path: root/board/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'board/main')
-rw-r--r--board/main/output/v1.11/OSm_Thermal_v1.11.zipbin0 -> 66938 bytes
131 files changed, 41073 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/board/main/.gitattributes b/board/main/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee07cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Note:
+# This file may be overwritten by LibrePCB when upgrading the project to a newer
+# version. So, if you make any changes in this file, you should review/correct
+# it after an upgrade. If you think that something is missing here, please open
+# a new issue on our issue tracker:
+# Disable automatic end-of-line conversion for all files. This is to prevent Git
+# from (silently) modifying files which are read and written by LibrePCB. Do not
+# remove this line (or file) as is could lead into annoying and wrong behavior!
+* -text
diff --git a/board/main/.gitignore b/board/main/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06de8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Note:
+# This file may be overwritten by LibrePCB when upgrading the project to a newer
+# version. So, if you make any changes in this file, you should review/correct
+# it after an upgrade. If you think that something is missing here, please open
+# a new issue on our issue tracker:
+# LibrePCB files
+# Files created by operating systems or file managers
+# Files created by other applications
diff --git a/board/main/.librepcb-project b/board/main/.librepcb-project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/.librepcb-project
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/LICENSE.txt b/board/main/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e72ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
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diff --git a/board/main/OSm_Thermal.lpp b/board/main/OSm_Thermal.lpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e5b5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/OSm_Thermal.lpp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+LIBREPCB-PROJECT \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/board/main/ b/board/main/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c16cceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# OSm Thermal
+## Description
+Header board for a raspberry pi so it can act as a
+This is a [LibrePCB]( project!
+## License
+See [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt).
diff --git a/board/main/boards/boards.lp b/board/main/boards/boards.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b155b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/boards/boards.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ (board "boards/power/board.lp")
diff --git a/board/main/boards/power/board.lp b/board/main/boards/power/board.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1365095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/boards/power/board.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,3546 @@
+(librepcb_board b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf
+ (name "Main")
+ (default_font "newstroke.bene")
+ (grid (interval 0.25) (unit millimeters))
+ (layers (inner 0))
+ (thickness 1.6)
+ (solder_resist green)
+ (silkscreen white)
+ (silkscreen_layers_top top_legend top_names top_values)
+ (silkscreen_layers_bot bot_legend bot_names bot_values)
+ (design_rules
+ (stopmask_max_via_drill_diameter 0.5)
+ (stopmask_clearance (ratio 0.0) (min 0.1) (max 0.1))
+ (solderpaste_clearance (ratio 0.1) (min 0.0) (max 1.0))
+ (pad_annular_ring (outer full) (inner auto) (ratio 0.25) (min 0.25) (max 2.0))
+ (via_annular_ring (ratio 0.25) (min 0.2) (max 2.0))
+ )
+ (design_rule_check
+ (min_copper_copper_clearance 0.1778)
+ (min_copper_board_clearance 0.3)
+ (min_copper_npth_clearance 0.25)
+ (min_drill_drill_clearance 0.35)
+ (min_drill_board_clearance 0.5)
+ (min_silkscreen_stopmask_clearance 0.127)
+ (min_copper_width 0.2)
+ (min_annular_ring 0.2)
+ (min_npth_drill_diameter 0.3)
+ (min_pth_drill_diameter 0.3)
+ (min_npth_slot_width 1.0)
+ (min_pth_slot_width 0.7)
+ (min_silkscreen_width 0.15)
+ (min_silkscreen_text_height 0.8)
+ (min_outline_tool_diameter 2.0)
+ (blind_vias_allowed false)
+ (buried_vias_allowed false)
+ (allowed_npth_slots single_segment_straight)
+ (allowed_pth_slots single_segment_straight)
+ (approvals_version "1")
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (device 05fb3408-c9fb-401b-b8bf-a72c462cae4c)
+ (pad a29e8718-e513-4e04-a066-9c16eb98db2d)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (device 0f474324-9bc7-4322-8304-01e88a920696)
+ (pad d3c8b567-b538-4b79-aeaf-321e6990de8b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (device 9eac99f9-953f-42e3-ab87-ec108ec4bd03)
+ (pad 5eb43e50-29c4-47aa-8a6d-60999d8f4729)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 0cb9ea06-2cb0-4642-b790-8dee6b682f82)
+ (trace 2e27937a-64f0-4ee4-96a6-de93f7d2d4a1)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 0cb9ea06-2cb0-4642-b790-8dee6b682f82)
+ (trace 561a6b10-e83d-45df-b7a5-33f2c3ee1354)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 0cb9ea06-2cb0-4642-b790-8dee6b682f82)
+ (trace c29d8435-30e5-4a55-a619-165cdb4106e3)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 0cb9ea06-2cb0-4642-b790-8dee6b682f82)
+ (trace eaf9b4b6-d13f-452d-bfe7-b90d7ae35df9)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 17633f04-a26e-441f-9558-8955411610d6)
+ (trace 88655e01-28ea-4dcb-a5ef-dcb01daeeca7)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 17633f04-a26e-441f-9558-8955411610d6)
+ (trace a5fd2b06-dfee-4ba0-ab36-6ad40690ffe6)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 17633f04-a26e-441f-9558-8955411610d6)
+ (trace d6108638-7775-4e3b-8211-4efa229e2412)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 5052c45a-bf2c-41b3-b01e-a500e6f742a9)
+ (trace 4eb484d2-b93a-496e-b9d1-0d5469e0b790)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 5052c45a-bf2c-41b3-b01e-a500e6f742a9)
+ (trace 65e18876-066d-4711-8c89-0181f32438ad)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 22952059-260b-4340-bfee-169ad7987f8b))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 5052c45a-bf2c-41b3-b01e-a500e6f742a9)
+ (trace 86318aa3-285f-4ad6-a669-4736d41e052c)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (device 0f474324-9bc7-4322-8304-01e88a920696)
+ (pad 49b7dd66-a2e0-4d4b-b947-5b506fd12d89)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (device 0f474324-9bc7-4322-8304-01e88a920696)
+ (pad afc31e08-24d7-43db-955c-3d47a7b2551e)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (device 0f474324-9bc7-4322-8304-01e88a920696)
+ (pad d8ec911a-921f-4e39-b497-7581c2cbfc6a)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (device 0f474324-9bc7-4322-8304-01e88a920696)
+ (pad ff85e090-199c-47f9-aacb-3b8aa7c10fda)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 1e3cc59f-f96b-4f44-8dd4-026dfed07cff)
+ (trace 25fb2ccc-6d95-48e2-8ded-3a11e5ec590c)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 3241fab9-1dd3-41f7-bb4c-fba7ca20201d)
+ (trace 0826ed36-b379-4e1b-a5ff-0b0f33c3216d)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 3241fab9-1dd3-41f7-bb4c-fba7ca20201d)
+ (trace 898d51b7-64b4-4199-93a4-f6cfd350cde4)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 3241fab9-1dd3-41f7-bb4c-fba7ca20201d)
+ (trace aef5dd92-22f8-4d72-9096-915cccb05158)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 3241fab9-1dd3-41f7-bb4c-fba7ca20201d)
+ (trace d08a10d3-bdff-4337-9a60-50b032276860)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 67262076-d24e-4608-a6b9-f40acc22eb5e)
+ (trace 3b3eb709-bf62-4ac2-ba4b-d29af11df629)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 67262076-d24e-4608-a6b9-f40acc22eb5e)
+ (trace 491110fa-7676-447e-a6fa-fe5dbe4c73c6)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 67262076-d24e-4608-a6b9-f40acc22eb5e)
+ (trace 7e42fe8a-3ab7-4f12-9fda-e8ede124388d)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 44147107-eb67-42ba-9c92-be0656acd0bd))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 67262076-d24e-4608-a6b9-f40acc22eb5e)
+ (trace c8c79fc3-a372-4e2a-87d6-e8c9826ee427)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device 05fb3408-c9fb-401b-b8bf-a72c462cae4c)
+ (pad f1377a22-9cc7-46bc-b34d-88f8e54e1ee0)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device 31596a36-1fa4-4c96-bc6d-79771f142df4)
+ (pad 4f6ec20b-c2e7-47d9-ba0e-8cde302966c5)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device 31596a36-1fa4-4c96-bc6d-79771f142df4)
+ (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device 98efd561-45f9-4931-8033-c38ccf5f5da5)
+ (pad 4f6ec20b-c2e7-47d9-ba0e-8cde302966c5)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device 98efd561-45f9-4931-8033-c38ccf5f5da5)
+ (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978)
+ (pad a1cf62e8-b075-4c6e-aab3-5ac98aa998c8)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978)
+ (pad d6bf9808-e8fa-4e18-944d-cd4422121d30)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device c0f64001-86fb-4cad-914e-168f9a486196)
+ (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device e6a6bef4-31c9-4997-b5f4-8e413fa676e2)
+ (pad 4f6ec20b-c2e7-47d9-ba0e-8cde302966c5)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device e6a6bef4-31c9-4997-b5f4-8e413fa676e2)
+ (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device ee87f9fc-38f5-4fec-9344-36b08952008e)
+ (pad 4f6ec20b-c2e7-47d9-ba0e-8cde302966c5)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device ee87f9fc-38f5-4fec-9344-36b08952008e)
+ (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (device fa699f55-aa8c-4f8e-ae23-47f51683b51b)
+ (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 118cf1e2-4b3b-4014-b2cb-bb5a56475b34)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 3e83e664-5048-45e5-8bdf-ec43c2613ccd)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 41d2ce3c-a338-4d7b-a11b-1749c1af065b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 49d106c8-35db-41d7-8990-fea9b455b714)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 630c8a17-c6b2-4fa9-a8eb-839bc6b7a84b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 7874f255-d542-4d71-8748-810153f898a7)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 8a51f328-913b-4f13-95d8-2544f21e7955)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace 8ddc2408-5fe1-4b1a-88a2-88de52182c9f)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace aad9c6dd-79da-4863-83e8-aa0563bfea49)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace ab6240b4-043c-465b-b269-f161ad824de9)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace b5587279-d603-4db2-94f4-64287fb0feb7)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace d062b7fc-d63c-4a1f-8572-74d686243342)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace d277fb7b-0bc9-4665-b96f-9e781f50dcac)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 072d551f-28d4-4a47-9e20-6f742ab5c7fa)
+ (trace e241b1c2-2e0a-448c-9b9a-b394979a8211)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 86eeed7d-4aa8-4adf-b79e-9baf43dd13b2)
+ (trace 15c48110-7abf-4cd1-bf3e-ae4e625542d9)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 86eeed7d-4aa8-4adf-b79e-9baf43dd13b2)
+ (trace 63e32f22-a252-4344-aa7d-74b8684c670e)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 86eeed7d-4aa8-4adf-b79e-9baf43dd13b2)
+ (trace 7093bd30-e50b-4950-a54d-c2fc4aec382b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 86eeed7d-4aa8-4adf-b79e-9baf43dd13b2)
+ (trace 736e4d23-da15-4074-ba62-fca7dda3378c)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 86eeed7d-4aa8-4adf-b79e-9baf43dd13b2)
+ (trace d28cf10d-ae14-474f-b9c9-06102564e260)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace 1e0893af-2247-43f6-a158-dcbd9b453e9f)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace 31e9875f-761a-4397-a817-9a883d89d5a1)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace 39f77d88-8652-4ef7-8320-c73546fb7301)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace 4f952ce4-882b-4a37-b2c2-06fe2cacb783)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace 6709f582-884d-45b5-8776-a8318bd074ae)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace a0f225df-1ce3-4059-9f09-4564edaa27dc)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace a31f6288-8fcb-4470-aa07-85420db701ba)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace b46b538e-4e30-4bca-8fdd-07eaded41c2b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace cee13fa7-0ee7-4cf6-ac5a-3b207d48b888)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace eaf5eb37-9d83-4960-9734-e82cc93da848)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon 5af5b15a-eb83-4f4a-a8c0-53680b675650))
+ (object
+ (netsegment ad279b5f-7c52-42c3-bb05-711a49e26d02)
+ (trace ed610ee2-3d38-47f8-91c1-8c28108d3878)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device 05fb3408-c9fb-401b-b8bf-a72c462cae4c)
+ (pad f1377a22-9cc7-46bc-b34d-88f8e54e1ee0)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device 31596a36-1fa4-4c96-bc6d-79771f142df4)
+ (pad 3f47d5a1-4030-4758-9602-bc8f6e3cdd6b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device 98efd561-45f9-4931-8033-c38ccf5f5da5)
+ (pad 3f47d5a1-4030-4758-9602-bc8f6e3cdd6b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device 98efd561-45f9-4931-8033-c38ccf5f5da5)
+ (pad 8aba3f21-607c-49f0-8447-d059b3f77304)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978)
+ (pad a1cf62e8-b075-4c6e-aab3-5ac98aa998c8)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978)
+ (pad d6bf9808-e8fa-4e18-944d-cd4422121d30)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device c0f64001-86fb-4cad-914e-168f9a486196)
+ (pad af3ead15-37a6-474d-8698-e4a22bd117de)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device e6a6bef4-31c9-4997-b5f4-8e413fa676e2)
+ (pad 3f47d5a1-4030-4758-9602-bc8f6e3cdd6b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (device ee87f9fc-38f5-4fec-9344-36b08952008e)
+ (pad 3f47d5a1-4030-4758-9602-bc8f6e3cdd6b)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 014bf8d1-6af8-4dcc-ae1b-58ac7c743e58)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 13c7dd28-d814-4875-a864-e61abec99751)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 1b6e2c9c-528d-4654-a900-0045570022a1)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 1bafbff7-a6ac-431d-a8ca-588c468950ed)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 200500a6-964e-4bf4-85b7-398401afb879)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 2dc1c1f7-5faf-448b-a19d-c003d622e4d9)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 4ca0994e-1dca-4521-bdbe-18358a23948d)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 572ab9eb-9cf9-494d-9544-a4d94adc708d)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
+ (trace 75006b60-18ce-4ea6-af1b-a8b38e31e8a9)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 04008fe5-c951-48bf-bd80-8ebed85be142)
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ (netsegment 4bb514bd-34d5-4c20-8c98-b05f534b655e)
+ (trace 76923d68-105a-40b9-a21d-5d22b6ba40b5)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
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+ (netsegment 4bb514bd-34d5-4c20-8c98-b05f534b655e)
+ (trace 7d3f18ab-03e4-472e-ab6d-65d0e202f25d)
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+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
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+ (netsegment 4bb514bd-34d5-4c20-8c98-b05f534b655e)
+ (trace 9803eafb-58d8-4eb6-b619-bc24c3b31652)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
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+ (netsegment 4bb514bd-34d5-4c20-8c98-b05f534b655e)
+ (trace 9abd0da7-0225-4197-9067-2e742a8dd5ab)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
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+ (netsegment 4bb514bd-34d5-4c20-8c98-b05f534b655e)
+ (trace 9c30ea79-1dd4-4ae4-ac9b-46911ddef109)
+ )
+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
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+ (netsegment 4bb514bd-34d5-4c20-8c98-b05f534b655e)
+ (trace 9dd79634-c74c-4789-88d7-e4d07b5eb8be)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
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+ )
+ )
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+ (netsegment 9393b546-61c3-4e32-b5b1-523d08289dfb)
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+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
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+ )
+ (approved copper_clearance_violation
+ (object (polygon bead4a3c-c9c4-4970-8144-df6e1a2acbd8))
+ (object
+ (netsegment 9393b546-61c3-4e32-b5b1-523d08289dfb)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (stroke_text a3371065-a3f8-4abf-bacb-dec40a84590f (layer bot_names)
+ (height 0.5) (stroke_width 0.1) (letter_spacing auto) (line_spacing auto)
+ (align center bottom) (position 34.5 -22.75) (rotation 180.0)
+ (auto_rotate true) (mirror true) (lock false) (value "{{NAME}}")
+ )
+ (stroke_text ecd41705-cafd-4ab4-a55a-722a8d4fdb85 (layer bot_values)
+ (height 0.5) (stroke_width 0.1) (letter_spacing auto) (line_spacing auto)
+ (align center top) (position 34.5 -21.75) (rotation 180.0)
+ (auto_rotate true) (mirror true) (lock false) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ )
+ )
+ (device f6cb19ea-2420-4966-a665-144c8aea3a39
+ (lib_device b8f448cd-6ee9-4a2c-882d-2c0e14987552)
+ (lib_footprint 747a588f-728e-4173-a358-4ee1483e2de8)
+ (lib_3d_model none)
+ (position 21.5 -7.25) (rotation 0.0) (flip true) (lock false)
+ (stroke_text 34993a6c-6bcd-4a52-be21-265301f90976 (layer bot_names)
+ (height 0.5) (stroke_width 0.1) (letter_spacing auto) (line_spacing auto)
+ (align center bottom) (position 21.5 -5.5) (rotation 0.0)
+ (auto_rotate true) (mirror true) (lock false) (value "{{NAME}}")
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 032b0ae4-ca51-450d-a57f-8842e0c0a654
+ (net 696c0c3d-7c20-4fba-ae51-0065748c382f)
+ (junction 4addfb33-06f3-4c05-a915-4ae547e4aced (position 55.6 -30.9))
+ (junction 7f8891da-b7b4-48b3-83cb-ce9272feb561 (position 47.4 -30.9))
+ (trace 73e8af6f-b4d3-4f91-913f-8abc5e9d121c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 4addfb33-06f3-4c05-a915-4ae547e4aced))
+ (to (device c2ad6a93-1320-4b1c-9d59-cd319f1eb66f) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace 76c16811-2638-4fc0-8a7f-718fc05b289e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 9c759720-44cf-4b19-b8b1-98adb63935ab) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 4addfb33-06f3-4c05-a915-4ae547e4aced))
+ )
+ (trace 89c4ee83-9688-46c0-a440-d274d9d5d662 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 7f8891da-b7b4-48b3-83cb-ce9272feb561))
+ (to (device c2ad6a93-1320-4b1c-9d59-cd319f1eb66f) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace bd47d0c5-f165-46d9-a277-0ba1939cfaf9 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device bf8c2ac6-6bef-4681-8d40-49de366fb199) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction 7f8891da-b7b4-48b3-83cb-ce9272feb561))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 0d290ce1-966e-4bba-a3e1-ebeccefd4626
+ (net 0cc88ed9-7ab1-4f6a-bc53-367814c24f4a)
+ (junction 62645405-2265-4cfd-bb62-f1b9369e517c (position 65.25 -34.75))
+ (trace 145ca09a-2ac4-493b-9026-e9504bb3aeee (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 62645405-2265-4cfd-bb62-f1b9369e517c))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad f29d8ac8-5179-4708-a84f-325ecabd4ed2))
+ )
+ (trace daf211bc-9979-4ce4-8152-486b9768106f (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 9c759720-44cf-4b19-b8b1-98adb63935ab) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction 62645405-2265-4cfd-bb62-f1b9369e517c))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 0e181100-377c-461a-bc8d-1ed3ef74ebf3
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via c81b2332-4bb1-4db2-b6a4-2159804833c4 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 48.25 -28.0) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction f897987d-6bd0-4d7a-a011-8dd94d8176bd (position 48.25 -26.225))
+ (trace 0030821e-ab65-4eb2-98c0-15f05be9bbe1 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device e16a780c-11c3-4b8f-a2de-06133720f133) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction f897987d-6bd0-4d7a-a011-8dd94d8176bd))
+ )
+ (trace 698859e5-9695-4b38-825f-17731bdb36c0 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via c81b2332-4bb1-4db2-b6a4-2159804833c4))
+ (to (device bf8c2ac6-6bef-4681-8d40-49de366fb199) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ (trace da03b72d-4ee3-44c1-9029-4137724f7014 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction f897987d-6bd0-4d7a-a011-8dd94d8176bd))
+ (to (via c81b2332-4bb1-4db2-b6a4-2159804833c4))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 1142836f-15dd-420d-a582-7cc56063c81a
+ (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e)
+ (via 396434bf-261d-4eb0-a3d7-52ce8350254a (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 34.0 -43.25) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 92a2e1a6-4da3-477f-a8ed-82fbfa61086e (position 28.55 -45.525))
+ (junction cb420807-29eb-4502-b6e4-8dfa64f726c4 (position 31.725 -45.525))
+ (trace 30fe80ae-0195-4951-8ca7-9d685f3ffdf8 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (device 1201fa9f-0c31-4146-83aa-d5afafce5184) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 92a2e1a6-4da3-477f-a8ed-82fbfa61086e))
+ )
+ (trace a21232bb-da0b-424c-90a6-af6f851d0099 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (junction cb420807-29eb-4502-b6e4-8dfa64f726c4))
+ (to (device ee7abbb7-1d4b-46e9-8e35-a146efe1261a) (pad 466e0fd0-5b85-4d68-84d3-efa655938898))
+ )
+ (trace df8f43e5-4401-48fb-b070-d66749df6104 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (via 396434bf-261d-4eb0-a3d7-52ce8350254a))
+ (to (junction cb420807-29eb-4502-b6e4-8dfa64f726c4))
+ )
+ (trace ede75606-db39-4de8-8735-feceb16de955 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (junction 92a2e1a6-4da3-477f-a8ed-82fbfa61086e))
+ (to (device ee7abbb7-1d4b-46e9-8e35-a146efe1261a) (pad 466e0fd0-5b85-4d68-84d3-efa655938898))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 12b8db25-d488-492d-a56f-f4f723940dca
+ (net 99d1572a-d0ac-4c5d-b055-32a1b8efd5cc)
+ (junction 172abf6d-2564-4559-b99a-03baa932542c (position 74.0 -29.75))
+ (junction e85b4817-02bb-4eb9-b78d-1d4a163f4c86 (position 68.25 -29.75))
+ (trace 68b76c19-589e-4618-b9d4-bb7db0faea76 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 172abf6d-2564-4559-b99a-03baa932542c))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 19736fbe-aa67-454b-8048-6bed372bb1a3))
+ )
+ (trace e19fcb56-684b-4be6-9c71-479a264a6e83 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction e85b4817-02bb-4eb9-b78d-1d4a163f4c86))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 19736fbe-aa67-454b-8048-6bed372bb1a3))
+ )
+ (trace f3ee56ad-76a9-4f88-a0fe-a6087b3712df (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 7ab90019-26ee-4ae5-b669-d978dfa62995) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction e85b4817-02bb-4eb9-b78d-1d4a163f4c86))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 13230830-8ec6-4ed1-a950-39ae75772741
+ (net cb6c9b76-d1e8-4326-8da5-129806eb89d7)
+ (junction 5e12eb9d-8da6-4168-bb3a-61e5a874504a (position 29.85 -24.9))
+ (junction f9179146-c378-4758-9485-685765f67993 (position 22.15 -24.9))
+ (trace 730aa585-2849-4d40-9583-5c7de7c979df (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 5e12eb9d-8da6-4168-bb3a-61e5a874504a))
