,
-or somewhere in between.
+The built-in types are always on the stack, while user types can be on the stack or the heap.
1.4.1: Built-in types
Built-in types are meant to be portable so that tnsl can be backported to whatever system one may want.
@@ -453,20 +468,17 @@ or somewhere in between.
uint64 - 64 bit unsigned int
float64 - 64 bit floating point
- simd (NICE):
- not really sure how these work yet. I'll get back to you
+ vect (NICE):
+ vector, simd, etc. not really sure how these work yet. I'll get back to you
size 128 (NICE):
- comp128 - complex 128 bit (2 64 bit floats in a trenchcoat)
1.4.2: User defined types (stack)
Any structs defined not using pointers are automatically allocated on the stack.
- The meta type is really a pointer, and so structs using it will not be completely on
- the stack.
Structs are normally alligned to byte boundaries
@@ -474,11 +486,11 @@ or somewhere in between.
Defining a struct can be done as follows:
- ;struct <struct name> ( <optional inputs> ) { <list of members (may use inputs)> }
+ ;struct <struct name> (<list of inputs (makes this a dynamic type)>) { <list of members (may use inputs)> }
- ;struct Vector2 {x, y int32}
+ ;struct Vector2 {int32 x, y}
Creating a variable from the struct can be done in two ways:
@@ -501,14 +513,14 @@ or somewhere in between.
method block example using operator
- /; method ~Vector2
+ /; method Vector2
- /; operator + (v ~Vector2)
+ /; operator + (~Vector2 v)
;self.x += `v.x
;self.y += `v.y
- /; dot (v ~Vector2) [int32]
+ /; dot (~Vector2 v) [int32]
;return self.x * `v.x + self.y * `v.y
@@ -605,12 +617,12 @@ and how functions are first-class in TNSL
Anonymous blocks can be written only as scope, or with inputs and outputs for function calls.
- /; call_func (to_call void(int32)[int32]) [int32]
+ /; call_func (void(int32)[int32] to_call) [int32]
;return to_call(5)
/; provide_anon () [int32]
- ;return call_func(/; (a int32) [int32]
+ ;return call_func(/; (int32 a) [int32]
;return a + 1
@@ -866,4 +878,51 @@ Augmented boolean operators (a !<op> b) = !(a <op> b)
>== - Same as !<
-<== - Same as !> \ No newline at end of file
+<== - Same as !>
+Appendix C: Memory control (and speed) with each type of struct
+Each type of user-definable type or struct or interface grants
+it's own level of memory control. These (and their ramifications) are
+listed here from low to high.
+High level, low control structs (dynamic structs) are created when using
+the parameters for structs/types. They allow variable length which can
+house different information at the cost of speed, memory, and control.
+These are the only type of structs which can house other dynamic structs.
+Dynamic structs can only be passes by reference due to undefined size at
+Medium level, medium control structs (type structs) are created normaly
+through the struct keyword without parameters. These structs are fixed
+length, but the compiler encodes extra info into them. This means they
+get method resolution and override checks which may reduce speed of the
+Low level, high control structs (raw structs) are created using the "raw"
+keyword before the "struct" keyword. There are no frills, and method
+resolution is not performed for these structs. These structs may not
+extend or be extended. They may, however, implement interfaces. They
+perform as a "what you see is what you get" kind of memory model. They
+may not use parameters, and all internal types must be consistant length
+(no dynamic structs or dynamic type identifiers).
+To summerize:
+All these structs can encode the same info, but as you get lower to
+the system, you get the bonus of speed and control while losing higher
+level functions provided by the language.
+This shouldn't matter much to most programmers unless they are doing
+embedded development, systems programming, or firmware programming,
+but it is still a consideration to make for time-sensitive applications. \ No newline at end of file