class Client { /** * @param {HTMLElement} content The base element where page content is placed */ constructor (content) { /** @type {DescAny[]} */ let desc = [ { type: "button", name: "bt", props: {}, }, { type: "checkbox", name: "cb", props: {}, state: true }, { type: "toggle", name: "tg", props: {}, state: false }, { type: "slider", name: "sli", props: {max: 10, min: 1}, state: 6 }, { type: "color-light", name: "cli", state: 0.7 }, { type: "color-temp", name: "ctp", state: 3000 }, { type: "color-wheel", name: "cwh", state: Color.from_rgb(255, 200, 200) }, { type: "thermostat", name: "thm", props: {gague: 69}, state: 72 }, { type: "scrubber", name: "scb", props: {min: 60, max: 80, step: 1}, state: 72 } ]; this.set = new WidgetSet(desc, "set"); this.set.apply_to(content); this.set.addEventListener("change", this.changeSet.bind(this)); this.content = content; } /** @param {CustomEvent} e */ changeSet(e) { if ( == "scb" && e.detail.changed == "value") this.set.widgets["thm"].set(e.detail.value); } } let contents = document.getElementsByTagName("content"); if (contents.length > 0) OSmClient = new Client(contents[0]); else console.error("Unable to find content tag, OSm stopping client.");