+ (to (device 0e2a5346-270d-49d4-85d8-1cbb5fd36efc) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace dd4f79cc-368f-4dc5-956d-a1590f546c50 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f699f4ae-d728-4a7e-bd2f-a08ce56eb74d) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 5e12eb9d-8da6-4168-bb3a-61e5a874504a))
+ )
+ (trace e7295a69-f57f-4b79-80a9-9315b0ea4de0 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction f9179146-c378-4758-9485-685765f67993))
+ (to (device 0e2a5346-270d-49d4-85d8-1cbb5fd36efc) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace f385860b-45c8-476f-bcd7-13c40287f6ed (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device b679c88a-a60d-4dc5-a265-dc34eccdc1b0) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction f9179146-c378-4758-9485-685765f67993))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 150c3e02-98c8-4946-8c28-864d7f085080
+ (net 92404067-50aa-4a1d-81fa-31d45eaf1b12)
+ (junction ad46b8b4-3f28-4023-9e9a-03dbe9f81998 (position 55.6 -22.9))
+ (junction fb31abb5-abbc-4b60-8c00-42a9cfb5b2e9 (position 47.4 -22.9))
+ (trace 581c3c05-0139-433e-93f3-b490be2140b0 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction fb31abb5-abbc-4b60-8c00-42a9cfb5b2e9))
+ (to (device ee778887-31b4-4f01-9018-a9d0bdad38b4) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace 91cf9644-0a5e-4bf8-ab25-1c28f0a177af (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction ad46b8b4-3f28-4023-9e9a-03dbe9f81998))
+ (to (device ee778887-31b4-4f01-9018-a9d0bdad38b4) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace 953b89ce-1be9-44d0-9316-13a3b6e3f0f9 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 7ab90019-26ee-4ae5-b669-d978dfa62995) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction ad46b8b4-3f28-4023-9e9a-03dbe9f81998))
+ )
+ (trace bb855b4f-4a6b-4533-b33a-c4b90afaf493 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device a81cb96b-e5a8-4a52-bb1b-33e1a83cf458) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction fb31abb5-abbc-4b60-8c00-42a9cfb5b2e9))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 16622a72-a912-4e03-9701-17bfe30329cb
+ (net 88b03d91-3993-4c36-b5d8-a20d2eb96ccc)
+ (junction 004f39a1-30c7-4340-9e48-c32f1db4e1c0 (position 47.4 -38.9))
+ (junction 5ecbb47c-3fd4-418d-8406-d6dfe08d3f68 (position 55.6 -38.9))
+ (trace 845b8739-65ab-430b-863a-555df22b0542 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 35099bc2-2343-44fe-8368-b22441aa6a3c) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction 004f39a1-30c7-4340-9e48-c32f1db4e1c0))
+ )
+ (trace a151b2ec-9417-47c9-acac-9a3fd440b04e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 004f39a1-30c7-4340-9e48-c32f1db4e1c0))
+ (to (device 9a2b9f0a-10b0-4bf4-ad17-11cbf48de9d4) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace b58aa103-13a3-40b1-8408-3d7937e337e2 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 72b5484a-906a-4e99-a49b-04dbf24cf835) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 5ecbb47c-3fd4-418d-8406-d6dfe08d3f68))
+ )
+ (trace dcb92094-8757-499c-918c-aa3e9c144668 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 5ecbb47c-3fd4-418d-8406-d6dfe08d3f68))
+ (to (device 9a2b9f0a-10b0-4bf4-ad17-11cbf48de9d4) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 16ecd370-7e3d-4854-bc56-729f8896fa5c
+ (net bcc7f942-323c-4efa-9e9c-ce7e7abce278)
+ (junction 8d3f2c8d-f1cf-4925-b8d0-030688e1e8a3 (position 22.92 -36.75))
+ (junction 97ff6ba6-1bfc-4155-8644-8783e0214b87 (position 46.25 -34.225))
+ (trace 6797c05b-e4c1-4931-85f6-13260a1522d8 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 59933ce5-6651-4978-b9d1-47cd21d6d631))
+ (to (junction 8d3f2c8d-f1cf-4925-b8d0-030688e1e8a3))
+ )
+ (trace 896c4613-d090-47d8-859b-0857204d7e91 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 97ff6ba6-1bfc-4155-8644-8783e0214b87))
+ (to (device 35099bc2-2343-44fe-8368-b22441aa6a3c) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace 9fb7c94d-30b8-426b-a7f9-427b7b92c64e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 8d3f2c8d-f1cf-4925-b8d0-030688e1e8a3))
+ (to (device 35099bc2-2343-44fe-8368-b22441aa6a3c) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace e6db4ef2-cbb7-4021-8160-226177346da8 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device 6c91ba05-d8ee-4290-87f9-3de392a15d35) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 97ff6ba6-1bfc-4155-8644-8783e0214b87))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 174e8042-c108-4a25-9c78-9a78832d25a8
+ (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e)
+ (via 016b00c2-c291-44c2-aab7-769acc63f3f1 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 35.5 -28.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (via 11d95c63-bff1-4c19-8296-30b7fd0834df (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 35.5 -39.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 0935268d-613a-45d7-a266-1f41ea51c517 (position 56.475 -24.475))
+ (junction 0acb0859-ced2-4c84-b4af-cd6c2aa5c842 (position 57.25 -47.5))
+ (junction 0f9f0c17-5c6c-45d6-87b1-942b5306c4e0 (position 30.975 -2.475))
+ (junction 238ea439-f741-46c5-9e5c-1f057648828e (position 31.75 -3.25))
+ (junction 4c095269-cf4d-4fe9-a80d-d506c4b1aa9d (position 57.25 -33.25))
+ (junction 5bf32a96-394d-4d1a-94d6-8b84e6c81956 (position 31.75 -19.25))
+ (junction 620fb07d-d670-4ab2-87ad-4f4a303d62b9 (position 56.475 -16.475))
+ (junction 63bc0730-6481-4517-ba3f-5edcd6ed7f30 (position 57.25 -9.25))
+ (junction 65cfc007-e9ae-4b1c-a77b-8d309f67d589 (position 57.25 -41.25))
+ (junction 66f9de81-94c0-4724-9bc4-898370a6ba7f (position 31.75 -11.25))
+ (junction 6756a8d6-5edc-40a4-961c-c6f50cad1160 (position 30.975 -18.475))
+ (junction 78828dc8-0cb2-4511-b03c-f5e43c91122c (position 56.475 -32.475))
+ (junction 948758d4-9a92-4a3d-accc-10a8ca721b4c (position 4.0 -39.5))
+ (junction 94ceb72b-1c29-4018-917c-03c47cb25eea (position 56.475 -8.475))
+ (junction b054e658-4f03-4784-99eb-030a9642bd8f (position 56.25 -48.5))
+ (junction d8250b1d-73fb-4721-8008-68e02c88ca03 (position 57.25 -17.25))
+ (junction db6ba34d-6df9-4bcc-8d69-38b045a7d36f (position 44.5 -48.5))
+ (junction dbd7b16b-5d7a-4b36-80e0-2f38f98a74eb (position 31.75 -25.0))
+ (junction e10bcd3c-86e0-4625-a4e7-90dc0ffc0cdf (position 57.25 -25.25))
+ (junction e5e10be7-2cdc-44d6-8c56-04f691a5fb7b (position 56.475 -40.475))
+ (junction fcce6c67-67be-4bef-9b6c-220775f29c6a (position 30.975 -10.475))
+ (trace 0ca6b1f4-ee93-4c9a-a886-a34fc83b9072 (layer top_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 016b00c2-c291-44c2-aab7-769acc63f3f1))
+ (to (via 11d95c63-bff1-4c19-8296-30b7fd0834df))
+ )
+ (trace 12b105b5-715b-42e1-91cf-4bd981383be1 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction d8250b1d-73fb-4721-8008-68e02c88ca03))
+ (to (junction e10bcd3c-86e0-4625-a4e7-90dc0ffc0cdf))
+ )
+ (trace 13fac302-442f-4245-92e0-d87fc5718577 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction d8250b1d-73fb-4721-8008-68e02c88ca03))
+ (to (junction 63bc0730-6481-4517-ba3f-5edcd6ed7f30))
+ )
+ (trace 147c35d2-53c4-4cc6-8f52-b0b1ef3864d5 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 4c095269-cf4d-4fe9-a80d-d506c4b1aa9d))
+ (to (junction 65cfc007-e9ae-4b1c-a77b-8d309f67d589))
+ )
+ (trace 20a22ed1-07a9-4cfb-b326-f146c59d633f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 66f9de81-94c0-4724-9bc4-898370a6ba7f))
+ (to (junction 238ea439-f741-46c5-9e5c-1f057648828e))
+ )
+ (trace 31532370-4ed4-465e-bd2a-21a47b6d9b9e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 6756a8d6-5edc-40a4-961c-c6f50cad1160))
+ (to (junction 5bf32a96-394d-4d1a-94d6-8b84e6c81956))
+ )
+ (trace 36631df4-efbb-4def-9ed5-2bc4d87b9eea (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device d5d7dc77-cd96-4454-9ae2-694fa41c577e) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 620fb07d-d670-4ab2-87ad-4f4a303d62b9))
+ )
+ (trace 37f39a46-bb81-4b93-b523-95d36f1fd0c2 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction b054e658-4f03-4784-99eb-030a9642bd8f))
+ (to (junction db6ba34d-6df9-4bcc-8d69-38b045a7d36f))
+ )
+ (trace 3ba156d6-2303-40da-b47d-933f8861ef49 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 238ea439-f741-46c5-9e5c-1f057648828e))
+ (to (junction 0f9f0c17-5c6c-45d6-87b1-942b5306c4e0))
+ )
+ (trace 3bd88282-595b-49a6-82c2-1638b7fc5910 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 78828dc8-0cb2-4511-b03c-f5e43c91122c))
+ (to (junction 4c095269-cf4d-4fe9-a80d-d506c4b1aa9d))
+ )
+ (trace 3c9d6703-a1d5-4861-8a1d-f0dec01f8338 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 8facd6e9-8abc-47fb-855f-9fd776f7b06c) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 0935268d-613a-45d7-a266-1f41ea51c517))
+ )
+ (trace 46929949-3c3c-45cc-a97d-c6d9cc07fd92 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 0f9f0c17-5c6c-45d6-87b1-942b5306c4e0))
+ (to (device f1e7af4f-ebfe-4179-b641-57f648488753) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ )
+ (trace 519b406f-1c7a-4c71-8166-8f3bd8e2cff0 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction fcce6c67-67be-4bef-9b6c-220775f29c6a))
+ (to (junction 66f9de81-94c0-4724-9bc4-898370a6ba7f))
+ )
+ (trace 54eb55cc-8378-451f-9937-4fa858459247 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction e10bcd3c-86e0-4625-a4e7-90dc0ffc0cdf))
+ (to (junction 4c095269-cf4d-4fe9-a80d-d506c4b1aa9d))
+ )
+ (trace 57934c95-62b5-409b-953b-92572323e409 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 4b9edc86-93c3-4802-acee-c1be76c8c55f) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction e5e10be7-2cdc-44d6-8c56-04f691a5fb7b))
+ )
+ (trace 727938a3-53ea-49d3-9d68-10bb188e6809 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 0acb0859-ced2-4c84-b4af-cd6c2aa5c842))
+ (to (junction b054e658-4f03-4784-99eb-030a9642bd8f))
+ )
+ (trace 797e7960-5d70-474c-a1c0-13cc3e4f0f94 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 0935268d-613a-45d7-a266-1f41ea51c517))
+ (to (junction e10bcd3c-86e0-4625-a4e7-90dc0ffc0cdf))
+ )
+ (trace 7a7c1ffc-0fca-4bdf-92a6-8d5908fa4399 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 65cfc007-e9ae-4b1c-a77b-8d309f67d589))
+ (to (junction 0acb0859-ced2-4c84-b4af-cd6c2aa5c842))
+ )
+ (trace 87bb713c-6aca-432d-a20e-5aed52b8aeab (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 620fb07d-d670-4ab2-87ad-4f4a303d62b9))
+ (to (junction d8250b1d-73fb-4721-8008-68e02c88ca03))
+ )
+ (trace 9af7d358-b4e4-4b34-8b88-c138dcf09cb9 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 016b00c2-c291-44c2-aab7-769acc63f3f1))
+ (to (junction dbd7b16b-5d7a-4b36-80e0-2f38f98a74eb))
+ )
+ (trace 9d90ae39-b334-4fee-bb03-81b68bf4a77a (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 11d95c63-bff1-4c19-8296-30b7fd0834df))
+ (to (junction 948758d4-9a92-4a3d-accc-10a8ca721b4c))
+ )
+ (trace a2313bc8-49d4-49b2-a850-69bc25057052 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f3179c5c-79ad-43e0-8478-ee86f4282c16) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 6756a8d6-5edc-40a4-961c-c6f50cad1160))
+ )
+ (trace b822f403-d869-4054-b74d-5619942d0dda (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 5bf32a96-394d-4d1a-94d6-8b84e6c81956))
+ (to (junction 66f9de81-94c0-4724-9bc4-898370a6ba7f))
+ )
+ (trace c2576431-a298-41b9-8505-6c0612f4cf0c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction e5e10be7-2cdc-44d6-8c56-04f691a5fb7b))
+ (to (junction 65cfc007-e9ae-4b1c-a77b-8d309f67d589))
+ )
+ (trace c9e7fc6d-6f52-48e1-bbb7-6d52631e4e92 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 24c7776d-6a7f-41b0-9cd9-0ecc0045869f) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 78828dc8-0cb2-4511-b03c-f5e43c91122c))
+ )
+ (trace e239e58a-a92d-406e-a20f-735f8a375307 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device bb99ebd0-0c75-4852-adcc-f1624e004f0c) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction fcce6c67-67be-4bef-9b6c-220775f29c6a))
+ )
+ (trace e73ae467-749a-4b30-9b66-40706c4ff4c3 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 5bf32a96-394d-4d1a-94d6-8b84e6c81956))
+ (to (junction dbd7b16b-5d7a-4b36-80e0-2f38f98a74eb))
+ )
+ (trace f33d7611-a3ce-4738-b6bf-2c0a90c562ae (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction db6ba34d-6df9-4bcc-8d69-38b045a7d36f))
+ (to (via 11d95c63-bff1-4c19-8296-30b7fd0834df))
+ )
+ (trace f5468a6b-be8e-45bc-99c2-04bfd892342d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device a222d526-7b64-472b-8798-159c47ccd9a4) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 94ceb72b-1c29-4018-917c-03c47cb25eea))
+ )
+ (trace fb5a460d-050d-4307-86f4-53283563d41e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 94ceb72b-1c29-4018-917c-03c47cb25eea))
+ (to (junction 63bc0730-6481-4517-ba3f-5edcd6ed7f30))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 1bfcbb86-195f-4411-b864-c6acbeea56b1
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 60d6764f-9fb7-4e33-9b43-5b02a3329cee (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 46.0 -52.0) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 23db731b-9635-49cc-b994-ec0d0eda4036
+ (net 208e989a-fe13-4b10-b3c5-a3203575f96e)
+ (junction 1dd81362-d2fc-4d07-ae36-84feb6422270 (position 43.75 -44.75))
+ (junction 291c2522-b152-481d-8844-af7ffb4b3646 (position 21.88 -38.25))
+ (junction 380f2f80-5db7-49ef-b3a5-615f3aa484d5 (position 37.25 -38.25))
+ (junction fb00edb5-2f50-4e83-9963-c42d095e88e9 (position 46.25 -42.225))
+ (trace 4994ea17-e73c-4e44-b487-45fdef70c4d3 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 380f2f80-5db7-49ef-b3a5-615f3aa484d5))
+ (to (junction 1dd81362-d2fc-4d07-ae36-84feb6422270))
+ )
+ (trace 695ba2c7-56f6-409e-a98d-6430af44b76d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 2b290148-4993-4c0b-bfe4-d83903c578cb))
+ (to (junction 291c2522-b152-481d-8844-af7ffb4b3646))
+ )
+ (trace 7c31d044-83c0-4d94-9589-2cec377aa10b (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction fb00edb5-2f50-4e83-9963-c42d095e88e9))
+ (to (device c30bf2b0-e5b2-4bcf-96a2-8aa3df6f25cd) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace 99d96c41-790c-476f-ae1f-f3b98819b349 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 291c2522-b152-481d-8844-af7ffb4b3646))
+ (to (junction 380f2f80-5db7-49ef-b3a5-615f3aa484d5))
+ )
+ (trace a44e29df-70af-4aed-9232-90dafbc0e4af (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device aad60047-b273-4e60-98a0-fab1fd947585) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction fb00edb5-2f50-4e83-9963-c42d095e88e9))
+ )
+ (trace ca06d5bb-7db3-4170-8acd-aa8addd7a159 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 1dd81362-d2fc-4d07-ae36-84feb6422270))
+ (to (device c30bf2b0-e5b2-4bcf-96a2-8aa3df6f25cd) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2463c728-240d-403e-9e6a-ccc0178dacde
+ (net 4ff24f6c-0991-4281-b582-89c45a0d95ae)
+ (junction 4fbe8608-9fbc-434b-8e91-18f790a0b431 (position 25.25 -12.85))
+ (junction e80eeac1-60b6-4d96-9c98-06da8b03fa28 (position 27.85 -11.75))
+ (trace 3a9715a8-ff21-4cab-82d6-6048f6ee4e72 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 4fbe8608-9fbc-434b-8e91-18f790a0b431))
+ (to (device aa9c354e-5fc5-4ace-90b1-84edcb8a5769) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 590e8796-410a-45ef-9c0c-72502ef025e2 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f3339ff3-9520-4dbd-a242-95fd88c470f7) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction e80eeac1-60b6-4d96-9c98-06da8b03fa28))
+ )
+ (trace d439af4d-ade4-4b92-bc51-a3ed92a33e87 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction e80eeac1-60b6-4d96-9c98-06da8b03fa28))
+ (to (device aa9c354e-5fc5-4ace-90b1-84edcb8a5769) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace f5f94a23-f6d5-4b33-913a-58d09de0b507 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device bb99ebd0-0c75-4852-adcc-f1624e004f0c) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 4fbe8608-9fbc-434b-8e91-18f790a0b431))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 28ece001-4897-42f7-8d27-8a4f74656a7d
+ (net c5177c94-1a2c-47a1-b53e-1ee0bd6d30a1)
+ (junction 040429c0-273d-4cd8-8bf3-690110f0fe2c (position 32.75 -32.75))
+ (junction 13a05005-c236-4022-98c9-04f1d628f62d (position 8.46 -14.75))
+ (junction 2aef4713-dec1-44d6-996c-ec9bedf6895b (position 15.75 -19.25))
+ (junction 4417ab15-d39b-4d0e-b255-945415ca304a (position 45.0 -20.5))
+ (junction 5f8c4809-ac3f-4564-ae83-eb614ac4d51b (position 46.25 -13.25))
+ (junction 777f4b97-3ad9-4ba3-82e3-2226417e8eb6 (position 15.75 -23.0))
+ (junction 9be05693-9bab-4990-af27-2d390c4e6169 (position 46.25 -10.225))
+ (junction b7cf4de4-d39e-41a4-b5c3-a4ac9813d33c (position 45.0 -14.5))
+ (junction bd065787-87c9-4e77-b4fe-8c89a9eba33b (position 25.5 -32.75))
+ (junction f0c45f93-b07b-4581-bfdf-a5227d62e954 (position 11.25 -14.75))
+ (trace 3bcf036a-5898-4440-b1f4-7eb98fd015fb (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 040429c0-273d-4cd8-8bf3-690110f0fe2c))
+ (to (junction 4417ab15-d39b-4d0e-b255-945415ca304a))
+ )
+ (trace 5038903d-87e8-4c9b-9d4d-5a3ff2e5281f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction bd065787-87c9-4e77-b4fe-8c89a9eba33b))
+ (to (junction 040429c0-273d-4cd8-8bf3-690110f0fe2c))
+ )
+ (trace 5e7cc667-b688-43a9-b188-2d9999b2c320 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 5f8c4809-ac3f-4564-ae83-eb614ac4d51b))
+ (to (device 83aa6fb6-653b-4e28-a917-a411b326c0fb) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace 67f8f013-98cc-4c84-86c5-ff68cac2e318 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction f0c45f93-b07b-4581-bfdf-a5227d62e954))
+ (to (junction 2aef4713-dec1-44d6-996c-ec9bedf6895b))
+ )
+ (trace 6eafaf6d-3fef-43e7-8128-9741db83d42e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction b7cf4de4-d39e-41a4-b5c3-a4ac9813d33c))
+ (to (junction 5f8c4809-ac3f-4564-ae83-eb614ac4d51b))
+ )
+ (trace 8f461ea8-b510-4908-865d-791866c8be84 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad bc89606a-cfa8-400c-bec3-a791c8bba232))
+ (to (junction 13a05005-c236-4022-98c9-04f1d628f62d))
+ )
+ (trace 9642ee7d-af33-428f-8220-7a0121336127 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 4417ab15-d39b-4d0e-b255-945415ca304a))
+ (to (junction b7cf4de4-d39e-41a4-b5c3-a4ac9813d33c))
+ )
+ (trace b2823317-6403-4952-a579-473bb4312621 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 9be05693-9bab-4990-af27-2d390c4e6169))
+ (to (device 83aa6fb6-653b-4e28-a917-a411b326c0fb) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace f1a76b36-cf9c-4e6a-b5aa-201797bd0c8a (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 13a05005-c236-4022-98c9-04f1d628f62d))
+ (to (junction f0c45f93-b07b-4581-bfdf-a5227d62e954))
+ )
+ (trace f26e618d-7618-4c0d-b298-d6109fb0b5a5 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 777f4b97-3ad9-4ba3-82e3-2226417e8eb6))
+ (to (junction bd065787-87c9-4e77-b4fe-8c89a9eba33b))
+ )
+ (trace f7bfbea4-c518-42d0-a77e-d3ded8dbd6dc (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device c2acd434-b6cf-46b0-9bbd-a690c3276c17) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 9be05693-9bab-4990-af27-2d390c4e6169))
+ )
+ (trace ff7db484-5699-4db5-bee4-c955eafbee76 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 2aef4713-dec1-44d6-996c-ec9bedf6895b))
+ (to (junction 777f4b97-3ad9-4ba3-82e3-2226417e8eb6))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2a572931-d257-4c63-80e4-1415aef4e2de
+ (net c8880beb-7885-4113-b1bd-f5b52de09c2c)
+ (junction 17c833bc-7950-4745-bf2b-9874e14f9235 (position 78.75 -7.25))
+ (junction 3cac9778-3fd7-441c-b993-1fd34fe25199 (position 72.5 -1.0))
+ (junction 54b4da3e-c136-4e2d-a14f-bde7a70287ac (position 48.25 -1.0))
+ (junction ebcf8b8f-f793-47c7-a101-c51dd7a788c7 (position 78.75 -15.0))
+ (junction fd040557-44ea-45f7-84c4-117c82d65cff (position 40.5 -8.75))
+ (trace 0af655c2-0497-4f75-b3c2-a95173783568 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 54b4da3e-c136-4e2d-a14f-bde7a70287ac))
+ (to (junction 3cac9778-3fd7-441c-b993-1fd34fe25199))
+ )
+ (trace 49441847-be2d-4ff5-804f-dc74c4fe6fc1 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction fd040557-44ea-45f7-84c4-117c82d65cff))
+ (to (junction 54b4da3e-c136-4e2d-a14f-bde7a70287ac))
+ )
+ (trace 6deb675a-8a7c-46c9-9634-b6dd6d84ff9e (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction ebcf8b8f-f793-47c7-a101-c51dd7a788c7))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 9a68593d-2781-4fbc-8717-c9b2c8fa4f50))
+ )
+ (trace 7b7957a2-58ce-4dc2-8d0b-6bd3d58e30dc (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 17c833bc-7950-4745-bf2b-9874e14f9235))
+ (to (junction ebcf8b8f-f793-47c7-a101-c51dd7a788c7))
+ )
+ (trace b867de7a-f27e-4dfa-98bf-e96273a02c43 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 3cac9778-3fd7-441c-b993-1fd34fe25199))
+ (to (junction 17c833bc-7950-4745-bf2b-9874e14f9235))
+ )
+ (trace c4bc7aae-5a42-4e4e-a449-1f99c376aa60 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 9b7ef3ec-66cc-4313-868c-7389eaf71af3) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction fd040557-44ea-45f7-84c4-117c82d65cff))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2b7ff13a-2cc6-4976-aecc-4526bf454553
+ (net c707e92a-928d-42f7-9303-9325d8fd1939)
+ (junction 0335c4ba-dbec-419b-acf0-1798d6a858a5 (position 38.5 -24.75))
+ (junction 5d124f44-8e82-4e7d-9a85-04608ae8018c (position 43.75 -19.5))
+ (junction 71fad25e-d4b4-49cc-8316-1068103aa58c (position 46.0 -7.25))
+ (junction 73cca2ef-d3c0-427e-9a97-5adbd3853c4e (position 71.5 -7.25))
+ (junction b2ddbcf6-2e92-4554-80a2-aebdc5097f6e (position 43.75 -9.5))
+ (trace 1fcd578d-5439-41c9-a0fd-2484d9e864c0 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device f699f4ae-d728-4a7e-bd2f-a08ce56eb74d) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction 0335c4ba-dbec-419b-acf0-1798d6a858a5))
+ )
+ (trace 592ba443-ea95-4b57-99d9-59014260d5e7 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 5d124f44-8e82-4e7d-9a85-04608ae8018c))
+ (to (junction b2ddbcf6-2e92-4554-80a2-aebdc5097f6e))
+ )
+ (trace 9105f2d5-3c09-40b6-925f-8564dad9f9b8 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 73cca2ef-d3c0-427e-9a97-5adbd3853c4e))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 8884dcd2-cabc-4c89-a96e-ae711f5421e1))
+ )
+ (trace 9d88a79e-158c-4bc8-9353-795167ca4f4c (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 71fad25e-d4b4-49cc-8316-1068103aa58c))
+ (to (junction 73cca2ef-d3c0-427e-9a97-5adbd3853c4e))
+ )
+ (trace bdf9a3d0-bd0b-429c-bf19-b39226e2d33c (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 0335c4ba-dbec-419b-acf0-1798d6a858a5))
+ (to (junction 5d124f44-8e82-4e7d-9a85-04608ae8018c))
+ )
+ (trace d58e5504-9f19-4aba-8efb-7ca6e9263c43 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction b2ddbcf6-2e92-4554-80a2-aebdc5097f6e))
+ (to (junction 71fad25e-d4b4-49cc-8316-1068103aa58c))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 455a2f98-69c5-41c8-bbe4-f83ab1661b2e
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 9a014353-921e-4b95-a697-98d267288bc0 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 33.5 -53.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 4610961f-72cf-44e3-89b1-9553fdffc383
+ (net d63ded29-0579-4d8b-a2dd-be5fa6ae9e3d)
+ (via 6bbe0285-7a6e-492d-bfc2-2987597cd184 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 20.5 -5.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction ba4f0a04-e060-4759-85fc-6bdef39ee88e (position 11.75 -17.25))
+ (junction d3b56da1-55af-4b2c-afda-101e07b40b0a (position 20.5 -3.975))
+ (junction df398c68-ed6f-4041-9a42-2705dd337169 (position 20.5 -8.5))
+ (junction e30e8de5-e7d4-46e7-a972-cc4501ab64a3 (position 8.5 -17.25))
+ (trace 4de6ee18-cc9e-4fab-95db-2f3872579f55 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction d3b56da1-55af-4b2c-afda-101e07b40b0a))
+ (to (via 6bbe0285-7a6e-492d-bfc2-2987597cd184))
+ )
+ (trace 529a049f-cacb-4a5c-b85f-15bda3fecd09 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 6bbe0285-7a6e-492d-bfc2-2987597cd184))
+ (to (device f6cb19ea-2420-4966-a665-144c8aea3a39) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace ab291a10-2d1b-44da-ab22-766956c569ed (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device e2c6eb62-ec6b-46b0-b57e-814a087ac89a) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction d3b56da1-55af-4b2c-afda-101e07b40b0a))
+ )
+ (trace af7adef4-5d2a-43fe-aeb6-7ae7cecdb594 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction e30e8de5-e7d4-46e7-a972-cc4501ab64a3))
+ (to (junction ba4f0a04-e060-4759-85fc-6bdef39ee88e))
+ )
+ (trace c0e09c6c-4102-4ee0-ad7d-acfa4363c2cb (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 7cf8675f-e543-466d-b548-15cbcf7de5aa))
+ (to (junction e30e8de5-e7d4-46e7-a972-cc4501ab64a3))
+ )
+ (trace c696e97d-4d81-4032-872d-079efe74bc49 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction ba4f0a04-e060-4759-85fc-6bdef39ee88e))
+ (to (junction df398c68-ed6f-4041-9a42-2705dd337169))
+ )
+ (trace de45c0d0-0fe6-43fa-b625-88f7f4283aba (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction df398c68-ed6f-4041-9a42-2705dd337169))
+ (to (via 6bbe0285-7a6e-492d-bfc2-2987597cd184))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 4c414481-1724-4b8c-9293-5f6ed8d393d1
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 602967cb-fb80-4bd3-80ef-ac8bd0345062 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 34.75 -56.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 51f02ac5-5310-4961-9dda-95c7fe4b2874
+ (net 8858ff8a-6d48-4a72-9d56-d48bb68c5886)
+ (junction 5a289adc-5695-4a4b-8757-d0b156369807 (position 71.25 -24.75))
+ (trace 48317c41-dc59-4b4e-a439-5d5c9df74eb6 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 75d0d62e-62b5-40f2-b4b5-1318679c936a) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction 5a289adc-5695-4a4b-8757-d0b156369807))
+ )
+ (trace d4cf5c9d-5d1c-491f-8dc4-b16885bf51a9 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 5a289adc-5695-4a4b-8757-d0b156369807))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 7b14605f-785d-481a-9d0d-8cdabbd70312))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 524fc9fc-2736-48b8-a183-26e0eb331c5e
+ (net 0187b177-8981-4fcc-97d5-93370e2ea4be)
+ (junction 60cf5ba6-397c-4dd4-847b-803e1f485272 (position 53.6 -9.75))
+ (junction c3d22e38-ab7d-4b9a-9ac9-9c1073cb801d (position 51.0 -10.85))
+ (trace 0a6ed357-5c02-4b36-8476-66dffef427b3 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device a222d526-7b64-472b-8798-159c47ccd9a4) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction c3d22e38-ab7d-4b9a-9ac9-9c1073cb801d))
+ )
+ (trace da2350c1-e553-44f0-981b-57cf1a7baf50 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 60cf5ba6-397c-4dd4-847b-803e1f485272))
+ (to (device 04c02e94-7b29-475e-b3fc-f0d3cf3d3fd4) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace f77eebb4-9839-4222-8041-71ac9e3f396c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 75d0d62e-62b5-40f2-b4b5-1318679c936a) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction 60cf5ba6-397c-4dd4-847b-803e1f485272))
+ )
+ (trace fa4bf5a0-3a55-44ab-992a-d50453fc05b0 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction c3d22e38-ab7d-4b9a-9ac9-9c1073cb801d))
+ (to (device 04c02e94-7b29-475e-b3fc-f0d3cf3d3fd4) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 60cd8c0f-44f3-47a1-93b9-72d44d6fe677
+ (net 5481c539-602f-4e26-a584-bcc189481de2)
+ (junction 01a62e41-1cd6-47ea-b21f-72afec9dbb70 (position 24.75 -34.0))
+ (junction 154f78c6-4cc8-4432-bec2-0cfbdf742e11 (position 33.25 -34.0))
+ (junction 4f997472-07fd-4cee-a091-a7f081b6a217 (position 46.25 -21.0))
+ (junction 4fb7ee69-88ec-4607-badc-715ccb34e58e (position 12.25 -21.5))
+ (junction c698921d-3eb7-497c-84eb-ad1d338ee51d (position 46.25 -18.225))
+ (junction eb71f71a-674e-4c87-9e85-fc362d7f8ad6 (position 12.25 -18.46))
+ (trace 0d7c4c7b-3123-4282-881f-1e04b1b21eb8 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction c698921d-3eb7-497c-84eb-ad1d338ee51d))
+ (to (device a81cb96b-e5a8-4a52-bb1b-33e1a83cf458) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace 1277ce92-3412-4fb0-b0ca-ecced25b5527 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 154f78c6-4cc8-4432-bec2-0cfbdf742e11))
+ (to (junction 4f997472-07fd-4cee-a091-a7f081b6a217))
+ )
+ (trace 2d3423db-ff1b-404f-9681-081888eb1024 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 4f997472-07fd-4cee-a091-a7f081b6a217))
+ (to (device a81cb96b-e5a8-4a52-bb1b-33e1a83cf458) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace 32334ac3-bd6d-48da-b4e2-ff15fad3e602 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction eb71f71a-674e-4c87-9e85-fc362d7f8ad6))
+ (to (junction 4fb7ee69-88ec-4607-badc-715ccb34e58e))
+ )
+ (trace 68995119-2755-436e-9241-b25c6fed156c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 7137a201-82c3-413c-91d7-335906272dee))
+ (to (junction eb71f71a-674e-4c87-9e85-fc362d7f8ad6))
+ )
+ (trace 7685dbeb-2548-494b-b16b-a5009e5c0a33 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 4fb7ee69-88ec-4607-badc-715ccb34e58e))
+ (to (junction 01a62e41-1cd6-47ea-b21f-72afec9dbb70))
+ )
+ (trace 83469c42-e649-4ff2-9643-d6936030f4a6 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 01a62e41-1cd6-47ea-b21f-72afec9dbb70))
+ (to (junction 154f78c6-4cc8-4432-bec2-0cfbdf742e11))
+ )
+ (trace a237664b-0a75-4c4f-8769-e307047ff093 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device bac0dff3-b09f-49b9-a27c-4c6df328363d) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction c698921d-3eb7-497c-84eb-ad1d338ee51d))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 60e9282d-ba22-4381-a2a1-c79caa4fa58a
+ (net d95e94f8-c344-4bf2-99a4-e37b1792ff2e)
+ (junction dd902845-ed1d-44a6-b2c6-8599145fe75f (position 62.25 -39.75))
+ (trace 08859911-2cee-45a4-9c4d-72f38383144e (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 72b5484a-906a-4e99-a49b-04dbf24cf835) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction dd902845-ed1d-44a6-b2c6-8599145fe75f))
+ )
+ (trace 2e071f37-d72b-4e76-9a90-9c05245177d4 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction dd902845-ed1d-44a6-b2c6-8599145fe75f))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 17d12dbe-8084-4897-a9fd-96102801369e))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 61c66b9a-da0f-4380-916b-38f4fbe03d5d
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 94f17bb1-5d20-482a-b4ec-71aa85f4cb95 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 22.25 -45.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 66c71749-9791-4ee6-b81c-80fd45c54723
+ (net f15db5b0-6b14-48b9-98c2-fe4642b585c0)
+ (junction 01f50359-9ef1-4176-a644-c13b35bc85a8 (position 53.6 -17.75))
+ (junction b9ec4598-1628-4c64-a1b8-2667faa474ac (position 51.0 -18.85))
+ (trace 0360abcd-13e2-4578-a2a4-857b7b77dcf6 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 01f50359-9ef1-4176-a644-c13b35bc85a8))
+ (to (device ee778887-31b4-4f01-9018-a9d0bdad38b4) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 8a395b9e-15f2-450b-b66b-58e2d5fc35f3 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device d5d7dc77-cd96-4454-9ae2-694fa41c577e) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction b9ec4598-1628-4c64-a1b8-2667faa474ac))
+ )
+ (trace a6fa03a4-c65d-4708-b884-1be16f7d409d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction b9ec4598-1628-4c64-a1b8-2667faa474ac))
+ (to (device ee778887-31b4-4f01-9018-a9d0bdad38b4) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace eff648b7-c3bf-46e9-9f5f-a3ffb9855c1c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 7ab90019-26ee-4ae5-b669-d978dfa62995) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction 01f50359-9ef1-4176-a644-c13b35bc85a8))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 701f0440-d2c1-41e7-8c5e-11e26d85fd05
+ (net 2eb90cca-49df-406c-8b70-8455e2e83c7e)
+ (junction 4cecf3ec-dabc-4b8c-a914-209c925b887e (position 22.15 -16.9))
+ (junction 5c88b01f-9254-4493-b893-39f99529f3dd (position 29.85 -16.9))
+ (trace 0a73420e-d33d-4999-9bc7-0eef01aad756 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device d827ca0b-9f27-4a2e-a718-4fa07b329918) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction 4cecf3ec-dabc-4b8c-a914-209c925b887e))
+ )
+ (trace 3ccf8c87-ebe9-4a5b-93b9-869d5dd9034b (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 5c88b01f-9254-4493-b893-39f99529f3dd))
+ (to (device aa9c354e-5fc5-4ace-90b1-84edcb8a5769) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace 4241a851-2d94-4d23-bb73-8dcc13ae8df6 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f3339ff3-9520-4dbd-a242-95fd88c470f7) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 5c88b01f-9254-4493-b893-39f99529f3dd))
+ )
+ (trace d0141924-b474-4386-be79-b1d181957cdd (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 4cecf3ec-dabc-4b8c-a914-209c925b887e))
+ (to (device aa9c354e-5fc5-4ace-90b1-84edcb8a5769) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 76b7c5c9-0500-4a70-93f2-bb811947173f
+ (net cd662ad6-c8d8-43ba-89dd-c331458de93e)
+ (junction 5aad5c62-ab1e-4fb7-aad4-44c6ce6bc4f8 (position 51.0 -26.85))
+ (junction c67665b6-ab9a-4a5d-b516-a3f71344be96 (position 53.6 -25.75))
+ (trace 3c8df259-5f9b-4b04-bc30-d531acb0f79a (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction c67665b6-ab9a-4a5d-b516-a3f71344be96))
+ (to (device c2ad6a93-1320-4b1c-9d59-cd319f1eb66f) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 9961c440-d4f8-4e8e-9a2a-707d4a6c2a0e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 9c759720-44cf-4b19-b8b1-98adb63935ab) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction c67665b6-ab9a-4a5d-b516-a3f71344be96))
+ )
+ (trace 9aeb63c4-ff06-4ece-b98e-760d45cdbb0f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 5aad5c62-ab1e-4fb7-aad4-44c6ce6bc4f8))
+ (to (device c2ad6a93-1320-4b1c-9d59-cd319f1eb66f) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace f7795715-f7fe-4b5f-a315-d35102198d48 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 8facd6e9-8abc-47fb-855f-9fd776f7b06c) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 5aad5c62-ab1e-4fb7-aad4-44c6ce6bc4f8))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 7ac8f9e6-b22e-4e65-9823-46b81d2003f1
+ (net fb074a31-08aa-4dd7-af11-2f1169c2a4bf)
+ (junction 1ae2e8f3-584c-4f55-8ef5-b297007720af (position 4.75 -54.75))
+ (junction 1f7a1417-d094-4bf0-aa67-255f79e9dec2 (position 4.75 -12.75))
+ (junction 3543d41e-97d3-4c36-abaf-de1fb1e583c8 (position 8.58 -12.25))
+ (junction 8dcb9564-294e-4744-93be-e50e96b2b067 (position 2.94 -56.56))
+ (junction af16fc6e-1d59-439f-b4b6-458cd9d4c1f1 (position 5.25 -12.25))
+ (trace 06ebbafd-498a-4f56-9f14-647879e8b136 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction af16fc6e-1d59-439f-b4b6-458cd9d4c1f1))
+ (to (junction 1f7a1417-d094-4bf0-aa67-255f79e9dec2))
+ )
+ (trace 0a0570aa-d1d8-4d56-b16e-a152f992c44a (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad ee2c73cd-cd5e-4934-8115-eac1965e4d8e))
+ (to (junction 3543d41e-97d3-4c36-abaf-de1fb1e583c8))
+ )
+ (trace 59606d37-a55c-4c8c-868f-01045af9f192 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 1ae2e8f3-584c-4f55-8ef5-b297007720af))
+ (to (junction 8dcb9564-294e-4744-93be-e50e96b2b067))
+ )
+ (trace 762983f3-0682-4b2a-957b-0623cd265e4c (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 3543d41e-97d3-4c36-abaf-de1fb1e583c8))
+ (to (junction af16fc6e-1d59-439f-b4b6-458cd9d4c1f1))
+ )
+ (trace 8f76c9b2-c9ad-4c02-81fc-7e0cc50f9af8 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 8dcb9564-294e-4744-93be-e50e96b2b067))
+ (to (device 87082bf5-cfca-47c7-9589-8323a904b342) (pad 63afe1f1-07aa-4fa6-ba45-90118a005ea0))
+ )
+ (trace a9356f99-ce54-4419-83a5-ff1132e51af0 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 1f7a1417-d094-4bf0-aa67-255f79e9dec2))
+ (to (junction 1ae2e8f3-584c-4f55-8ef5-b297007720af))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 7b178cad-63c5-4b70-b0c1-8e1479dcaa79
+ (net 15ce32e9-5052-44a5-b7e0-de6b02b306b8)
+ (junction 13bd15e1-d04c-4b8a-a68b-c78b0336f138 (position 55.6 -46.9))
+ (junction b67eb386-587a-4720-8979-a21d8e456d03 (position 47.4 -46.9))
+ (trace 4dd879f9-d6a7-4b00-80b5-65fd7a1b58b1 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 003e5a09-081d-4b51-a79f-a99d94d66249) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 13bd15e1-d04c-4b8a-a68b-c78b0336f138))
+ )
+ (trace 75703039-6e6b-401d-8b42-dde8139ffee2 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device c30bf2b0-e5b2-4bcf-96a2-8aa3df6f25cd) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction b67eb386-587a-4720-8979-a21d8e456d03))
+ )
+ (trace 78c77f3f-dff3-458b-8ed3-9c8b38e52ed2 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction b67eb386-587a-4720-8979-a21d8e456d03))
+ (to (device 9f4dcc83-1e4a-4ab3-b45b-17444fee35d6) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace ec5a401f-7281-43cb-bf44-c14a1c234203 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 13bd15e1-d04c-4b8a-a68b-c78b0336f138))
+ (to (device 9f4dcc83-1e4a-4ab3-b45b-17444fee35d6) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 7dd3c8a6-a149-4424-bdc2-a792209e3c6f
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 4e84dcb4-8294-4124-b73b-1222cc68cc1f (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 44.25 -52.0) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 8146e65c-8760-4044-9edd-d99aea942bcd
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via aee13956-3084-498b-a9d0-adc755b41718 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 48.25 -20.0) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 1d4e965e-28fe-4f79-9e92-c6620d13b6ca (position 48.25 -18.225))
+ (trace 8e2ae4e1-df84-4658-b9e7-7fc5b593a615 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via aee13956-3084-498b-a9d0-adc755b41718))
+ (to (device a81cb96b-e5a8-4a52-bb1b-33e1a83cf458) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ (trace 9e789dba-1e23-47ec-9223-528987dbe1ec (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 1d4e965e-28fe-4f79-9e92-c6620d13b6ca))
+ (to (via aee13956-3084-498b-a9d0-adc755b41718))
+ )
+ (trace e910f36e-0432-4880-bf2b-b59eca4499d4 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device bac0dff3-b09f-49b9-a27c-4c6df328363d) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 1d4e965e-28fe-4f79-9e92-c6620d13b6ca))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 81c22d1d-505d-4a72-b442-95139f05c15e
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 3c6d3420-7d7c-43ce-955d-d4894737361d (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 46.0 -55.25) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 83b9b05f-6b2c-4c98-acb8-c0b303808e00
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 5e53550a-9c34-4244-a9e4-589a68cf2af8 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 44.25 -53.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 86231690-6b31-4703-8df8-9c0ec612b928
+ (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e)
+ )
+ (netsegment 8a96f863-7e16-48fb-bee5-b099405ea9f9
+ (net 9927fbdf-6965-408e-a181-46a324b2f658)
+ (junction 2e5900e4-8ced-4d59-99aa-db7d354eb321 (position 35.5 -15.75))
+ (junction 32ad8ecb-4477-49fd-a43c-f159eccfb8db (position 74.75 -5.75))
+ (junction 8aeeea19-7760-4ed6-9c62-59da002a5245 (position 76.25 -7.25))
+ (junction c056ac88-b3a2-4c6b-bfbf-c0f3a86e973c (position 45.5 -5.75))
+ (junction f5237915-356b-43cb-b457-41f4462d4f28 (position 76.25 -12.5))
+ (trace 7e002d21-cefc-4698-85b2-795d88661858 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device f3339ff3-9520-4dbd-a242-95fd88c470f7) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction 2e5900e4-8ced-4d59-99aa-db7d354eb321))
+ )
+ (trace 89de3c1e-d3c2-4c43-a490-303397aabbc4 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 32ad8ecb-4477-49fd-a43c-f159eccfb8db))
+ (to (junction 8aeeea19-7760-4ed6-9c62-59da002a5245))
+ )
+ (trace 95ad14ba-f123-4254-9066-cbbd90214902 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction c056ac88-b3a2-4c6b-bfbf-c0f3a86e973c))
+ (to (junction 32ad8ecb-4477-49fd-a43c-f159eccfb8db))
+ )
+ (trace 9c43ee9c-6423-4775-ba63-9cf864ed905c (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction f5237915-356b-43cb-b457-41f4462d4f28))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad ccb190a0-85d1-43d5-89a9-566e9e0f2625))
+ )
+ (trace d9e7b2ee-0bc3-4274-b9eb-d1c417148c4d (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 2e5900e4-8ced-4d59-99aa-db7d354eb321))
+ (to (junction c056ac88-b3a2-4c6b-bfbf-c0f3a86e973c))
+ )
+ (trace f0a389bd-dd43-41e7-aa71-c9824c0b1198 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 8aeeea19-7760-4ed6-9c62-59da002a5245))
+ (to (junction f5237915-356b-43cb-b457-41f4462d4f28))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9402d4bd-6973-40a4-9216-35d3cdc6edd9
+ (net 040de378-880f-441c-870a-29594b041ada)
+ (junction 180d05c0-c39e-4059-bdef-a372d5394030 (position 47.9 -14.9))
+ (junction 81bcfc07-5e27-47af-88d4-4e819524094b (position 55.6 -14.9))
+ (trace 2142bce2-079f-4967-9c86-6ee579eb499f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 81bcfc07-5e27-47af-88d4-4e819524094b))
+ (to (device 04c02e94-7b29-475e-b3fc-f0d3cf3d3fd4) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace 34943719-d1a0-4683-a853-7396982413d3 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 83aa6fb6-653b-4e28-a917-a411b326c0fb) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction 180d05c0-c39e-4059-bdef-a372d5394030))
+ )
+ (trace 4169ce86-6bee-4f1c-8779-1b0b24f0c705 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 75d0d62e-62b5-40f2-b4b5-1318679c936a) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 81bcfc07-5e27-47af-88d4-4e819524094b))
+ )
+ (trace e2b5f1d3-e662-4312-95ed-0a889f083d96 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 180d05c0-c39e-4059-bdef-a372d5394030))
+ (to (device 04c02e94-7b29-475e-b3fc-f0d3cf3d3fd4) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 97642e90-2419-410a-9375-daa16b5890a6
+ (net facb7e8f-ff09-4d1b-88a3-c6212c4cb76e)
+ (junction 2b03676f-0e93-46f9-b9fe-ace8293eb406 (position 27.85 -3.75))
+ (junction 328477b3-c255-4404-8d63-093fbb701a1b (position 25.25 -4.85))
+ (trace 06ad7937-250b-4299-ae66-e9233d7598c9 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 328477b3-c255-4404-8d63-093fbb701a1b))
+ (to (device 0a110ffa-5f43-443c-a85e-7bb140f43500) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 0f657aca-2f75-4fc6-aa22-55ed5f485297 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 2b03676f-0e93-46f9-b9fe-ace8293eb406))
+ (to (device 0a110ffa-5f43-443c-a85e-7bb140f43500) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 3813826b-0bef-4280-af3e-3c168eba884e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f1e7af4f-ebfe-4179-b641-57f648488753) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 328477b3-c255-4404-8d63-093fbb701a1b))
+ )
+ (trace f398d7e5-f9a2-4f1c-82d3-f135b7581008 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 9b7ef3ec-66cc-4313-868c-7389eaf71af3) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction 2b03676f-0e93-46f9-b9fe-ace8293eb406))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 99abd50e-b351-42f3-822e-5b06eca24632
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 99c76b7e-c76e-476f-8378-f426b29c25c1 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 24.75 -45.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9a2fcafe-bf92-4142-a259-43138952806f
+ (net 650cce9a-6064-4bac-b3e3-646382a7b5d3)
+ (junction 90ed8d6c-8b10-48cd-bcf3-2e586a2956b6 (position 72.9 -53.65))
+ (trace 0fa61ef6-be56-4ec8-abd0-94dfb32ba305 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad e4cb23ea-20b3-4b54-a00a-a26abbf0f033))
+ (to (junction 90ed8d6c-8b10-48cd-bcf3-2e586a2956b6))
+ )
+ (trace b07db98b-c2a8-4de6-a107-03ca87bfd925 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 90ed8d6c-8b10-48cd-bcf3-2e586a2956b6))
+ (to (device 5a823968-958d-4e08-ae30-8ee87cb53a9f) (pad 0229901d-b402-4611-bc1d-4e413d54e12e))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9d5344df-472c-4fa6-8189-dfe549fa3f65
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 296c5cd5-3ac5-4a46-9170-c841b2297eb2 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 27.5 -55.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9dcf9f0c-80bd-4682-8986-43060dca9155
+ (net e796368f-2bc3-4e6b-8ec6-4221cd57f218)
+ (junction 00540e59-74ff-423e-9af1-16bf4cf1fb9b (position 4.25 -53.0))
+ (junction 46246d79-3a5c-4119-b95d-a402483aaadd (position 8.37 -9.5))
+ (junction d00b11f0-cd2b-4a3a-a5ed-ecf4cb199845 (position 4.25 -10.0))
+ (junction d30b25d9-b2b9-4868-8606-161ec2caab55 (position 4.75 -9.5))
+ (junction e939d845-6325-4ad9-982f-2e48f7a54768 (position 3.23 -54.02))
+ (trace 2ac10987-5245-49d3-b42b-6f3ce2b61fcd (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction d30b25d9-b2b9-4868-8606-161ec2caab55))
+ (to (junction d00b11f0-cd2b-4a3a-a5ed-ecf4cb199845))
+ )
+ (trace 5fb70821-c5d7-43a6-8118-70a5849f5be2 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 2538d74b-9771-4e55-bf42-0b7972246509))
+ (to (junction 46246d79-3a5c-4119-b95d-a402483aaadd))
+ )
+ (trace bec38e96-91b6-4e52-b049-31a689744ca0 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 00540e59-74ff-423e-9af1-16bf4cf1fb9b))
+ (to (junction e939d845-6325-4ad9-982f-2e48f7a54768))
+ )
+ (trace c0efbe6e-d9ed-4fd0-9064-2ceb5ec73d60 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction d00b11f0-cd2b-4a3a-a5ed-ecf4cb199845))
+ (to (junction 00540e59-74ff-423e-9af1-16bf4cf1fb9b))
+ )
+ (trace e86c83fd-9d93-4a5d-b13f-7d7b3d3d73de (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 46246d79-3a5c-4119-b95d-a402483aaadd))
+ (to (junction d30b25d9-b2b9-4868-8606-161ec2caab55))
+ )
+ (trace f13ac2b9-3028-4745-b348-e7c701341fcd (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction e939d845-6325-4ad9-982f-2e48f7a54768))
+ (to (device 87082bf5-cfca-47c7-9589-8323a904b342) (pad ad269a13-97f3-4f91-91d7-393ff42f63db))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9fb8bf55-abc8-4129-9dc6-99d14a78f4a8
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 248929e9-6125-4395-aea6-d223e1fa040c (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 22.5 -5.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 2ec4a844-8d70-4bea-b8de-e74e4c2edfc5 (position 22.5 -3.975))
+ (trace 65a06301-5d13-4098-b138-f4cf697a85e3 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device e2c6eb62-ec6b-46b0-b57e-814a087ac89a) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 2ec4a844-8d70-4bea-b8de-e74e4c2edfc5))
+ )
+ (trace 67514392-3430-4bdd-8350-36b1c8637e67 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 2ec4a844-8d70-4bea-b8de-e74e4c2edfc5))
+ (to (via 248929e9-6125-4395-aea6-d223e1fa040c))
+ )
+ (trace cfc777cc-7f4f-4696-885d-c6df99e2aed8 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 248929e9-6125-4395-aea6-d223e1fa040c))
+ (to (device f6cb19ea-2420-4966-a665-144c8aea3a39) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment a240ee50-96a1-4764-a54d-a2d02ac45e35
+ (net fa4a56c1-cc6a-428c-b9b2-ee888d670e7c)
+ (junction 8ff3af71-8c4e-4d75-9cdf-885dde951112 (position 29.85 -8.9))
+ (junction ebe2e8a2-be90-4a84-bae8-e1379c0d3770 (position 22.15 -8.9))
+ (trace 17499ce3-ad94-4cd2-a437-61193b5d5e0b (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction ebe2e8a2-be90-4a84-bae8-e1379c0d3770))
+ (to (device 0a110ffa-5f43-443c-a85e-7bb140f43500) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace 5183dfa3-a2b0-48c7-a575-5b72c045d3d1 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 8ff3af71-8c4e-4d75-9cdf-885dde951112))
+ (to (device 0a110ffa-5f43-443c-a85e-7bb140f43500) (pad 54f49841-9fde-421d-a9d7-892958190b5d))
+ )
+ (trace b6b82e23-2ddd-456b-af23-247eaf7eff04 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 9b7ef3ec-66cc-4313-868c-7389eaf71af3) (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f))
+ (to (junction 8ff3af71-8c4e-4d75-9cdf-885dde951112))
+ )
+ (trace dbd2d638-9ed9-40aa-8b11-d677cc4e10e5 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f6cb19ea-2420-4966-a665-144c8aea3a39) (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213))
+ (to (junction ebe2e8a2-be90-4a84-bae8-e1379c0d3770))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment a4fdad95-0549-4eeb-95a4-5612c472bb13
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via da26ae9b-a20e-4008-83c7-854dcb99d4e9 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 35.5 -55.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment aa798707-b015-46ef-ab1a-a279ad215706
+ (net 41e89a55-4be5-4879-8a2e-1102c7f2074f)
+ (via e0feb329-7937-4978-a51e-b56bb61ab501 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 31.25 -53.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 26cd69fa-f733-4a55-89a8-321c87fe5da6 (position 28.55 -46.975))
+ (junction 5b13193f-4b6f-4218-9f14-0036a8330b09 (position 31.25 -53.25))
+ (trace 1ddd29e9-8c24-4bf9-b229-c0df9415cbb6 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.2)
+ (from (junction 5b13193f-4b6f-4218-9f14-0036a8330b09))
+ (to (device 33484fb5-97b5-4d9e-8135-f1cfb52a56e0) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ )
+ (trace b2d232d6-7ac0-48ab-bbc7-109bd10ded46 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.2)
+ (from (junction 5b13193f-4b6f-4218-9f14-0036a8330b09))
+ (to (via e0feb329-7937-4978-a51e-b56bb61ab501))
+ )
+ (trace b3803949-c630-4c84-b1a2-71b171d3fc11 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (via e0feb329-7937-4978-a51e-b56bb61ab501))
+ (to (device ee7abbb7-1d4b-46e9-8e35-a146efe1261a) (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc))
+ )
+ (trace cc9bf406-939d-4c78-b5f8-f2cc800f436f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.2)
+ (from (device 0f474324-9bc7-4322-8304-01e88a920696) (pad b817e6d8-412e-4d52-9ecb-d34c26b49e28))
+ (to (junction 5b13193f-4b6f-4218-9f14-0036a8330b09))
+ )
+ (trace d09e1c65-dd1c-49ba-91c3-7536aabdbe5d (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (device 1201fa9f-0c31-4146-83aa-d5afafce5184) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction 26cd69fa-f733-4a55-89a8-321c87fe5da6))
+ )
+ (trace e77ac160-e4a1-4d5f-aa29-b0e588a24dbd (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (junction 26cd69fa-f733-4a55-89a8-321c87fe5da6))
+ (to (device ee7abbb7-1d4b-46e9-8e35-a146efe1261a) (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment ae42fe0a-9541-4b24-915a-96f11dea1d8a
+ (net 8c869aee-5efd-4881-81d2-fa37b74485ea)
+ (junction 5e04fd39-6055-499d-8356-492007836904 (position 36.5 -53.75))
+ (junction eb14c636-ae39-4b14-a31d-e0d1627b3024 (position 39.75 -53.75))
+ (trace 7240274b-1d97-4b62-8ce6-d445ba90ec2d (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 5e04fd39-6055-499d-8356-492007836904))
+ (to (junction eb14c636-ae39-4b14-a31d-e0d1627b3024))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment b44ca4cc-5f89-4051-a157-cdda691297d9
+ (net 062006c5-6ec3-4dd1-aabd-19940323e782)
+ (via e3b01109-a628-4bae-902e-3ff3760ceeb1 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 20.5 -21.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 274263e0-547d-4b82-bf09-d891b8853372 (position 8.37 -25.0))
+ (junction 43ef5b9b-1d36-4442-88f9-5f1aab8b2b6d (position 15.25 -21.5))
+ (junction bd38ac70-6cfe-4f39-a7cb-83801b1364db (position 11.75 -25.0))
+ (junction ffee30ac-95db-4c59-8ced-d8919d3d06ab (position 20.5 -19.975))
+ (trace 0adc1ed1-4e5d-4389-8a23-24a6a45e7398 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction ffee30ac-95db-4c59-8ced-d8919d3d06ab))
+ (to (via e3b01109-a628-4bae-902e-3ff3760ceeb1))
+ )
+ (trace 22a36064-69e3-4c7c-a9c6-3ca246e9b2cf (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 274263e0-547d-4b82-bf09-d891b8853372))
+ (to (junction bd38ac70-6cfe-4f39-a7cb-83801b1364db))
+ )
+ (trace 38b6e36e-d5c0-44c0-81da-bc566a7789bc (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via e3b01109-a628-4bae-902e-3ff3760ceeb1))
+ (to (device b679c88a-a60d-4dc5-a265-dc34eccdc1b0) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace 62ff59ad-7f90-4262-a341-d91741435d46 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction bd38ac70-6cfe-4f39-a7cb-83801b1364db))
+ (to (junction 43ef5b9b-1d36-4442-88f9-5f1aab8b2b6d))
+ )
+ (trace 77e57449-909a-4e17-9c16-c8a69aa5f008 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device c1e03e9a-25ac-4b1c-ae4a-e3d78e085399) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction ffee30ac-95db-4c59-8ced-d8919d3d06ab))
+ )
+ (trace 9fd38aab-0c10-4939-b347-e3c68f8e6da1 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 43ef5b9b-1d36-4442-88f9-5f1aab8b2b6d))
+ (to (via e3b01109-a628-4bae-902e-3ff3760ceeb1))
+ )
+ (trace f563779a-a5b8-4ef2-a629-22c7fd983523 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 1bdee6bb-3a6e-4c67-8fa3-dc9d43ec6e35))
+ (to (junction 274263e0-547d-4b82-bf09-d891b8853372))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment b5f77719-f8c7-48e4-b7da-17601f426964
+ (net d348e811-dd63-4199-a8b3-92572406c4ab)
+ (junction 6f62600c-1b3a-4b7a-8426-a3c2126af090 (position 2.5 -8.25))
+ (junction 9fb71f61-3564-471d-ad87-d602b3011db3 (position 7.41 -6.0))
+ (junction bad74675-9552-4405-a9dd-bb8500bf4346 (position 4.75 -6.0))
+ (trace 13ae11ef-dafe-4e23-adc5-11235bde5a41 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (junction 9fb71f61-3564-471d-ad87-d602b3011db3))
+ (to (junction bad74675-9552-4405-a9dd-bb8500bf4346))
+ )
+ (trace 55e5a253-851a-46a2-acf0-96d702699c50 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (junction bad74675-9552-4405-a9dd-bb8500bf4346))
+ (to (junction 6f62600c-1b3a-4b7a-8426-a3c2126af090))
+ )
+ (trace 6bfec8db-6706-4305-946a-fbe2eb5930a4 (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (junction 6f62600c-1b3a-4b7a-8426-a3c2126af090))
+ (to (device 87082bf5-cfca-47c7-9589-8323a904b342) (pad cfde0ce2-123a-49dc-adf4-4aa243d3065e))
+ )
+ (trace fe75d52f-d7a4-4e88-b0d3-39fff07a46bc (layer top_cu) (width 0.5)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad b9218a25-7bff-4f95-8e91-3dc42f81399c))
+ (to (junction 9fb71f61-3564-471d-ad87-d602b3011db3))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment bc1b8cac-17e6-48ce-a212-04b12d3bc253
+ (net 8c869aee-5efd-4881-81d2-fa37b74485ea)
+ (junction 56feb597-9732-4603-84d2-748eae09156e (position 39.75 -58.75))
+ (trace 5a6b5c96-7b42-4419-8838-d59cc87dd9e9 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 5a823968-958d-4e08-ae30-8ee87cb53a9f) (pad 3341b336-6f70-407c-8cf2-62ee5b8d660a))
+ (to (junction 56feb597-9732-4603-84d2-748eae09156e))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment bd95adf2-bde8-4f9e-9f8b-1c7ebe11b40f
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via fd03473d-2972-411b-9f50-315eee7e831e (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 22.25 -40.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment bdef2533-0820-4db5-a5f1-b3ab7662fba6
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 98739bef-c3e4-4a96-a091-8e39bc53b6b3 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 24.75 -40.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment c49450be-4183-47a5-9d3a-927e60b62e49
+ (net 37f8e6df-f624-4e86-bfd8-97b937ff29a2)
+ (junction 3858ed01-6212-4132-ba6a-29119f3ea9a9 (position 63.25 -44.75))
+ (trace 4dc81d14-ec48-4372-8d8b-96693fc86ec4 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 003e5a09-081d-4b51-a79f-a99d94d66249) (pad f1236535-1da4-45cc-8b56-272f24f77546))
+ (to (junction 3858ed01-6212-4132-ba6a-29119f3ea9a9))
+ )
+ (trace cc6fdca9-58fe-47dc-8503-5edbd473edfb (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 3858ed01-6212-4132-ba6a-29119f3ea9a9))
+ (to (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 78f19a3a-f603-43b8-b988-5387e023250c))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment ca6fb966-3ee8-4562-a0a6-b990332484f5
+ (net 9bbc1533-8c80-42b8-bf7a-812dd7970b11)
+ (via 8a94108e-a132-44cc-8f2e-0bc9f3d74545 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 59.0 -8.5) (size 1.0) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 0eac40e1-0e5d-4c4f-a211-7cdd07952c77 (position 76.5 -55.75))
+ (junction 286ae0cd-eab9-44a3-91dc-921d5628952a (position 33.0 -6.25))
+ (junction 3badc012-e599-4c83-8112-6f6263a6a8f4 (position 59.0 -47.25))
+ (junction 5bebfd8b-ad28-4996-8c33-6e282461654a (position 73.5 -58.75))
+ (junction 82121665-ad99-49ff-a7bf-a0f96a65f180 (position 54.25 -3.75))
+ (junction 85f784b5-9214-4fdb-8d9d-ef581346a90d (position 59.0 -20.0))
+ (junction 87a6450d-33e5-4044-b9a3-22e92a153c87 (position 43.5 -3.75))
+ (junction a4b9c767-7eb2-4dd5-a5bf-d29ce1e322de (position 59.0 -12.0))
+ (junction aea22d27-1a98-413b-896c-629f5f8d94ca (position 61.5 -49.75))
+ (junction c7c8a161-f48a-420c-b99c-70051957d19a (position 33.0 -17.25))
+ (junction d79236fa-e25a-41f5-94b0-f776752df320 (position 33.0 -9.25))
+ (junction da08e74b-8943-4f6e-9bff-0079cdf5564b (position 59.0 -28.0))
+ (junction e41292d8-a943-49ed-8eb7-c254d8b9b5bb (position 59.0 -44.0))
+ (junction f1b3ccbf-e295-4fc9-876f-f5d678995dd9 (position 59.0 -36.0))
+ (junction fe4903cc-4f5c-4982-91d5-50d3f36d0ec9 (position 76.5 -52.25))
+ (trace 05647ef8-29b9-4c18-b284-bd7c4bcaa221 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction d79236fa-e25a-41f5-94b0-f776752df320))
+ (to (junction 286ae0cd-eab9-44a3-91dc-921d5628952a))
+ )
+ (trace 06548d7a-11e4-457c-b765-3ee937cb57cb (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction da08e74b-8943-4f6e-9bff-0079cdf5564b))
+ (to (device 9c759720-44cf-4b19-b8b1-98adb63935ab) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace 06ba594e-aeac-4ef4-857b-5607b2ad4e51 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 85f784b5-9214-4fdb-8d9d-ef581346a90d))
+ (to (device 7ab90019-26ee-4ae5-b669-d978dfa62995) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace 2ea59037-e6ad-48be-b3df-467c9b785079 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device f699f4ae-d728-4a7e-bd2f-a08ce56eb74d) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ (to (junction c7c8a161-f48a-420c-b99c-70051957d19a))
+ )
+ (trace 3900e32a-996e-409c-8da4-137b7579d48f (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction d79236fa-e25a-41f5-94b0-f776752df320))
+ (to (junction c7c8a161-f48a-420c-b99c-70051957d19a))
+ )
+ (trace 3a64f358-87f0-4908-a29f-67442563b041 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction d79236fa-e25a-41f5-94b0-f776752df320))
+ (to (device f3339ff3-9520-4dbd-a242-95fd88c470f7) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace 4110d791-36f6-40ba-8bd9-8eaad2980a79 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (via 8a94108e-a132-44cc-8f2e-0bc9f3d74545))
+ (to (junction 82121665-ad99-49ff-a7bf-a0f96a65f180))
+ )
+ (trace 41161f58-95cc-41e4-b0c2-9c203193dbdc (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 0eac40e1-0e5d-4c4f-a211-7cdd07952c77))
+ (to (junction 5bebfd8b-ad28-4996-8c33-6e282461654a))
+ )
+ (trace 4aefbc0d-f030-4f44-8b80-dfcd60171b9a (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 5bebfd8b-ad28-4996-8c33-6e282461654a))
+ (to (device 5a823968-958d-4e08-ae30-8ee87cb53a9f) (pad ebdc0389-99e8-40f3-8fe4-f184c04d3c09))
+ )
+ (trace 4c653b27-23a7-4c71-8216-1f2e197411f2 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device 9b7ef3ec-66cc-4313-868c-7389eaf71af3) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ (to (junction 286ae0cd-eab9-44a3-91dc-921d5628952a))
+ )
+ (trace 52080222-3594-4a4a-9f0f-d9e87e891865 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction e41292d8-a943-49ed-8eb7-c254d8b9b5bb))
+ (to (device 003e5a09-081d-4b51-a79f-a99d94d66249) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace 5723306c-42ed-43e9-98d6-fd9871ed1ee5 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction e41292d8-a943-49ed-8eb7-c254d8b9b5bb))
+ (to (junction f1b3ccbf-e295-4fc9-876f-f5d678995dd9))
+ )
+ (trace 6529515c-5b09-465a-8c05-4086a7d29737 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 16b9aae1-511c-4fc8-a89b-fccfb7cd9853))
+ (to (junction fe4903cc-4f5c-4982-91d5-50d3f36d0ec9))
+ )
+ (trace 67d1d91d-4aec-4f00-a245-85de7024e88b (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (via 8a94108e-a132-44cc-8f2e-0bc9f3d74545))
+ (to (junction a4b9c767-7eb2-4dd5-a5bf-d29ce1e322de))
+ )
+ (trace 7d803420-6868-4cad-a7c9-da7bae1c948d (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction a4b9c767-7eb2-4dd5-a5bf-d29ce1e322de))
+ (to (device 75d0d62e-62b5-40f2-b4b5-1318679c936a) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace 9b770401-cc85-4f74-88a4-a297302d19e8 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction da08e74b-8943-4f6e-9bff-0079cdf5564b))
+ (to (junction 85f784b5-9214-4fdb-8d9d-ef581346a90d))
+ )
+ (trace a639d5fd-dcdb-4795-a310-6ba8b9cbe95b (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction f1b3ccbf-e295-4fc9-876f-f5d678995dd9))
+ (to (junction da08e74b-8943-4f6e-9bff-0079cdf5564b))
+ )
+ (trace b79f76ad-7a3b-46d3-bc0c-c2614cfde5bd (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction f1b3ccbf-e295-4fc9-876f-f5d678995dd9))
+ (to (device 72b5484a-906a-4e99-a49b-04dbf24cf835) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace bbfed7bc-cff5-402c-839b-dc4edaff8b50 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction e41292d8-a943-49ed-8eb7-c254d8b9b5bb))
+ (to (junction 3badc012-e599-4c83-8112-6f6263a6a8f4))
+ )
+ (trace bc9eb38d-49b0-4c3d-b8fd-e5c438899759 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (device dc014bad-d340-48fe-ae9e-eba0d2251cbd) (pad 16b9aae1-511c-4fc8-a89b-fccfb7cd9853))
+ (to (junction aea22d27-1a98-413b-896c-629f5f8d94ca))
+ )
+ (trace ce92b6a7-f28d-45ef-9dd3-a3498e517ee0 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction fe4903cc-4f5c-4982-91d5-50d3f36d0ec9))
+ (to (junction 0eac40e1-0e5d-4c4f-a211-7cdd07952c77))
+ )
+ (trace cfb1c232-d48c-4754-a9bb-077515d8fbcb (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 87a6450d-33e5-4044-b9a3-22e92a153c87))
+ (to (device 9b7ef3ec-66cc-4313-868c-7389eaf71af3) (pad 6c58cb90-c8bb-4d00-bc62-f94f7f26cc55))
+ )
+ (trace e3464b0c-5073-467f-b799-83fc20fee116 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction aea22d27-1a98-413b-896c-629f5f8d94ca))
+ (to (junction 3badc012-e599-4c83-8112-6f6263a6a8f4))
+ )
+ (trace eb64116b-10c3-4a5b-bdc3-57a39a365cb7 (layer top_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 87a6450d-33e5-4044-b9a3-22e92a153c87))
+ (to (junction 82121665-ad99-49ff-a7bf-a0f96a65f180))
+ )
+ (trace fdb0d881-5989-4696-a729-6d22d0005d86 (layer bot_cu) (width 1.0)
+ (from (junction 85f784b5-9214-4fdb-8d9d-ef581346a90d))
+ (to (junction a4b9c767-7eb2-4dd5-a5bf-d29ce1e322de))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment cafaa9b7-1ab3-43a3-897b-15aa06ceb763
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via c7adebbf-2b32-45a2-95dc-8b36833944f2 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 48.25 -44.0) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 09ca7e6a-4d05-4bdc-8313-c320b415aab1 (position 48.25 -42.225))
+ (trace 23bef5ec-5184-4b2b-ad41-8e1ee5a6e0be (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via c7adebbf-2b32-45a2-95dc-8b36833944f2))
+ (to (device c30bf2b0-e5b2-4bcf-96a2-8aa3df6f25cd) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ (trace 3c3cd92a-4eb3-4a5c-aa34-9e2f180e6999 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device aad60047-b273-4e60-98a0-fab1fd947585) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 09ca7e6a-4d05-4bdc-8313-c320b415aab1))
+ )
+ (trace 877b5268-5289-4d3a-99f4-d5c8863e493c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 09ca7e6a-4d05-4bdc-8313-c320b415aab1))
+ (to (via c7adebbf-2b32-45a2-95dc-8b36833944f2))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment cf69edc7-6bb0-4a10-93fb-697e475731e0
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via b5386106-5338-49b5-a8de-b3491c60c48b (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 19.75 -40.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment d276fd2b-4576-4cf2-815d-73ab58b1e05e
+ (net 199b4cb6-a442-492b-bc10-39842b91d297)
+ (junction 457dfb00-03db-4bd3-b586-b1c45e6ac68b (position 40.5 -28.75))
+ (junction cff9a2ee-1d96-4c96-8bc4-be9e0cff7847 (position 23.96 -35.25))
+ (junction e46632a7-ac9c-430c-9b8e-2df9f6ae3b0b (position 46.25 -26.225))
+ (junction f50ffca0-4c93-42f3-ac71-d32ba3b32b6e (position 34.0 -35.25))
+ (trace 24b6ba29-1ab3-4d84-a32f-7f456015979c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 2004e12a-bd8b-4099-a722-529db33e5545))
+ (to (junction cff9a2ee-1d96-4c96-8bc4-be9e0cff7847))
+ )
+ (trace 7435dc3f-f0d4-4618-aa75-ebc03636e41d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction e46632a7-ac9c-430c-9b8e-2df9f6ae3b0b))
+ (to (device bf8c2ac6-6bef-4681-8d40-49de366fb199) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace cd48a735-8b1e-41fd-b866-3fb0335503ed (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device e16a780c-11c3-4b8f-a2de-06133720f133) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction e46632a7-ac9c-430c-9b8e-2df9f6ae3b0b))
+ )
+ (trace e0ed7fd6-dfce-4c54-b0b8-d8d9f6c60693 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction f50ffca0-4c93-42f3-ac71-d32ba3b32b6e))
+ (to (junction 457dfb00-03db-4bd3-b586-b1c45e6ac68b))
+ )
+ (trace e6b844ca-a59c-4f93-a981-71ccab1e1859 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction cff9a2ee-1d96-4c96-8bc4-be9e0cff7847))
+ (to (junction f50ffca0-4c93-42f3-ac71-d32ba3b32b6e))
+ )
+ (trace fcda683b-b1d5-41e3-921e-518884315eb5 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 457dfb00-03db-4bd3-b586-b1c45e6ac68b))
+ (to (device bf8c2ac6-6bef-4681-8d40-49de366fb199) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment d869cc9d-47b6-4358-ad2f-a1fbc179ca28
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 9242231d-9f20-43a9-b010-980899636616 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 22.5 -21.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction f94f1a7d-fda9-4aa7-9357-0e1cd8980213 (position 22.5 -19.975))
+ (trace 4345fba1-30ad-4061-9c44-171f2b498cc5 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 9242231d-9f20-43a9-b010-980899636616))
+ (to (device b679c88a-a60d-4dc5-a265-dc34eccdc1b0) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ (trace 5cfc40a5-d923-4a50-8b7d-da9bb3afc25d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device c1e03e9a-25ac-4b1c-ae4a-e3d78e085399) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction f94f1a7d-fda9-4aa7-9357-0e1cd8980213))
+ )
+ (trace aa231d1f-e110-4632-ac2c-9e304a890b38 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction f94f1a7d-fda9-4aa7-9357-0e1cd8980213))
+ (to (via 9242231d-9f20-43a9-b010-980899636616))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment e22e141f-6d97-4b95-a6ba-23cc766fc59b
+ (net b3e50bba-d040-4e55-be74-2e8f42522611)
+ (junction 99fc0a3c-f788-45a2-90dc-064caa68e4e4 (position 53.6 -41.75))
+ (junction be42f57d-11c8-4c5f-9f4f-6a2431f43001 (position 51.0 -42.85))
+ (trace 23dfda9b-6be5-44b6-b68d-b15065359c2f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 003e5a09-081d-4b51-a79f-a99d94d66249) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction 99fc0a3c-f788-45a2-90dc-064caa68e4e4))
+ )
+ (trace 3fdbe373-8f6a-44d4-848d-d84045bfb58b (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction be42f57d-11c8-4c5f-9f4f-6a2431f43001))
+ (to (device 9f4dcc83-1e4a-4ab3-b45b-17444fee35d6) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 549e139e-a2d9-45e3-8ed9-07165d106e5c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 99fc0a3c-f788-45a2-90dc-064caa68e4e4))
+ (to (device 9f4dcc83-1e4a-4ab3-b45b-17444fee35d6) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace d30ed55a-f088-4fac-b908-1dbd0afe9a17 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 4b9edc86-93c3-4802-acee-c1be76c8c55f) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction be42f57d-11c8-4c5f-9f4f-6a2431f43001))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment e51b2e32-e9f8-4dc2-8dff-b919e8059598
+ (net 4cd41a44-babf-4984-a120-32e2774c5ddd)
+ (junction 0e4464b8-049c-4834-b807-94625c28b453 (position 27.85 -19.75))
+ (junction 9512078e-3005-4cf8-861d-11c8d62378a6 (position 25.25 -20.85))
+ (trace 11807961-ca2d-4e55-a132-abd4de802be8 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f699f4ae-d728-4a7e-bd2f-a08ce56eb74d) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction 0e4464b8-049c-4834-b807-94625c28b453))
+ )
+ (trace 74b65bbc-568f-4e90-9d87-109abb87f2ec (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 9512078e-3005-4cf8-861d-11c8d62378a6))
+ (to (device 0e2a5346-270d-49d4-85d8-1cbb5fd36efc) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 9a2afd1f-c9cf-4fce-8914-15fe7db93d7d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device f3179c5c-79ad-43e0-8478-ee86f4282c16) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 9512078e-3005-4cf8-861d-11c8d62378a6))
+ )
+ (trace fd27dcde-440a-4909-9ed5-bcc70015c92c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 0e4464b8-049c-4834-b807-94625c28b453))
+ (to (device 0e2a5346-270d-49d4-85d8-1cbb5fd36efc) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment e80e32b6-2047-4723-9c0f-0eeec520f491
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 3aa9b828-14e3-4a0b-9cea-00f8804af3c7 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 48.25 -11.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 3128b0b7-a263-446d-bea8-edef99245292 (position 48.25 -10.225))
+ (trace 07f11326-5cd6-4a22-b707-4e7f3a3beb46 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device c2acd434-b6cf-46b0-9bbd-a690c3276c17) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 3128b0b7-a263-446d-bea8-edef99245292))
+ )
+ (trace d275ea6c-5035-495e-8077-4b108f00ae78 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 3128b0b7-a263-446d-bea8-edef99245292))
+ (to (via 3aa9b828-14e3-4a0b-9cea-00f8804af3c7))
+ )
+ (trace e3566819-38bb-42f8-9706-0d50e8d7ce5f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 3aa9b828-14e3-4a0b-9cea-00f8804af3c7))
+ (to (device 83aa6fb6-653b-4e28-a917-a411b326c0fb) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment eca174bf-18d1-46aa-bb40-691c08adb0d3
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via a397cd23-7119-470e-bc8d-43ce6db16f78 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 34.0 -55.75) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment ee69b1ef-f51d-4bdf-b14a-67f86ff2296a
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via e9d85f93-4339-4f40-a06c-675e4d1d898f (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 48.25 -36.0) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 7b683af7-e753-49f0-be5b-5d1ce1a173c8 (position 48.25 -34.225))
+ (trace 370eb15d-0f4e-437d-8c78-2e2dbe0bbfad (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device 6c91ba05-d8ee-4290-87f9-3de392a15d35) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 7b683af7-e753-49f0-be5b-5d1ce1a173c8))
+ )
+ (trace e4f7a904-640d-4665-8166-ee5d6a86ba84 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 7b683af7-e753-49f0-be5b-5d1ce1a173c8))
+ (to (via e9d85f93-4339-4f40-a06c-675e4d1d898f))
+ )
+ (trace ef93fb38-5c9d-471f-88eb-9ad42e4d9963 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via e9d85f93-4339-4f40-a06c-675e4d1d898f))
+ (to (device 35099bc2-2343-44fe-8368-b22441aa6a3c) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f6ad3477-b682-40f9-9aa4-5dd83c4b85c5
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 3b9f8220-b412-4f07-b0ed-eb27b175d472 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 22.5 -13.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 35a66f99-3eb4-430f-8ec7-6ef8a4407776 (position 22.5 -12.225))
+ (trace 0ca0cfb8-f554-4934-a514-db43527c102f (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device 1733362b-3bae-470b-9ba7-7a872bf41510) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 35a66f99-3eb4-430f-8ec7-6ef8a4407776))
+ )
+ (trace a0ebd21c-fd55-40a6-87fc-acea13101a2e (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 35a66f99-3eb4-430f-8ec7-6ef8a4407776))
+ (to (via 3b9f8220-b412-4f07-b0ed-eb27b175d472))
+ )
+ (trace dda9ed82-a192-4b42-aec6-068d4dbd1c40 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 3b9f8220-b412-4f07-b0ed-eb27b175d472))
+ (to (device d827ca0b-9f27-4a2e-a718-4fa07b329918) (pad 37d8c5d6-4b97-4c3e-99a6-ff84b88e2496))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f717cff0-caa3-4d27-8e38-9089cd06317a
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (via 0521daaa-f9ba-4f2a-8ef1-a5e7af99e9be (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 44.25 -55.25) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f755802e-04c9-45a6-9d58-c6132f7a2367
+ (net 6183b9b9-8433-4e01-9196-0ffe79bbf5f3)
+ (via 519adf21-4b45-44b4-86c5-9e104e444c03 (from top_cu) (to bot_cu)
+ (position 20.5 -13.5) (size 0.7) (drill 0.3) (exposure off)
+ )
+ (junction 700c074e-d662-4d2b-9ea0-20c8bae49b21 (position 18.0 -13.5))
+ (junction 7f9ef45b-3eae-454f-b3b1-94172e0bb2de (position 8.54 -19.75))
+ (junction 846df122-0b59-44e8-a73a-af49c5344a4e (position 11.75 -19.75))
+ (junction f543d34a-dd92-4185-b752-005c528c4267 (position 20.5 -12.225))
+ (trace 2f1f9d78-887e-465d-b7e0-379ca971c07d (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 846df122-0b59-44e8-a73a-af49c5344a4e))
+ (to (junction 700c074e-d662-4d2b-9ea0-20c8bae49b21))
+ )
+ (trace 47fcf097-bbba-4c1c-bad0-63869d421f33 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 7f9ef45b-3eae-454f-b3b1-94172e0bb2de))
+ (to (junction 846df122-0b59-44e8-a73a-af49c5344a4e))
+ )
+ (trace 5f0064a5-8172-4200-bea9-63d2963295fe (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device 1733362b-3bae-470b-9ba7-7a872bf41510) (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008))
+ (to (junction f543d34a-dd92-4185-b752-005c528c4267))
+ )
+ (trace c54d07c5-e1de-44ee-b6a6-4fa72f348565 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (via 519adf21-4b45-44b4-86c5-9e104e444c03))
+ (to (device d827ca0b-9f27-4a2e-a718-4fa07b329918) (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f))
+ )
+ (trace c6575bad-1200-417b-a9b5-a044d6b56618 (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction 700c074e-d662-4d2b-9ea0-20c8bae49b21))
+ (to (via 519adf21-4b45-44b4-86c5-9e104e444c03))
+ )
+ (trace ce73777b-5a15-4482-a017-bb842e0d1cf7 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (junction f543d34a-dd92-4185-b752-005c528c4267))
+ (to (via 519adf21-4b45-44b4-86c5-9e104e444c03))
+ )
+ (trace f9831364-46c1-4e0b-8fae-81a8ba26064c (layer top_cu) (width 0.3)
+ (from (device a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978) (pad 60bda5c0-7edb-4f74-b8a4-e9e3bbecb626))
+ (to (junction 7f9ef45b-3eae-454f-b3b1-94172e0bb2de))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment fb49b2f7-4d70-41d2-9f0f-c4fc2d4eeb98
+ (net f2982fda-5f55-4821-ad10-eef08e224ba8)
+ (junction 050b7ca5-3380-400f-aa78-ff97d2f06435 (position 53.6 -33.75))
+ (junction 9cedec6f-5d6e-4588-8f8d-022648710bbd (position 51.0 -34.85))
+ (trace 41ed2c10-1bc6-439a-9edf-9b4a3fa09777 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 72b5484a-906a-4e99-a49b-04dbf24cf835) (pad 9fc7d9ce-6e4a-46fd-856b-d0285616b9f2))
+ (to (junction 050b7ca5-3380-400f-aa78-ff97d2f06435))
+ )
+ (trace 7f206de6-4b96-4c76-a936-06859e4db73c (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 9cedec6f-5d6e-4588-8f8d-022648710bbd))
+ (to (device 9a2b9f0a-10b0-4bf4-ad17-11cbf48de9d4) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ (trace 804e73c1-f22c-4f53-80bc-7337cb290c5d (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (device 24c7776d-6a7f-41b0-9cd9-0ecc0045869f) (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494))
+ (to (junction 9cedec6f-5d6e-4588-8f8d-022648710bbd))
+ )
+ (trace e24e3200-9dd8-4e46-a149-2604e2f30342 (layer bot_cu) (width 0.6)
+ (from (junction 050b7ca5-3380-400f-aa78-ff97d2f06435))
+ (to (device 9a2b9f0a-10b0-4bf4-ad17-11cbf48de9d4) (pad 3964b759-c663-4ddf-9871-c12962033185))
+ )
+ )
+ (plane 04a246e9-653d-4935-b121-f66d4d3b8397 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -52.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -54.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.5 -54.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.5 -57.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 36.0 -57.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 36.0 -55.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.875 -55.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.875 -52.75) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 1b4f6626-7679-4bdf-b4ea-dc3ce4e8c2c7 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net 8c869aee-5efd-4881-81d2-fa37b74485ea) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 40.25 -59.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 40.25 -53.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 39.25 -53.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 39.25 -59.25) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 1c96a33b-680a-439d-8878-146810e5130f (layer bot_cu)
+ (net 8c869aee-5efd-4881-81d2-fa37b74485ea) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 36.75 -53.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.75 -52.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.0 -52.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.0 -54.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.25 -54.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -54.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 36.75 -54.25) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 335161f4-499b-4874-af88-2c95e9988d25 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -44.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 1.0 -44.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 1.0 -42.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 1.0 -7.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 8.5 -7.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 8.5 -12.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 4.5 -12.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 4.5 -42.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -42.25) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 4558ab73-c8ec-45ba-8da3-f60e28b4116b (layer bot_cu)
+ (net 7c54b369-d1b6-45cc-a1f6-5b84c8aef098) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 34.875 -51.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 34.875 -51.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.375 -51.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 38.0 -50.5) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 38.0 -49.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 37.5 -49.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 37.5 -50.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.375 -51.25) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 5395c19a-6e3e-4655-9a2d-3a67dd986d52 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net c2ba8449-4b55-4ddb-b972-d1ac0cdfd263) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -51.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.5 -51.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 31.0 -49.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 30.0 -49.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 30.0 -50.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 31.0 -50.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.5 -51.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -51.75) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 60ebd2e3-7962-41eb-9a07-46876d72be96 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style thermal) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -52.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -53.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 29.5 -53.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 29.5 -56.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 23.0 -56.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 23.0 -49.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 29.5 -49.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 29.5 -50.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 31.0 -50.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.25 -52.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 8a8b0ee6-1b2f-4f2d-912c-b98c15ae96d1 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net fa097ea3-9409-45b3-a97a-75888dd83a62) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands false) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 30.25 -55.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 31.0 -55.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.5 -54.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -54.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 33.0 -54.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.5 -54.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 31.0 -55.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 30.25 -55.75) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (plane 9627c580-c112-475e-8fe6-973219d608c7 (layer bot_cu)
+ (net 510139b0-5b7b-4254-8b9d-003afc9e5274) (priority 0)
+ (min_width 0.2) (min_clearance 0.3) (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_spoke 0.3)
+ (connect_style solid) (keep_islands true) (lock false)
+ (vertex (position 34.3125 -52.9375) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 34.3125 -52.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.75 -49.75) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.5 -49.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 32.5 -47.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -47.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -48.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 38.0 -48.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 38.0 -48.5) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -48.5) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 35.5 -49.25) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 34.4375 -51.25) (angle 0.0))
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/circuit/circuit.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@
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+ (description "Standard assembly")
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+ (net 062006c5-6ec3-4dd1-aabd-19940323e782 (auto false) (name "SR8")
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (net 41e89a55-4be5-4879-8a2e-1102c7f2074f (auto false) (name "FB")
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+ )
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+ (net 4ff24f6c-0991-4281-b582-89c45a0d95ae (auto false) (name "RV7")
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+ (net 510139b0-5b7b-4254-8b9d-003afc9e5274 (auto false) (name "SW")
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+ )
+ (net 5481c539-602f-4e26-a584-bcc189481de2 (auto false) (name "SR4")
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+ (net 6183b9b9-8433-4e01-9196-0ffe79bbf5f3 (auto false) (name "SR7")
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+ )
+ (net 650cce9a-6064-4bac-b3e3-646382a7b5d3 (auto false) (name "COM")
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+ )
+ (net 696c0c3d-7c20-4fba-ae51-0065748c382f (auto true) (name "N31")
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+ )
+ (net 7c54b369-d1b6-45cc-a1f6-5b84c8aef098 (auto false) (name "BOOT")
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+ )
+ (net 9927fbdf-6965-408e-a181-46a324b2f658 (auto false) (name "O7")
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+ )
+ (net 99d1572a-d0ac-4c5d-b055-32a1b8efd5cc (auto false) (name "O4")
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+ )
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+ (net c2ba8449-4b55-4ddb-b972-d1ac0cdfd263 (auto false) (name "SS")
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (device 483a71eb-318e-448e-82ff-f02efc4821aa
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (component 31596a36-1fa4-4c96-bc6d-79771f142df4
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (device 483a71eb-318e-448e-82ff-f02efc4821aa
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (signal 4c7edd50-32d2-4098-a286-3536b882967b (net bcc7f942-323c-4efa-9e9c-ce7e7abce278))
+ (signal d7eb84bb-7f47-4e0b-99d1-1ee30019c40e (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (device e80a2ba5-13dd-41f2-9cdc-f29e30a9e2ed
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
+ (device c139e505-592b-46ba-bdf2-acb7383ea0cd
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (signal d4ad2c6d-aca9-43f5-9ec1-4022e3c3c74e (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab))
+ )
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+ )
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+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd (net d63ded29-0579-4d8b-a2dd-be5fa6ae9e3d))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (device e80a2ba5-13dd-41f2-9cdc-f29e30a9e2ed
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+ )
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+ (signal 6d776f4d-2a7c-4128-a98a-dbb1dd861411 (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e))
+ )
+ (component eea64f1b-2009-45cb-ad78-7be761c5d632
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+ )
+ (component f1e7af4f-ebfe-4179-b641-57f648488753
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (name "K7") (value "IMB03ITS")
+ (lock_assembly false)
+ (device ceb68c45-629b-4a96-9bc0-169332666600
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
+ (device b02a35db-6efc-49fb-8fc4-c528262cf35b
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
+ (signal 0c3ac681-801e-41b8-ad0c-327a54133204 (net 2eb90cca-49df-406c-8b70-8455e2e83c7e))
+ (signal 1e323c26-3c1b-4b41-ac97-f2c793cc8a9d (net 9bbc1533-8c80-42b8-bf7a-812dd7970b11))
+ (signal 2ba01707-ea95-49c1-ad85-a3c105e5f991 (net none))
+ (signal 43683e66-b452-459e-a69d-87b1263f20d0 (net 9927fbdf-6965-408e-a181-46a324b2f658))
+ (signal eafd7106-c7df-41b8-98a7-426cd8b565d4 (net 4ff24f6c-0991-4281-b582-89c45a0d95ae))
+ )
+ (component f699f4ae-d728-4a7e-bd2f-a08ce56eb74d
+ (lib_component 8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19)
+ (lib_variant f6a21e40-a273-4463-8a5a-53f35239d866)
+ (name "K8") (value "IMB03ITS")
+ (lock_assembly false)
+ (device ceb68c45-629b-4a96-9bc0-169332666600
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
+ (device b02a35db-6efc-49fb-8fc4-c528262cf35b
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
+ (signal 0c3ac681-801e-41b8-ad0c-327a54133204 (net cb6c9b76-d1e8-4326-8da5-129806eb89d7))
+ (signal 1e323c26-3c1b-4b41-ac97-f2c793cc8a9d (net 9bbc1533-8c80-42b8-bf7a-812dd7970b11))
+ (signal 2ba01707-ea95-49c1-ad85-a3c105e5f991 (net none))
+ (signal 43683e66-b452-459e-a69d-87b1263f20d0 (net c707e92a-928d-42f7-9303-9325d8fd1939))
+ (signal eafd7106-c7df-41b8-98a7-426cd8b565d4 (net 4cd41a44-babf-4984-a120-32e2774c5ddd))
+ )
+ (component f6cb19ea-2420-4966-a665-144c8aea3a39
+ (lib_component 27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66)
+ (lib_variant df7447ce-127b-4827-abe2-767791c96981)
+ (name "Q6") (value "{{MPN or DEVICE}}")
+ (lock_assembly false)
+ (device b8f448cd-6ee9-4a2c-882d-2c0e14987552
+ (variant 858db6e0-3452-4818-919d-50f82d2216f8)
+ )
+ (signal 3982c030-dbdf-4cb9-8d75-0e471e12fabb (net fa4a56c1-cc6a-428c-b9b2-ee888d670e7c))
+ (signal 4c7edd50-32d2-4098-a286-3536b882967b (net d63ded29-0579-4d8b-a2dd-be5fa6ae9e3d))
+ (signal d7eb84bb-7f47-4e0b-99d1-1ee30019c40e (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab))
+ )
+ (component fe1ba7f6-a930-4527-99ec-6a43dc923261
+ (lib_component 8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1)
+ (lib_variant f09ad258-595b-4ee9-a1fc-910804a203ae)
+ (name "GND3") (value "GND")
+ (lock_assembly false)
+ (signal ff161c97-29a5-43aa-a9ae-3ca7a66982ce (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab))
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/circuit/erc.lp b/board/main/circuit/erc.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe63ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/circuit/erc.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/05d0bce0-c94c-4fec-bca2-2c2b60490c01/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/05d0bce0-c94c-4fec-bca2-2c2b60490c01/.librepcb-cmp
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index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/05d0bce0-c94c-4fec-bca2-2c2b60490c01/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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index 0000000..ba5dc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/05d0bce0-c94c-4fec-bca2-2c2b60490c01/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(librepcb_component 05d0bce0-c94c-4fec-bca2-2c2b60490c01
+ (name "Soldered Wire Connector 1x04")
+ (description "A 1x4 soldered wire connector.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 1x4, connector, soldering, generic")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (created 2018-10-17T19:13:41Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category d0618c29-0436-42da-a388-fdadf7b23892)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "")
+ (prefix "J")
+ (signal 109dd77e-f0eb-4307-9392-5ced2051941e (name "1") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal a5b37c07-bbd8-4767-b0a2-267daa119ed7 (name "2") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal c768c2a8-0c10-475e-8ee7-1f3f65c8cab2 (name "3") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal bbdffe3e-81b3-425c-a621-d08c2bc33bb0 (name "4") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 018c7f9d-8b77-4045-8b9e-4309d6b22536 (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate cbf9241b-bbe2-41ce-bb65-ba002b3c86fa
+ (symbol d1046fba-2d74-4fda-9818-32791a0890cb)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 37f1f202-23d4-4e7d-8039-76bb16626249 (signal 109dd77e-f0eb-4307-9392-5ced2051941e) (text pin))
+ (pin 3b16f9c6-1b43-4f7a-83ca-3cfe1f18090c (signal a5b37c07-bbd8-4767-b0a2-267daa119ed7) (text pin))
+ (pin f3aaf01c-e113-412d-abe9-f02b71e8e81d (signal c768c2a8-0c10-475e-8ee7-1f3f65c8cab2) (text pin))
+ (pin fe665206-5fd7-45dd-af7d-e0584890b4b5 (signal bbdffe3e-81b3-425c-a621-d08c2bc33bb0) (text pin))
+ )
+ )
+ (approved empty_default_value)
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2795b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(librepcb_component 0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a
+ (name "Diode")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-04T21:27:40Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 4d1c95f4-2e60-4f50-a15b-ba9186a01b1a)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{MPN or DEVICE}}")
+ (prefix "D")
+ (signal daf86625-d081-4fd6-a925-14976f92263d (name "A") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 343a05e0-6e9b-4317-a7de-61bd3c774b5c (name "C") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant e7e782be-7879-4392-841f-875150aba9f2 (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 426e2b17-da88-400b-b1fb-248b24f9c541
+ (symbol 9b75d0ce-ac4e-4a52-a88a-8777f66d3241)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83 (signal 343a05e0-6e9b-4317-a7de-61bd3c774b5c) (text none))
+ (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42 (signal daf86625-d081-4fd6-a925-14976f92263d) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c5c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(librepcb_component 27bf51af-a016-45b4-87cb-844c72a38d66
+ (name "MOSFET N-Channel")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-03T20:19:27Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category e9663545-80dd-4658-9357-d4ef62e55168)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{MPN or DEVICE}}")
+ (prefix "Q")
+ (signal d7eb84bb-7f47-4e0b-99d1-1ee30019c40e (name "S") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 4c7edd50-32d2-4098-a286-3536b882967b (name "G") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 3982c030-dbdf-4cb9-8d75-0e471e12fabb (name "D") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant df7447ce-127b-4827-abe2-767791c96981 (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate abb0fd2d-e3d8-492e-8c53-95575916028b
+ (symbol b2a17c32-dfca-471f-96c8-5de2333a3be3)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2 (signal d7eb84bb-7f47-4e0b-99d1-1ee30019c40e) (text none))
+ (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08 (signal 3982c030-dbdf-4cb9-8d75-0e471e12fabb) (text none))
+ (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532 (signal 4c7edd50-32d2-4098-a286-3536b882967b) (text none))
+ )
+ )
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index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/506bd124-6062-400e-9078-b38bd7e1aaee/.librepcb-cmp
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a022a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/506bd124-6062-400e-9078-b38bd7e1aaee/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+(librepcb_component 506bd124-6062-400e-9078-b38bd7e1aaee
+ (name "Inductor")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "inductor,inductance")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-01T20:00:00Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category b3adfa1e-b878-44f6-902a-14ef3dad7a14)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{INDUCTANCE}}")
+ (prefix "L")
+ (attribute "INDUCTANCE" (type inductance) (unit millihenry) (value ""))
+ (signal 777f11cd-9d4e-4b2b-aafa-7e7a836ff56e (name "1") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 5b36d330-6f19-4391-8f95-1c2f6a658286 (name "2") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 62a7598c-17fe-41cf-8fa1-4ed274c3adc2 (norm "IEC 60617")
+ (name "European")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 60cec411-a717-4893-b12f-7b698925e15b
+ (symbol 11e1f693-0777-48e4-b3bd-b451f3c929b3)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 06d55f94-1316-48cb-a20f-0d4231eced31 (signal 777f11cd-9d4e-4b2b-aafa-7e7a836ff56e) (text none))
+ (pin 1b2d8b3c-b531-48ec-a0f9-07e91687c214 (signal 5b36d330-6f19-4391-8f95-1c2f6a658286) (text none))
+ )
+ )
+ (variant 4245d515-6f6d-48cb-9958-a4ea23d0187f (norm "IEEE 315")
+ (name "American")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 1a96486c-cb0e-4bd2-81cc-926f7b1dd2e4
+ (symbol d52c9a67-e522-4e17-8663-2b933b51f9fa)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 7c8796e8-a731-4428-ad4e-a85eeeaf58d1 (signal 5b36d330-6f19-4391-8f95-1c2f6a658286) (text none))
+ (pin d1587bb1-f5be-451c-b0ea-9298743dfc3d (signal 777f11cd-9d4e-4b2b-aafa-7e7a836ff56e) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/5d9bb296-1b29-4121-bded-f15b9d05f23c/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/5d9bb296-1b29-4121-bded-f15b9d05f23c/.librepcb-cmp
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index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/5d9bb296-1b29-4121-bded-f15b9d05f23c/.librepcb-cmp
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index 0000000..b7792bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/5d9bb296-1b29-4121-bded-f15b9d05f23c/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(librepcb_component 5d9bb296-1b29-4121-bded-f15b9d05f23c
+ (name "Bridge Rectifier")
+ (description "Generic bridge rectifier")
+ (keywords "bridge, rectifier")
+ (author "Recycled0080")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2023-09-26T04:48:22Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 4d1c95f4-2e60-4f50-a15b-ba9186a01b1a)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{MPN or DEVICE}}")
+ (prefix "BR")
+ (signal 0470e211-b1d1-42cb-a821-a7c05864de55 (name "AC1") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal d4ad2c6d-aca9-43f5-9ec1-4022e3c3c74e (name "_") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 1f89c5d3-59c4-47f5-bbd2-0378de71e5c2 (name "AC2") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 8364707f-c375-4521-ab13-41476a0e664c (name "+") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 13e11092-3474-4675-a73f-5d843398052f (norm "IEC 60617")
+ (name "European")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 9d08a905-0991-42cc-ad71-b9e43a000637
+ (symbol 73c16b1f-8a37-4cb7-a832-440d0be4d9f7)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 2b39f516-392a-4315-a09b-e7b8c12e2247 (signal d4ad2c6d-aca9-43f5-9ec1-4022e3c3c74e) (text none))
+ (pin 77d8eafb-a13e-48a7-b24d-675d34a5c6c0 (signal 1f89c5d3-59c4-47f5-bbd2-0378de71e5c2) (text none))
+ (pin 9a0490e9-b25d-4e28-8ac2-a0e8e0ce59a6 (signal 8364707f-c375-4521-ab13-41476a0e664c) (text none))
+ (pin fe59a1cb-08f4-4d71-9d2d-8dce71a33312 (signal 0470e211-b1d1-42cb-a821-a7c05864de55) (text none))
+ )
+ )
+ (variant 3564ac8a-3997-470e-a0fe-9076efdf77e3 (norm "IEEE 315")
+ (name "American")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 667bc8bd-a8ab-4e4b-854d-45d52ce196d8
+ (symbol ca7218a8-66ca-441e-a1fe-4b8f7fd61658)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 8ddf0e09-635a-4afd-bf5f-34193f2ed35d (signal 8364707f-c375-4521-ab13-41476a0e664c) (text none))
+ (pin a5291c98-3729-47c7-b3d5-173a8ccea1e5 (signal d4ad2c6d-aca9-43f5-9ec1-4022e3c3c74e) (text none))
+ (pin b25141b8-f02a-427c-89be-1c0baab1303d (signal 0470e211-b1d1-42cb-a821-a7c05864de55) (text none))
+ (pin ebbf1fd9-e566-4a0b-a5e0-7b1635387a13 (signal 1f89c5d3-59c4-47f5-bbd2-0378de71e5c2) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1/component.lp
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index 0000000..803ecc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+(librepcb_component 8076f6be-bfab-4fc1-9772-5d54465dd7e1
+ (name "Supply GND")
+ (description "GND power symbol for schematics.")
+ (keywords "gnd,supply,power")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-01T20:00:00Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category adf8d941-787c-4b02-8772-fbc0a587463d)
+ (schematic_only true)
+ (default_value "GND")
+ (prefix "GND")
+ (signal ff161c97-29a5-43aa-a9ae-3ca7a66982ce (name "Net") (role power)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "{{VALUE}}")
+ )
+ (variant f09ad258-595b-4ee9-a1fc-910804a203ae (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 0539fd52-890f-48af-97a9-bacfb79c9475
+ (symbol 80f8cd68-69d9-43c4-9ed2-da32ca714b10)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792 (signal ff161c97-29a5-43aa-a9ae-3ca7a66982ce) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eb06a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(librepcb_component 81760742-7405-4ac6-8e89-3700768f374e
+ (name "Screw Terminal 1x10")
+ (description "A 1x10 screw terminal.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 1x10, screw terminal, terminal block")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2022-07-16T21:23:20Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category f9db4ef5-2220-462a-adff-deac8402ecf0)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{MPN}}")
+ (prefix "J")
+ (signal a18e66cd-3c9f-4829-99a5-6d461818dbfd (name "1") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal c93dd103-3b41-40af-a8fb-eee29a8c335c (name "2") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 99b1f24b-98a5-4b22-83c2-628dd5f3f381 (name "3") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 904220ff-8375-411e-87bf-ce031ba1867c (name "4") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal bacb4abd-5090-4216-a00e-211e345bb509 (name "5") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 6fd44c7c-a8ef-4379-9857-d2e93887b90b (name "6") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 2081468f-f08a-4e43-b790-f3824c71c922 (name "7") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal e1ad78fa-2824-4e33-913c-d5008b41b9fe (name "8") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal b1fa5445-a0f7-4eb1-90ca-09b4bbe2d5bb (name "9") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal e5ec1acd-be15-4fcd-96f2-71bf6d43fabc (name "10") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 6731132e-a93d-4248-86d8-63bce088b3fd (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 22ad78c8-6205-4c17-9093-b51505e7e04e
+ (symbol 9fa15820-95cd-477a-8282-e6683fc0d05f)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 013beb41-354a-4799-89c3-1ccaadbb758c (signal e5ec1acd-be15-4fcd-96f2-71bf6d43fabc) (text pin))
+ (pin 0f317892-fafc-475d-b67d-f5b659f9bcca (signal 2081468f-f08a-4e43-b790-f3824c71c922) (text pin))
+ (pin 22cd03f5-e36a-4ee2-adf5-b489c35a4e25 (signal b1fa5445-a0f7-4eb1-90ca-09b4bbe2d5bb) (text pin))
+ (pin 4e0ac191-ec61-4396-865c-0a06b6c2765e (signal e1ad78fa-2824-4e33-913c-d5008b41b9fe) (text pin))
+ (pin 70424ae6-0958-49b1-9492-1c43685dae62 (signal bacb4abd-5090-4216-a00e-211e345bb509) (text pin))
+ (pin ca52c4d3-ebcc-4b46-9376-b47b62ee8b06 (signal 6fd44c7c-a8ef-4379-9857-d2e93887b90b) (text pin))
+ (pin d47f1757-6221-43de-91a2-c6c6ccabf7c5 (signal 99b1f24b-98a5-4b22-83c2-628dd5f3f381) (text pin))
+ (pin dc001b18-a3f0-4d9f-baa9-3e2d6aab1cc8 (signal a18e66cd-3c9f-4829-99a5-6d461818dbfd) (text pin))
+ (pin e90890e4-8a64-44e6-942e-6ebf083e0649 (signal c93dd103-3b41-40af-a8fb-eee29a8c335c) (text pin))
+ (pin ebcf07e1-c572-4a97-a10c-d924951cf18a (signal 904220ff-8375-411e-87bf-ce031ba1867c) (text pin))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..899f107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+(librepcb_component 83972e29-d782-4d87-94fb-dae182ad4cd5
+ (name "Pin Socket 2x08")
+ (description "A 2x8 female pin socket.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 2x8, pin socket, female header")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2019-09-11T19:13:41Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category ade6d8ff-3c4f-4dac-a939-cc540c87c280)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{MPN}}")
+ (prefix "J")
+ (signal 1269e6b4-75ae-44a5-a48e-6eb5f90b7ab1 (name "1") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 7d2349ea-f0e9-4f0b-bfd8-800e73d6b422 (name "2") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal f90a8cba-c226-45c6-9b14-fd043ba08b03 (name "3") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal f3948c4c-c96d-4f19-b0a0-add628bd5611 (name "4") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal b2f2e4af-64a1-446d-80c6-d03fb34aef26 (name "5") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 0f3e1213-747a-4500-b56a-c0d5fcbdaf59 (name "6") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal cc6a704b-8ff9-456b-9183-629665fa45e1 (name "7") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 2937bebc-9bdb-4ab3-827b-e332baee7c0d (name "8") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal ba3befa0-2107-4fb7-bc6c-e9e8d076f880 (name "9") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 6df23177-16e3-4b4f-afe8-f4b830a7c4bd (name "10") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 8dd8f61d-ab7a-4230-8a6f-e3d048119d2b (name "11") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 87596cee-39ac-4f19-a986-94f76784dde5 (name "12") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal a5dcb6a6-21cc-40c7-9227-9ace323d994b (name "13") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 2803718f-e279-4ddb-ac6a-b5a1d820e5f6 (name "14") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 376ea402-b332-4fd4-a413-4a2e1c40f053 (name "15") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 38d256b3-b52c-4022-8824-78ac29e1fd04 (name "16") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 56d8fcfb-a987-4e78-b75e-545c5f93fd14 (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate c10da483-8184-48c3-8977-52ef7187c885
+ (symbol a19a2e9d-7082-4448-9563-b41ba5800f5b)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 04dc0d6b-ae5e-4a97-839c-2236c921237e (signal 87596cee-39ac-4f19-a986-94f76784dde5) (text pin))
+ (pin 20a4a4da-33e5-4faf-9ae0-57173e3a9a53 (signal 2803718f-e279-4ddb-ac6a-b5a1d820e5f6) (text pin))
+ (pin 2c570caa-a9a7-4b0a-8308-bf04c5470888 (signal 2937bebc-9bdb-4ab3-827b-e332baee7c0d) (text pin))
+ (pin 41ea20eb-38c8-4ba3-995c-371559352c19 (signal 38d256b3-b52c-4022-8824-78ac29e1fd04) (text pin))
+ (pin 5604661e-11a5-4ff7-b6c9-4773888b216d (signal 6df23177-16e3-4b4f-afe8-f4b830a7c4bd) (text pin))
+ (pin 6a5d752f-659a-4b64-9d04-9920a1fcbf12 (signal cc6a704b-8ff9-456b-9183-629665fa45e1) (text pin))
+ (pin 731f37a0-151a-4660-a428-148ab152f484 (signal b2f2e4af-64a1-446d-80c6-d03fb34aef26) (text pin))
+ (pin 7d1db861-3a9a-42d9-b39f-042be5c703d1 (signal 376ea402-b332-4fd4-a413-4a2e1c40f053) (text pin))
+ (pin 8e85707c-4a6f-498c-b908-883a4d1a25d1 (signal 1269e6b4-75ae-44a5-a48e-6eb5f90b7ab1) (text pin))
+ (pin b315f13d-791d-4e5e-9614-120aa96167c9 (signal 0f3e1213-747a-4500-b56a-c0d5fcbdaf59) (text pin))
+ (pin cb55b615-01a0-4ef9-9493-8ece84cf465b (signal 7d2349ea-f0e9-4f0b-bfd8-800e73d6b422) (text pin))
+ (pin cf0f9cb1-1218-4cac-b3ed-ace10babfbe3 (signal 8dd8f61d-ab7a-4230-8a6f-e3d048119d2b) (text pin))
+ (pin d069f929-5d58-464f-a7ac-2d2fe388f4df (signal a5dcb6a6-21cc-40c7-9227-9ace323d994b) (text pin))
+ (pin e890f654-6c17-4325-9a33-4e3ccdab0867 (signal f90a8cba-c226-45c6-9b14-fd043ba08b03) (text pin))
+ (pin ed0e4c0c-a1a8-4abe-98e5-523fdcb9b0ef (signal ba3befa0-2107-4fb7-bc6c-e9e8d076f880) (text pin))
+ (pin f1c7fea2-bd2f-4b6a-b57d-34f2fbd93cd6 (signal f3948c4c-c96d-4f19-b0a0-add628bd5611) (text pin))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcdd590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(librepcb_component 8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19
+ (name "Relay SPDT 1-Coil")
+ (description "Single-Pole Double-Throw relay with a single coil")
+ (keywords "relay,spdt,single-pole,double-throw,solenoid,coil,switch,1-coil")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2019-10-23T18:11:25Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 1f60e4f0-f86b-4f90-9081-187099ca03a7)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{MPN or DEVICE}}")
+ (prefix "K")
+ (signal 0c3ac681-801e-41b8-ad0c-327a54133204 (name "-") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal eafd7106-c7df-41b8-98a7-426cd8b565d4 (name "+") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 43683e66-b452-459e-a69d-87b1263f20d0 (name "NO") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 2ba01707-ea95-49c1-ad85-a3c105e5f991 (name "NC") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 1e323c26-3c1b-4b41-ac97-f2c793cc8a9d (name "COM") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 8cc172f9-08cb-429b-b618-91b74603f3eb (norm "IEC 60617")
+ (name "European")
+ (description "")
+ (gate bd535b35-ef5f-49a4-88c8-c1c15da961dd
+ (symbol 7bcc74b5-a02a-4a67-bf14-3b18d76cbd09)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "P")
+ (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b (signal 0c3ac681-801e-41b8-ad0c-327a54133204) (text signal))
+ (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b (signal eafd7106-c7df-41b8-98a7-426cd8b565d4) (text signal))
+ )
+ (gate cdbf1055-f8cb-42df-aea1-d56a497e8a6d
+ (symbol 25e7cd9a-b6d7-4a04-bf73-c09607d3a460)
+ (position 10.16 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "A")
+ (pin 9d679ba7-e86b-410c-b79a-8fca39bd0b98 (signal 2ba01707-ea95-49c1-ad85-a3c105e5f991) (text none))
+ (pin e41a6a9b-d70f-406b-88f8-360254501386 (signal 43683e66-b452-459e-a69d-87b1263f20d0) (text none))
+ (pin fc8ecc6b-c45a-40c3-9ef1-63b41fcc1cd1 (signal 1e323c26-3c1b-4b41-ac97-f2c793cc8a9d) (text none))
+ )
+ )
+ (variant f6a21e40-a273-4463-8a5a-53f35239d866 (norm "IEEE 315")
+ (name "American")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 70b68910-b276-4e73-86e0-b3a9c48507cb
+ (symbol 7bcc74b5-a02a-4a67-bf14-3b18d76cbd09)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "P")
+ (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b (signal 0c3ac681-801e-41b8-ad0c-327a54133204) (text signal))
+ (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b (signal eafd7106-c7df-41b8-98a7-426cd8b565d4) (text signal))
+ )
+ (gate 5e98a660-6976-4a64-a39f-a3628e60ae0f
+ (symbol 4c355a2e-c5bc-484f-a3bc-a3d743b01a2d)
+ (position 10.16 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "A")
+ (pin 516be0b8-ec1f-4bf9-8d4e-5d3313c3024b (signal 2ba01707-ea95-49c1-ad85-a3c105e5f991) (text none))
+ (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6 (signal 43683e66-b452-459e-a69d-87b1263f20d0) (text none))
+ (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5 (signal 1e323c26-3c1b-4b41-ac97-f2c793cc8a9d) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0f6ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+(librepcb_component d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1
+ (name "Capacitor Bipolar")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "capacitor,capacitance,bipolar")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-01T20:00:00Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category c011cc6b-b762-498e-8494-d1994f3043cf)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{CAPACITANCE}}")
+ (prefix "C")
+ (attribute "CAPACITANCE" (type capacitance) (unit nanofarad) (value ""))
+ (signal 1c1c7abc-7b40-4f92-b533-f65604644db7 (name "1") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 6d776f4d-2a7c-4128-a98a-dbb1dd861411 (name "2") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant 8cd7b37f-e5fa-4af5-a8dd-d78830bba3af (norm "IEC 60617")
+ (name "European")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 42989503-2795-4892-9d83-b919cd7dad76
+ (symbol eaa5837a-a451-40ae-8620-d21e9af42151)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 99ba7020-af70-432f-9584-c452397065c5 (signal 6d776f4d-2a7c-4128-a98a-dbb1dd861411) (text none))
+ (pin fba2100c-f69f-40e1-b6be-8b2f2758ad52 (signal 1c1c7abc-7b40-4f92-b533-f65604644db7) (text none))
+ )
+ )
+ (variant 6e639ff1-4e81-423b-9d0e-b28b35693a61 (norm "IEEE 315")
+ (name "American")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 5e9de029-0af9-477f-afb4-bc05692e4b87
+ (symbol d5aad17b-0d58-4f79-9429-49e8201220b9)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6 (signal 1c1c7abc-7b40-4f92-b533-f65604644db7) (text none))
+ (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88 (signal 6d776f4d-2a7c-4128-a98a-dbb1dd861411) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab/.librepcb-cmp b/board/main/library/cmp/e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab/.librepcb-cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab/.librepcb-cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/board/main/library/cmp/e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab/component.lp b/board/main/library/cmp/e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab/component.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161ccf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/cmp/e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab/component.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(librepcb_component e8b3d401-cdae-448f-b31f-615a644481ab
+ (name "TPS56")
+ (description "Texas Instruments Voltage Regulator")
+ (keywords "TPS56837H, TPS56637H")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-16T20:44:38Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 30643e64-b131-4eb5-b956-ceb3cb02413a)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "TPS56")
+ (prefix "U")
+ (signal a7229e81-2188-4aa3-ad3f-52dde1c39691 (name "AGND") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 7ddf77a4-04e3-4673-a9dd-2d8228ff511c (name "SW") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 9bd1646e-f489-4ede-98b0-fcc616fbae69 (name "VIN") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal daa00155-7f5a-400a-b66e-cbc902415b34 (name "BOOT") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 2a85b0eb-8750-4a71-bcd2-7144254c53f5 (name "SS") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 00135557-b28b-4462-ad28-d6a4e2f0d991 (name "PGND") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal ca0740cf-3c77-4e4a-9e36-fbeea6dddeaa (name "EN") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 0c05302a-b343-40ea-b69a-44934393ca65 (name "FB") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal 4e215b30-028d-4ca6-8df7-0afaec349c35 (name "PG") (role passive)
+ (required false) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal f6720e7f-3944-41ed-9d0a-e70271783a73 (name "MODE") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant b42ac795-435f-49d7-921a-f991d70e3bdf (norm "")
+ (name "default")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 230dd9bb-08ce-4f13-9e71-aa9fb0513898
+ (symbol 9cca7f0f-49ae-43fd-b95b-d564cd9e13c5)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 2e4b1a37-2490-43bb-ba49-b00e14dcbd36 (signal 00135557-b28b-4462-ad28-d6a4e2f0d991) (text signal))
+ (pin 316e8cb1-9931-43f5-97b1-1a686ee8a645 (signal a7229e81-2188-4aa3-ad3f-52dde1c39691) (text signal))
+ (pin 4aea3d44-5f76-40ab-bf4f-4ecf139b2267 (signal ca0740cf-3c77-4e4a-9e36-fbeea6dddeaa) (text signal))
+ (pin 51297969-868c-4801-acab-5894943d8264 (signal f6720e7f-3944-41ed-9d0a-e70271783a73) (text signal))
+ (pin 64ae8933-7775-4a85-9de7-166c457abd6a (signal daa00155-7f5a-400a-b66e-cbc902415b34) (text signal))
+ (pin 82ad71cb-71f8-4381-ab01-69bd75632103 (signal 2a85b0eb-8750-4a71-bcd2-7144254c53f5) (text signal))
+ (pin c3f14461-161b-4c67-9677-e66ac15e33a0 (signal 4e215b30-028d-4ca6-8df7-0afaec349c35) (text signal))
+ (pin ddf9e498-a477-4110-b90d-7e4592148613 (signal 7ddf77a4-04e3-4673-a9dd-2d8228ff511c) (text signal))
+ (pin e262847f-f69a-4008-a6b6-f2ccb480c733 (signal 9bd1646e-f489-4ede-98b0-fcc616fbae69) (text signal))
+ (pin e70efabc-23a4-4bef-815f-c91932f00b22 (signal 0c05302a-b343-40ea-b69a-44934393ca65) (text signal))
+ )
+ )
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(librepcb_component ef80cd5e-2689-47ee-8888-31d04fc99174
+ (name "Resistor")
+ (name (locale "de_DE") "Widerstand")
+ (name (locale "fr_FR") "Résistance")
+ (description "Ordinary fixed resistor")
+ (description (locale "de_DE") "Gewöhnlicher Festwiderstand")
+ (keywords "resistor,resistance")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-01T20:00:00Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 1039f038-20a6-4bfe-89c1-99f34fbb45bd)
+ (schematic_only false)
+ (default_value "{{RESISTANCE}}")
+ (prefix "R")
+ (attribute "RESISTANCE" (type resistance) (unit ohm) (value ""))
+ (signal 3452d36e-1ce8-4b7c-8e5b-90c2e4929ed8 (name "1") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd (name "2") (role passive)
+ (required true) (negated false) (clock false) (forced_net "")
+ )
+ (variant a5995314-f535-45d4-8bd8-2d0b8a0dc42a (norm "IEC 60617")
+ (name "European")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 5988c66a-f507-487e-9b40-486502e8c9bd
+ (symbol 75372c18-3ba4-42e8-b3b2-2eb5039d441e)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 2731f213-ee20-4eb0-a18b-ad97d9fea7a0 (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd) (text none))
+ (pin 2e4f8b10-ad5a-443e-b408-e183efaa4758 (signal 3452d36e-1ce8-4b7c-8e5b-90c2e4929ed8) (text none))
+ )
+ )
+ (variant d16e1f44-16af-4773-a310-de370f744548 (norm "IEEE 315")
+ (name "American")
+ (description "")
+ (gate 169660fd-968a-4d3e-83f5-47f973b4ecd8
+ (symbol 193ef70d-8dab-4a6c-a672-274c5bf09b68)
+ (position 0.0 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (required true) (suffix "")
+ (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7 (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd) (text none))
+ (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546 (signal 3452d36e-1ce8-4b7c-8e5b-90c2e4929ed8) (text none))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/dev/21b0f6b9-144b-4b48-a361-1f53f2c45232/.librepcb-dev b/board/main/library/dev/21b0f6b9-144b-4b48-a361-1f53f2c45232/.librepcb-dev
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index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
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index 0000000..2b5d409
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ (name "BAV16W")
+ (description "Diode from Diodes Inc.")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-26T04:00:45Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 4d1c95f4-2e60-4f50-a15b-ba9186a01b1a)
+ (component 0ca0993c-bf55-4529-865b-849ef898b28a)
+ (package 2bcdfd0c-5e8b-44f3-b7ad-41b83e2ef64e)
+ (pad 4dd3db49-fd4c-45c7-b846-c3e302ea6b46 (signal 343a05e0-6e9b-4317-a7de-61bd3c774b5c))
+ (pad ddaea582-62a6-4ab4-8fa0-a9d2c9534081 (signal daf86625-d081-4fd6-a925-14976f92263d))
+ (part "BAV16W" (manufacturer "Diodes Inc")
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/dev/483a71eb-318e-448e-82ff-f02efc4821aa/.librepcb-dev b/board/main/library/dev/483a71eb-318e-448e-82ff-f02efc4821aa/.librepcb-dev
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+ (name "Resistor 1608 (0603)")
+ (description "Generic SMD resistor 1608 (imperial 0603).\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "1608,0603,r,resistor,resistance,smd,smt")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (created 2019-01-29T19:47:42Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 1039f038-20a6-4bfe-89c1-99f34fbb45bd)
+ (component ef80cd5e-2689-47ee-8888-31d04fc99174)
+ (package 5d9abd1b-cf0b-4cf7-8666-20a1add9971e)
+ (pad 65ab6c75-b264-4fed-b445-d3d98c956008 (signal ad623f98-9e73-49c3-9404-f7cfa99d17cd))
+ (pad ad768910-1573-409f-81d4-d4c7692ab494 (signal 3452d36e-1ce8-4b7c-8e5b-90c2e4929ed8))
+ (approved no_parts)
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index 0000000..d00491f
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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+ (name "AXICOM IM-B")
+ (description "Relay from TE connectivity")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-05-14T06:33:45Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 1f60e4f0-f86b-4f90-9081-187099ca03a7)
+ (component 8a7b078b-ab3a-4c4c-ae2e-c6e2f717aa19)
+ (package b711967f-c2be-4c06-8000-d702ecb0a717)
+ (pad 3a63ce27-6c43-4b6a-a6b3-0f49a4e01603 (signal 1e323c26-3c1b-4b41-ac97-f2c793cc8a9d))
+ (pad 5921225a-8388-4569-88d9-3c6c40c5d20d (signal eafd7106-c7df-41b8-98a7-426cd8b565d4))
+ (pad 83df49e0-84da-4d08-a02b-683b91241892 (signal 0c3ac681-801e-41b8-ad0c-327a54133204))
+ (pad afb012d5-d788-49f1-aa03-cea57e6305a8 (signal 43683e66-b452-459e-a69d-87b1263f20d0))
+ (part "IMB03ITS" (manufacturer "TE Connectivity")
+ )
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index 0000000..d00491f
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ (name "NX7002AK")
+ (description "Mosfet from nexperia")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-26T04:14:19Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category e9663545-80dd-4658-9357-d4ef62e55168)
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+ (pad d9241a00-6c76-4273-8380-544197b737d6 (signal d7eb84bb-7f47-4e0b-99d1-1ee30019c40e))
+ (pad fc66b144-0376-47aa-8dbc-d08c5d85953b (signal 4c7edd50-32d2-4098-a286-3536b882967b))
+ (pad fe31c82e-ee27-450c-a048-068245004d26 (signal 3982c030-dbdf-4cb9-8d75-0e471e12fabb))
+ (part "NX7002AK" (manufacturer "Nexperia")
+ )
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+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-16T21:57:48Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 30643e64-b131-4eb5-b956-ceb3cb02413a)
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+ (pad 0b7a9d1c-4757-4553-89b2-abc0a64bc26d (signal 4e215b30-028d-4ca6-8df7-0afaec349c35))
+ (pad 37994a7f-86be-4042-9de7-caddebcd7ece (signal ca0740cf-3c77-4e4a-9e36-fbeea6dddeaa))
+ (pad 40154d1c-e98e-4986-822c-14f9f1f4f8e5 (signal daa00155-7f5a-400a-b66e-cbc902415b34))
+ (pad 5653a973-e32d-43d7-bcc8-060842b30aed (signal 7ddf77a4-04e3-4673-a9dd-2d8228ff511c))
+ (pad 7825927c-8c5c-41aa-8b2c-f51529fee742 (signal 2a85b0eb-8750-4a71-bcd2-7144254c53f5))
+ (pad 79ee0f15-f3cd-42d6-bba5-995efe38506c (signal 00135557-b28b-4462-ad28-d6a4e2f0d991))
+ (pad b0604b77-c4fc-4b9d-9912-17c41ee0dcf2 (signal a7229e81-2188-4aa3-ad3f-52dde1c39691))
+ (pad b4628ecb-a8a9-4ced-bfda-eda57433cc17 (signal f6720e7f-3944-41ed-9d0a-e70271783a73))
+ (pad e61d45e1-06a2-406a-bbee-1da1265416ee (signal 9bd1646e-f489-4ede-98b0-fcc616fbae69))
+ (part "TPS56837H" (manufacturer "Texas Instruments")
+ )
+ (part "TPS56637H" (manufacturer "Texas Instruments")
+ )
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index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
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+ (name "Capacitor 2012 (0805)")
+ (description "Generic SMD capacitor 2012 (imperial 0805).\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "2012,0805,c,capacitor,capacitance,smd,smt")
+ (author "murray")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (created 2015-08-13T20:22:31Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category c011cc6b-b762-498e-8494-d1994f3043cf)
+ (component d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1)
+ (package 60b715fa-bd1d-4d96-b153-2a28208f32fb)
+ (pad 4f6ec20b-c2e7-47d9-ba0e-8cde302966c5 (signal 1c1c7abc-7b40-4f92-b533-f65604644db7))
+ (pad 9902d57d-5b64-4bc3-9a5b-a21052667c9d (signal 6d776f4d-2a7c-4128-a98a-dbb1dd861411))
+ (approved no_parts)
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+ (name "10x PT 1.5/8-5.0-H")
+ (description "Phoenix Contact Screw Terminal (10x 5.0mm btwn pins)")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-17T03:13:52Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category f9db4ef5-2220-462a-adff-deac8402ecf0)
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+ (pad 09e2104a-e7bd-4bda-93a6-f09a20c3fb58 (signal 904220ff-8375-411e-87bf-ce031ba1867c))
+ (pad 10356606-ce4f-4794-8a61-d1e536a9c25c (signal 2081468f-f08a-4e43-b790-f3824c71c922))
+ (pad 41c9dda9-3e51-462b-b5d6-c3c9d9887a49 (signal e1ad78fa-2824-4e33-913c-d5008b41b9fe))
+ (pad 5b336049-62aa-490b-8392-e5c92f820421 (signal a18e66cd-3c9f-4829-99a5-6d461818dbfd))
+ (pad 6a47b41a-1210-42ae-b925-d8251307417c (signal 6fd44c7c-a8ef-4379-9857-d2e93887b90b))
+ (pad 941d0ab0-663b-4d30-9628-9ec98a822d01 (signal b1fa5445-a0f7-4eb1-90ca-09b4bbe2d5bb))
+ (pad 9f941877-fa49-45df-a974-aca3d376ddd1 (signal bacb4abd-5090-4216-a00e-211e345bb509))
+ (pad af6b3e7b-c9ed-46ea-b9a6-7faf2bd8aad7 (signal c93dd103-3b41-40af-a8fb-eee29a8c335c))
+ (pad d1a0f9b1-9fec-4186-bfde-b4491af8aaed (signal e5ec1acd-be15-4fcd-96f2-71bf6d43fabc))
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+ )
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+ (name "RPMS410")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-16T21:59:45Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 4d1c95f4-2e60-4f50-a15b-ba9186a01b1a)
+ (component 5d9bb296-1b29-4121-bded-f15b9d05f23c)
+ (package 9c6ce4a8-1f91-4e97-b385-cdc950488c24)
+ (pad 10f14652-b9e4-4459-90c6-27873eb1feec (signal 8364707f-c375-4521-ab13-41476a0e664c))
+ (pad 438981a5-3fd4-4927-b7b1-e2c52160e7b4 (signal d4ad2c6d-aca9-43f5-9ec1-4022e3c3c74e))
+ (pad 89493cbd-d885-43ba-abc1-d00f0b437ccd (signal 0470e211-b1d1-42cb-a821-a7c05864de55))
+ (pad 95a138dc-24cb-410b-813a-e685e4223a20 (signal 1f89c5d3-59c4-47f5-bbd2-0378de71e5c2))
+ (part "RPMS410" (manufacturer "Panjit Semiconductor")
+ )
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+ (name "SRP5030CC")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-17T05:18:18Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category b3adfa1e-b878-44f6-902a-14ef3dad7a14)
+ (component 506bd124-6062-400e-9078-b38bd7e1aaee)
+ (package cb13b00c-a9e1-4edf-ac91-ca417f0963c6)
+ (pad 9bb7e777-f010-4230-a15a-a4dac552a04a (signal 777f11cd-9d4e-4b2b-aafa-7e7a836ff56e))
+ (pad e3208c51-d96a-401b-b121-f0b716203529 (signal 5b36d330-6f19-4391-8f95-1c2f6a658286))
+ (part "SRP5030CC-R10Y" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-R12Y" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-R15Y" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-R33M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-R47M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-R68M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-1R0M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-1R5M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-2R2M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-3R3M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-4R7M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-5R6M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-6R8M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
+ (part "SRP5030CC-100M" (manufacturer "Bourns")
+ )
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index 0000000..d00491f
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+ (name "Capacitor 1608 (0603)")
+ (description "Generic SMD capacitor 1608 (imperial 0603).\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "1608,0603,c,capacitor,capacitance,smd,smt")
+ (author "murray")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (created 2015-08-13T20:22:31Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category c011cc6b-b762-498e-8494-d1994f3043cf)
+ (component d167e0e3-6a92-4b76-b013-77b9c230e5f1)
+ (package 4b616942-a900-4d2d-b5e1-354047aa6b4a)
+ (pad 466e0fd0-5b85-4d68-84d3-efa655938898 (signal 6d776f4d-2a7c-4128-a98a-dbb1dd861411))
+ (pad 6d76fe5d-dd88-4815-a1e6-a5bbc0121fdc (signal 1c1c7abc-7b40-4f92-b533-f65604644db7))
+ (approved no_parts)
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index 0000000..d00491f
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ (name "Generic Pin Socket 2.54mm 2x08 ⌀0.9mm")
+ (description "A 2x8 generic female pin socket with 2.54mm pin spacing and 0.9mm drill holes.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 2x8, d0.9, pin socket, female header, tht, generic")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (created 2019-10-12T23:40:41Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category ade6d8ff-3c4f-4dac-a939-cc540c87c280)
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+ (pad 2004e12a-bd8b-4099-a722-529db33e5545 (signal 87596cee-39ac-4f19-a986-94f76784dde5))
+ (pad 2538d74b-9771-4e55-bf42-0b7972246509 (signal f3948c4c-c96d-4f19-b0a0-add628bd5611))
+ (pad 2a7daa83-e1cd-4d23-a857-f36f03e251f9 (signal a5dcb6a6-21cc-40c7-9227-9ace323d994b))
+ (pad 2b290148-4993-4c0b-bfe4-d83903c578cb (signal 38d256b3-b52c-4022-8824-78ac29e1fd04))
+ (pad 303c202d-b2cb-4e7d-a31c-c20af7c72a3a (signal 6df23177-16e3-4b4f-afe8-f4b830a7c4bd))
+ (pad 59933ce5-6651-4978-b9d1-47cd21d6d631 (signal 2803718f-e279-4ddb-ac6a-b5a1d820e5f6))
+ (pad 60bda5c0-7edb-4f74-b8a4-e9e3bbecb626 (signal 8dd8f61d-ab7a-4230-8a6f-e3d048119d2b))
+ (pad 6a82521d-9a01-4918-acfc-4e5ba97eb3b0 (signal b2f2e4af-64a1-446d-80c6-d03fb34aef26))
+ (pad 7137a201-82c3-413c-91d7-335906272dee (signal 2937bebc-9bdb-4ab3-827b-e332baee7c0d))
+ (pad 7cf8675f-e543-466d-b548-15cbcf7de5aa (signal ba3befa0-2107-4fb7-bc6c-e9e8d076f880))
+ (pad a1cf62e8-b075-4c6e-aab3-5ac98aa998c8 (signal 1269e6b4-75ae-44a5-a48e-6eb5f90b7ab1))
+ (pad b9218a25-7bff-4f95-8e91-3dc42f81399c (signal 7d2349ea-f0e9-4f0b-bfd8-800e73d6b422))
+ (pad bc89606a-cfa8-400c-bec3-a791c8bba232 (signal cc6a704b-8ff9-456b-9183-629665fa45e1))
+ (pad d6bf9808-e8fa-4e18-944d-cd4422121d30 (signal f90a8cba-c226-45c6-9b14-fd043ba08b03))
+ (pad ee2c73cd-cd5e-4934-8115-eac1965e4d8e (signal 0f3e1213-747a-4500-b56a-c0d5fcbdaf59))
+ (approved no_parts)
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index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
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index 0000000..0d2de0d
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(librepcb_device eb97b24e-e17b-4c7e-9825-91baf2b6990f
+ (name "Soldered Wire Connector 2.54mm 1x04 ⌀1.0mm")
+ (description "A 1x4 generic soldered wire connector with 2.54mm pin spacing and 1.0mm drill holes.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 1x4, d1.0, connector, soldering, generic")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (created 2018-10-17T19:13:41Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category d0618c29-0436-42da-a388-fdadf7b23892)
+ (component 05d0bce0-c94c-4fec-bca2-2c2b60490c01)
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+ (pad 63afe1f1-07aa-4fa6-ba45-90118a005ea0 (signal bbdffe3e-81b3-425c-a621-d08c2bc33bb0))
+ (pad 7363cece-3e9d-4a31-ac66-fc0b8ee0f36a (signal a5b37c07-bbd8-4767-b0a2-267daa119ed7))
+ (pad ad269a13-97f3-4f91-91d7-393ff42f63db (signal c768c2a8-0c10-475e-8ee7-1f3f65c8cab2))
+ (pad cfde0ce2-123a-49dc-adf4-4aa243d3065e (signal 109dd77e-f0eb-4307-9392-5ced2051941e))
+ (approved no_parts)
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index 0000000..d00491f
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index 0000000..0040e6d
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
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+ (name "SOT23")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-26T04:06:13Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 1d2630f1-c375-49f0-a0dc-2446735d82f4)
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+ (pad fe31c82e-ee27-450c-a048-068245004d26 (name "3"))
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+ (position -1.0 1.0) (rotation 0.0) (size 0.7 0.7) (radius 0.5)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste auto) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad d9241a00-6c76-4273-8380-544197b737d6)
+ )
+ (pad 1255a445-c357-4495-a024-49447ed8945f (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.0 1.0) (rotation 0.0) (size 0.7 0.7) (radius 0.5)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste auto) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad fc66b144-0376-47aa-8dbc-d08c5d85953b)
+ )
+ (pad 9847dc0f-c20b-4104-bd9f-66a17f7c3213 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 0.0 -1.0) (rotation 0.0) (size 0.7 0.7) (radius 0.5)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste auto) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad fe31c82e-ee27-450c-a048-068245004d26)
+ )
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+ (vertex (position 2.0 -1.75) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position 1.5 0.75) (angle 0.0))
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+ (auto_rotate true) (mirror false) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ )
+ )
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index 0000000..d00491f
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index 0000000..3904d02
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@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(librepcb_package 15dd6e0f-ca84-4679-a0ec-1fe3b6eb2178
+ (name "10x PT 1.5/8-5.0-H")
+ (description "Fixed Terminal Blocks PT 1.5/8-5.0-H (10 Pins)")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-17T03:07:46Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 1bc85205-4206-4cb9-8bb0-8760af8bed6d)
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+ (pad 6a47b41a-1210-42ae-b925-d8251307417c (name "6"))
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+FILE_DESCRIPTION(('Open CASCADE Model'),'2;1');
+FILE_NAME('Open CASCADE Shape Model','2023-09-04T00:13:43',('Author'),(
+'Open CASCADE'),'Open CASCADE STEP processor 7.7','Open CASCADE 7.7'
+FILE_SCHEMA(('AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN { 1 0 10303 214 1 1 1 1 }'));
+#1=APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION('international standard','automotive_design',2000,#2);
+#2=APPLICATION_CONTEXT('core data for automotive mechanical design processes');
+#7=PRODUCT('CAPC1608 (0603)','CAPC1608 (0603)','',(#8));
+#9=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#704=UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT(LENGTH_MEASURE(1.E-07),#701,'distance_accuracy_value','confusion accuracy');
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+ (description "Generic chip capacitor 1608 (imperial 0603).\n\nLength: 1.6mm\nWidth: 0.8mm\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
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+FILE_DESCRIPTION(('Open CASCADE Model'),'2;1');
+FILE_NAME('Open CASCADE Shape Model','2023-09-04T00:13:42',('Author'),(
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+#866=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#871=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#872);
+#876=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#877);
+#883=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#887=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#888);
+#892=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#893);
+#899=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#904=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#905);
+#909=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#910);
+#916=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#920=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#921);
+#925=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#926);
+#932=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#937=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#938);
+#942=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#943);
+#949=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#2,'design');
+#953=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#954);
+#958=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#959);
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index 0000000..b84179f
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+(librepcb_package 6c5a3d58-d5a3-4ee4-99f3-9f443775b5d0
+ (name "Pin Socket 2.54mm 2x08 ⌀0.9mm")
+ (description "A generic 2x8 female pin socket with 2.54mm pin spacing and 0.9mm drill holes.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 2x8, d0.9, pin socket, female header, tht")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (created 2019-09-17T20:00:41Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 6183d171-e810-475a-a568-2a270aff8f5e)
+ (assembly_type tht)
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+ (3d_model c2e3d283-b102-4b46-9f9f-9fcd0e4f3f61 (name "Pin Socket 2.54mm 2x08 ⌀0.9mm"))
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+ (description "")
+ (3d_position 0.0 0.0 0.0) (3d_rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0)
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+ (position -1.27 8.89) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 0.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad a1cf62e8-b075-4c6e-aab3-5ac98aa998c8)
+ (hole a1cf62e8-b075-4c6e-aab3-5ac98aa998c8 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad b9218a25-7bff-4f95-8e91-3dc42f81399c (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.27 8.89) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
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+ (hole b9218a25-7bff-4f95-8e91-3dc42f81399c (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad d6bf9808-e8fa-4e18-944d-cd4422121d30 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position -1.27 6.35) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad d6bf9808-e8fa-4e18-944d-cd4422121d30)
+ (hole d6bf9808-e8fa-4e18-944d-cd4422121d30 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 2538d74b-9771-4e55-bf42-0b7972246509 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.27 6.35) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 2538d74b-9771-4e55-bf42-0b7972246509)
+ (hole 2538d74b-9771-4e55-bf42-0b7972246509 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 6a82521d-9a01-4918-acfc-4e5ba97eb3b0 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position -1.27 3.81) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
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+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad ee2c73cd-cd5e-4934-8115-eac1965e4d8e (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.27 3.81) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
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+ (hole ee2c73cd-cd5e-4934-8115-eac1965e4d8e (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad bc89606a-cfa8-400c-bec3-a791c8bba232 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position -1.27 1.27) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad bc89606a-cfa8-400c-bec3-a791c8bba232)
+ (hole bc89606a-cfa8-400c-bec3-a791c8bba232 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
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+ (hole 7137a201-82c3-413c-91d7-335906272dee (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 7cf8675f-e543-466d-b548-15cbcf7de5aa (side top) (shape roundrect)
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+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 7cf8675f-e543-466d-b548-15cbcf7de5aa)
+ (hole 7cf8675f-e543-466d-b548-15cbcf7de5aa (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 303c202d-b2cb-4e7d-a31c-c20af7c72a3a (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.27 -1.27) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
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+ (package_pad 303c202d-b2cb-4e7d-a31c-c20af7c72a3a)
+ (hole 303c202d-b2cb-4e7d-a31c-c20af7c72a3a (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 60bda5c0-7edb-4f74-b8a4-e9e3bbecb626 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position -1.27 -3.81) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
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+ (package_pad 60bda5c0-7edb-4f74-b8a4-e9e3bbecb626)
+ (hole 60bda5c0-7edb-4f74-b8a4-e9e3bbecb626 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 2004e12a-bd8b-4099-a722-529db33e5545 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.27 -3.81) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 2004e12a-bd8b-4099-a722-529db33e5545)
+ (hole 2004e12a-bd8b-4099-a722-529db33e5545 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 2a7daa83-e1cd-4d23-a857-f36f03e251f9 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position -1.27 -6.35) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 2a7daa83-e1cd-4d23-a857-f36f03e251f9)
+ (hole 2a7daa83-e1cd-4d23-a857-f36f03e251f9 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 59933ce5-6651-4978-b9d1-47cd21d6d631 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position 1.27 -6.35) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 59933ce5-6651-4978-b9d1-47cd21d6d631)
+ (hole 59933ce5-6651-4978-b9d1-47cd21d6d631 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 1bdee6bb-3a6e-4c67-8fa3-dc9d43ec6e35 (side top) (shape roundrect)
+ (position -1.27 -8.89) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 1bdee6bb-3a6e-4c67-8fa3-dc9d43ec6e35)
+ (hole 1bdee6bb-3a6e-4c67-8fa3-dc9d43ec6e35 (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
+ (pad 2b290148-4993-4c0b-bfe4-d83903c578cb (side top) (shape roundrect)
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+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 2b290148-4993-4c0b-bfe4-d83903c578cb)
+ (hole 2b290148-4993-4c0b-bfe4-d83903c578cb (diameter 0.9)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ )
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+ (vertex (position -2.665 -10.285) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position -2.665 10.285) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -2.54 -10.16) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ )
+ (pad 3b530077-c18f-4304-8990-55983535616f (side top) (shape roundrect)
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+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -1.25 -3.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position -1.25 3.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -0.5 -1.0) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position -0.5 1.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -1.75 -3.5) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 9.25 -3.5) (angle 0.0))
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--- /dev/null
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+(librepcb_package c72170ab-340f-4025-9760-b8b88ade4581
+ (name "Soldered Wire Connector 1x04 ⌀1.0mm")
+ (description "A generic 1x4 soldered wire connector with 2.54mm pin spacing and 1.0mm drill holes.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 1x4, d1.0, connector, soldering, generic")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (created 2018-10-17T19:13:41Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category 56a5773f-eeb4-4b39-8cb9-274f3da26f4f)
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+ )
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+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ (hole ad269a13-97f3-4f91-91d7-393ff42f63db (diameter 1.0)
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+ (position 0.0 -3.81) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.19 1.587) (radius 1.0)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste off) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
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+ (hole 63afe1f1-07aa-4fa6-ba45-90118a005ea0 (diameter 1.0)
+ (vertex (position 0.0 0.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ )
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+ (vertex (position -1.77 -5.58) (angle 0.0))
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+ (approved suspicious_assembly_type)
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--- /dev/null
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+(librepcb_package cb13b00c-a9e1-4edf-ac91-ca417f0963c6
+ (name "SRP5030CC")
+ (description "Bourns Inductor (SRP5030CC Series)")
+ (keywords "")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2024-04-17T05:11:39Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
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+ (position 2.5 0.0) (rotation 0.0) (size 2.0 3.0) (radius 0.25)
+ (stop_mask auto) (solder_paste auto) (clearance 0.0) (function standard)
+ (package_pad 9bb7e777-f010-4230-a15a-a4dac552a04a)
+ )
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+ (name "Resistor US")
+ (description "Resistor American (IEEE 315)")
+ (keywords "resistor,resistance")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (created 2015-08-03T21:07:15Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (name_align left center)
+ )
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+ (vertex (position 0.505 -1.016) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 1.535 1.016) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position 3.08 0.0) (angle 0.0))
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+ )
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+(librepcb_symbol 4c355a2e-c5bc-484f-a3bc-a3d743b01a2d
+ (name "Switch SPDT 2-Position US")
+ (description "Single-Pole Double-Throw switch, American symbol (IEEE 315).")
+ (keywords "switch,spdt,single-pole,double-throw")
+ (author "Danilo Bargen")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2019-04-18T23:00:16Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (name "Relay Coil / Solenoid")
+ (description "A coil (e.g. as used in a relay).")
+ (keywords "coil,solenoid")
+ (author "Danilo Bargen")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (created 2019-04-18T22:36:27Z)
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+ (name "GND")
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+ (name "Diode")
+ (description "Standard diode")
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+ (created 2015-03-04T21:24:46Z)
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+ (name "Generic IC 10-Pin")
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+ (created 2024-04-16T19:58:22Z)
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+ (name "Screw Terminal 1x10")
+ (description "A 1x10 screw terminal.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 1x10, screw terminal, terminal block")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2022-07-16T21:23:20Z)
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e67681
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+(librepcb_symbol a19a2e9d-7082-4448-9563-b41ba5800f5b
+ (name "Pin Socket 2x08")
+ (description "A 2x8 female pin socket.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 2x8, pin socket, female header")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (created 2019-09-10T21:02:02Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category ade6d8ff-3c4f-4dac-a939-cc540c87c280)
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (name_align left center)
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+ (width 0.188) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position 3.453 2.064) (angle 135.0))
+ (vertex (position 3.453 3.016) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -3.453 -0.476) (angle -135.0))
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+ (vertex (position 3.453 -0.476) (angle 135.0))
+ (vertex (position 3.453 0.476) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -3.453 -3.016) (angle -135.0))
+ (vertex (position -3.453 -2.064) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -3.453 -5.556) (angle -135.0))
+ (vertex (position -3.453 -4.604) (angle 0.0))
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+ (width 0.188) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position 3.453 -5.556) (angle 135.0))
+ (vertex (position 3.453 -4.604) (angle 0.0))
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+ (width 0.188) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position -3.453 -8.096) (angle -135.0))
+ (vertex (position -3.453 -7.144) (angle 0.0))
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+ (width 0.188) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position 3.453 -8.096) (angle 135.0))
+ (vertex (position 3.453 -7.144) (angle 0.0))
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+ (vertex (position -3.453 -10.636) (angle -135.0))
+ (vertex (position -3.453 -9.684) (angle 0.0))
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+ (width 0.188) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position 3.453 -10.636) (angle 135.0))
+ (vertex (position 3.453 -9.684) (angle 0.0))
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+ )
diff --git a/board/main/library/sym/b2a17c32-dfca-471f-96c8-5de2333a3be3/.librepcb-sym b/board/main/library/sym/b2a17c32-dfca-471f-96c8-5de2333a3be3/.librepcb-sym
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798061e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/library/sym/b2a17c32-dfca-471f-96c8-5de2333a3be3/symbol.lp
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+(librepcb_symbol b2a17c32-dfca-471f-96c8-5de2333a3be3
+ (name "MOSFET N-Channel")
+ (description "")
+ (keywords "nmos")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2015-03-03T20:19:25Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
+ (category e9663545-80dd-4658-9357-d4ef62e55168)
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+ (name_position 3.81 0.0) (name_rotation 0.0) (name_height 2.5)
+ (name_align left center)
+ )
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+ (position 2.54 5.08) (rotation -90.0) (length 2.54)
+ (name_position 3.81 0.0) (name_rotation 0.0) (name_height 2.5)
+ (name_align left center)
+ )
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+ (position -2.54 -2.54) (rotation 0.0) (length 2.54)
+ (name_position 3.81 0.0) (name_rotation 0.0) (name_height 2.5)
+ (name_align left center)
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+ (vertex (position 0.762 0.0) (angle 0.0))
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+(librepcb_symbol ca7218a8-66ca-441e-a1fe-4b8f7fd61658
+ (name "Bridge Rectiifier US")
+ (description "Brige Rectifier, American (IEEE 315)")
+ (keywords "bridge, rectifier")
+ (author "Recycled0080")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (created 2023-09-26T05:23:15Z)
+ (deprecated false)
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+ (name "Connector 1x04")
+ (description "A 1x4 connector.\n\nGenerated with librepcb-parts-generator (")
+ (keywords "connector, 1x4, connector, generic")
+ (author "Danilo B.")
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index 0000000..26ad23a
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+ (name "Inductor US")
+ (description "Inductor American (IEEE 315)")
+ (keywords "inductor,inductance")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
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index 0000000..eca94cf
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+(librepcb_symbol d5aad17b-0d58-4f79-9429-49e8201220b9
+ (name "Capacitor Bipolar US")
+ (description "Bipolar Capacitor American (IEEE 315)")
+ (keywords "capacitor,capacitance,bipolar")
+ (author "U. Bruhin")
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+ (created 2015-08-03T21:07:15Z)
+ (deprecated false)
+ (generated_by "")
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+ )
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index 0000000..4bc4371
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+gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-BOTTOM.gbr | 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3
+gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-TOP.gbr | 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3
+gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-BOTTOM.gbr | 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3
+gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-TOP.gbr | 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3
+gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-BOTTOM.gbr | 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3
+gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-TOP.gbr | 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/ b/board/main/output/v1.11/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4bce5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_COPPER-BOTTOM.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_COPPER-BOTTOM.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dc73db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_COPPER-BOTTOM.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,2142 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L2,Bot*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,SMDPad,CuDef*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ViaPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ViaPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.N,N23*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D6,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N19*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D6,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SW*
+G04 #@! TO.C,L1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,L1,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,L1,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D7,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N32*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D7,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D9*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D9,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N37*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D9,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,AGND,AGND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,MODE*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,MODE,MODE*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SS*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,SS,SS*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,VIN,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,BOOT*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,BOOT,BOOT*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N/C*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,PG,PG*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,VIN,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,FB,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N/C*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,EN,EN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SW*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,SW,SW*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,VIN,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,PGND,PGND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U1,VIN,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R10*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R10,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R10,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C5,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C5,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R15*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R15,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R15,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C4,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C4,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C7,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C7,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R3,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R3,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q2,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q2,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N33*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q2,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,MODE*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R1,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R1,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R14*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R14,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R14,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C3,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C3,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,BR1,PGND,AC2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.P,BR1,VOUT,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,BR1,AGND,_*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,BR1,VIN,AC1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R5,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R5,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N33*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N26*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q5,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q5,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N19*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q5,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C1,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SS*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C1,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R16*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R16,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R16,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C10*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C10,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C10,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D3,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N33*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D3,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N32*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N31*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,BOOT*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C2,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SW*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C2,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D2,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N23*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D2,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R18*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R18,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R18,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,15,15*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,12,12*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SDA*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,4,4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,13,13*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,16,16*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,10,10*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,14,14*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,11,11*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,5,5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,8,8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,9,9*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,3V3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,7,7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,3,3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SCL*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,6,6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q4,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q4,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N26*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q4,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D8,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N24*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D8,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R4,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R4,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q8,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q8,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N37*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q8,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R7,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R7,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R20*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R20,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R20,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q3,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q3,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N31*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q3,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C6,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C6,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R11*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R11,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R11,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R8,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R8,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D4,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N31*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D4,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q1,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q1,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N23*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q1,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R17*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R17,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R17,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q7,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q7,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N24*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q7,3,D*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,4,4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,6,6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,3,3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,7,7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,10,10*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,8,8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,9,9*
+G04 #@! TO.N,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,5,5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R6,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R6,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R9*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R9,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R9,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C9*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C9,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C9,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D5,1,C*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N26*
+G04 #@! TO.P,D5,2,A*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C8,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C8,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R19*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R19,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R19,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R21*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R21,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R21,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N24*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N37*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q6,1,G*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q6,2,S*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N32*
+G04 #@! TO.P,Q6,3,D*
+G04 #@! TD.C*
+G04 #@! TD.P*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N31*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N37*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N26*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N33*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N24*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N23*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SS*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N19*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N32*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,MODE*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SW*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV2*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VIN*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,BOOT*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SW*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,8ef3975cfcbe9ed6af3a8fdcea66f8f5*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_COPPER-TOP.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_COPPER-TOP.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed2f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_COPPER-TOP.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,6185 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L1,Top*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,SMDPad,CuDef*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,SMDPad,CuDef*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,SMDPad,CuDef*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ViaPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,ViaPad*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.N,N23*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K1,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R2,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R2,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N33*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K2,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K5,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N26*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K4,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SCL*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R13,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R13,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N32*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K6,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N31*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K3,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,15,15*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,12,12*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SDA*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,4,4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,13,13*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,16,16*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,10,10*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,14,14*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,11,11*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,5,5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,8,8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,9,9*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,3V3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,7,7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,3,3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SCL*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J2,6,6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U2,VSS,VSS*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SDA*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U2,SDA,SDA*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SCL*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U2,SCL,SCL*
+G04 #@! TO.N,3V3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,U2,VDD,VDD*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SDA*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R12,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.P,R12,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O2*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,4,4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O4*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,6,6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O1*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,3,3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O5*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,7,7*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,10,10*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O6*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,8,8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,9,9*
+G04 #@! TO.N,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O3*
+G04 #@! TO.P,J1,5,5*
+G04 #@! TO.N,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C11*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C11,2,2*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.P,C11,1,1*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N24*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O7*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K7,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TO.N,N37*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,8,-*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,3,COM*
+G04 #@! TO.N,RV8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,1,+*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O8*
+G04 #@! TO.P,K8,6,NO*
+G04 #@! TD.C*
+G04 #@! TD.P*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,O4*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SCL*
+G04 #@! TO.N,5V*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SDA*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR6*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,FB*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR8*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,3V3*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,VAC*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 #@! TO.N,SR7*
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Conductor*
+G04 #@! TO.N,GND*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,1b4f6dc32fd37ae53f232fedbe175414*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_DRILLS-NPTH.drl b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_DRILLS-NPTH.drl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34b610a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_DRILLS-NPTH.drl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+; #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0
+; #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01
+; #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11
+; #@! TF.Part,Single
+; #@! TF.SameCoordinates
+; #@! TF.FileFunction,NonPlated,1,2,NPTH
+; #@! TA.AperFunction,MechanicalDrill
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_DRILLS-PTH.drl b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_DRILLS-PTH.drl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db7a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_DRILLS-PTH.drl
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+; #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0
+; #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01
+; #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11
+; #@! TF.Part,Single
+; #@! TF.SameCoordinates
+; #@! TF.FileFunction,Plated,1,2,PTH
+; #@! TA.AperFunction,ViaDrill
+; #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentDrill
+; #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentDrill
+; #@! TA.AperFunction,ComponentDrill
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_OUTLINES.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_OUTLINES.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189306e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_OUTLINES.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Profile,NP*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 #@! TA.AperFunction,Profile*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,e4d84838b36461c0d4b4269b91864819*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-BOTTOM.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-BOTTOM.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b10309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-BOTTOM.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,4036 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Bot*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,L1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R15*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R14*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R16*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R18*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R20*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R17*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R21*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q6*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,L1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R15*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R14*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R16*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R18*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R20*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R17*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R21*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,L1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R15*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R14*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R16*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R18*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R20*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R17*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R21*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q6*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,28069656f26804e288c5ff0faa9b40eb*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-TOP.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-TOP.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa61de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SILKSCREEN-TOP.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Top*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.C,R2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C11*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C11*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,aa8621415f1244e8a46330d789ff6d48*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-BOTTOM.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-BOTTOM.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae33769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-BOTTOM.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Bot*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Negative*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,L1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R15*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R14*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R16*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R18*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R20*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R17*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R21*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q6*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,5a0370d7fd407d4bc9c0f4b4635ebcba*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-TOP.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-TOP.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a01f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERMASK-TOP.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Top*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Negative*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.C,K1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.C,J1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,K8*
+G04 #@! TD*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,d58f6b5ea58423552eb6d35a2f8725f3*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-BOTTOM.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-BOTTOM.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e36e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-BOTTOM.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Bot*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.C,D6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,L1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R15*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R14*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,BR1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R16*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C10*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R18*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R20*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q3*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R11*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D4*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q1*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R17*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q7*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R6*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C9*
+G04 #@! TO.C,D5*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C8*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R19*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R21*
+G04 #@! TO.C,Q6*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,76213812416e74c30b54801aea438dc6*
diff --git a/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-TOP.gbr b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-TOP.gbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d3208f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/output/v1.11/gerber/OSm_Thermal_v1.11_SOLDERPASTE-TOP.gbr
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+G04 --- HEADER BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,LibrePCB,LibrePCB,1.0.0*
+G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2024-10-09T11:39:01*
+G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,OSm Thermal,b11a65fa-6c4c-431c-8545-341aca355aaf,v1.11*
+G04 #@! TF.Part,Single*
+G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates*
+G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Top*
+G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive*
+G04 --- HEADER END --- *
+G04 --- APERTURE LIST END --- *
+G04 --- BOARD BEGIN --- *
+G04 #@! TO.C,R2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R13*
+G04 #@! TO.C,U2*
+G04 #@! TO.C,R12*
+G04 #@! TO.C,C11*
+G04 --- BOARD END --- *
+G04 #@! TF.MD5,02c963ce44e35c050a350b721277fb8b*
diff --git a/board/main/project/jobs.lp b/board/main/project/jobs.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0454210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/project/jobs.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ (job 1ff24f7c-ee1a-4ea0-ab33-9c75ea7480a3 (name "Gerber/Excellon")
+ (type gerber_excellon)
+ (outlines (suffix "_OUTLINES.gbr"))
+ (copper_top (suffix "_COPPER-TOP.gbr"))
+ (copper_inner (suffix "_COPPER-IN{{CU_LAYER}}.gbr"))
+ (copper_bot (suffix "_COPPER-BOTTOM.gbr"))
+ (soldermask_top (suffix "_SOLDERMASK-TOP.gbr"))
+ (soldermask_bot (suffix "_SOLDERMASK-BOTTOM.gbr"))
+ (silkscreen_top (suffix "_SILKSCREEN-TOP.gbr"))
+ (silkscreen_bot (suffix "_SILKSCREEN-BOTTOM.gbr"))
+ (solderpaste_top (create true) (suffix "_SOLDERPASTE-TOP.gbr"))
+ (solderpaste_bot (create true) (suffix "_SOLDERPASTE-BOTTOM.gbr"))
+ (drills (merge false)
+ (suffix_pth "_DRILLS-PTH.drl")
+ (suffix_npth "_DRILLS-NPTH.drl")
+ (suffix_merged "_DRILLS.drl")
+ (suffix_buried "_DRILLS-PLATED-{{START_LAYER}}-{{END_LAYER}}.drl")
+ (g85_slots false)
+ )
+ (board default)
+ (output "gerber/{{PROJECT}}_{{VERSION}}")
+ )
diff --git a/board/main/project/metadata.lp b/board/main/project/metadata.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a87c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/project/metadata.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(librepcb_project_metadata 2477e3ed-3141-4931-a80f-b73196a59879
+ (name "OSm Thermal")
+ (author "Kyle Gunger")
+ (version "v1.12")
+ (created 2024-04-16T01:13:30Z)
diff --git a/board/main/project/settings.lp b/board/main/project/settings.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ff1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/project/settings.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ (library_locale_order
+ )
+ (library_norm_order
+ (norm "IEEE 315")
+ )
+ (custom_bom_attributes
+ )
+ (default_lock_component_assembly false)
diff --git a/board/main/resources/fontobene/newstroke.bene b/board/main/resources/fontobene/newstroke.bene
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bffc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/resources/fontobene/newstroke.bene
@@ -0,0 +1,12076 @@
+# This font was automatically converted from NewStroke to FontoBene.
+# - NewStroke project:
+# - FontoBene specifications:
+# - Converter script:
+# As the NewStroke font is released under the CC0-1.0 license,
+# the converted FontoBene font is released under the same license.
+# Licence text:
+format = FontoBene
+format_version = 1.0
+name = NewStroke Bene
+id = newstroke
+version = 1.1
+author = NewStroke Developers
+author = FontoBene Developers
+license = CC0-1.0
+letter_spacing = 1.8
+line_spacing = 16
+[0021] !
+[0022] "
+[0023] #
+[0024] $
+[0025] %
+[0026] &
+[0027] '
+[0028] (
+[0029] )
+[002A] *
+[002B] +
+[002C] ,
+[002D] -
+[002E] .
+[002F] /
+[0030] 0
+[0031] 1
+[0032] 2
+[0033] 3
+[0034] 4
+[0035] 5
+[0036] 6
+[0037] 7
+[0038] 8
+[0039] 9
+[003A] :
+[003B] ;
+[003C] <
+[003D] =
+[003E] >
+[003F] ?
+[0040] @
+[0041] A
+[0042] B
+[0043] C
+[0044] D
+[0045] E
+[0046] F
+[0047] G
+[0048] H
+[0049] I
+[004A] J
+[004B] K
+[004C] L
+[004D] M
+[004E] N
+[004F] O
+[0050] P
+[0051] Q
+[0052] R
+[0053] S
+[0054] T
+[0055] U
+[0056] V
+[0057] W
+[0058] X
+[0059] Y
+[005A] Z
+[005B] [
+[005C] \
+[005D] ]
+[005E] ^
+[005F] _
+[0060] `
+[0061] a
+[0062] b
+[0063] c
+[0064] d
+[0065] e
+[0066] f
+[0067] g
+[0068] h
+[0069] i
+[006A] j
+[006B] k
+[006C] l
+[006D] m
+[006E] n
+[006F] o
+[0070] p
+[0071] q
+[0072] r
+[0073] s
+[0074] t
+[0075] u
+[0076] v
+[0077] w
+[0078] x
+[0079] y
+[007A] z
+[007B] {
+[007C] |
+[007D] }
+[007E] ~
+[00A1] ¡
+[00A2] ¢
+[00A3] £
+[00A4] ¤
+[00A5] ¥
+[00A6] ¦
+[00A7] §
+[00A8] ¨
+[00A9] ©
+[00AA] ª
+[00AB] «
+[00AC] ¬
+[00AD] ­
+[00AE] ®
+[00AF] ¯
+[00B0] °
+[00B1] ±
+[00B2] ²
+[00B3] ³
+[00B4] ´
+[00B5] µ
+[00B6] ¶
+[00B7] ·
+[00B8] ¸
+[00B9] ¹
+[00BA] º
+[00BB] »
+[00BC] ¼
+[00BD] ½
+[00BE] ¾
+[00BF] ¿
+[00C0] À
+[00C1] Á
+[00C2] Â
+[00C3] Ã
+[00C4] Ä
+[00C5] Å
+[00C6] Æ
+[00C7] Ç
+[00C8] È
+[00C9] É
+[00CA] Ê
+[00CB] Ë
+[00CC] Ì
+[00CD] Í
+[00CE] Î
+[00CF] Ï
+[00D0] Ð
+[00D1] Ñ
+[00D2] Ò
+[00D3] Ó
+[00D4] Ô
+[00D5] Õ
+[00D6] Ö
+[00D7] ×
+[00D8] Ø
+[00D9] Ù
+[00DA] Ú
+[00DB] Û
+[00DC] Ü
+[00DD] Ý
+[00DE] Þ
+[00DF] ß
+[00E0] à
+[00E1] á
+[00E2] â
+[00E3] ã
+[00E4] ä
+[00E5] å
+[00E6] æ
+[00E7] ç
+[00E8] è
+[00E9] é
+[00EA] ê
+[00EB] ë
+[00EC] ì
+[00ED] í
+[00EE] î
+[00EF] ï
+[00F0] ð
+[00F1] ñ
+[00F2] ò
+[00F3] ó
+[00F4] ô
+[00F5] õ
+[00F6] ö
+[00F7] ÷
+[00F8] ø
+[00F9] ù
+[00FA] ú
+[00FB] û
+[00FC] ü
+[00FD] ý
+[00FE] þ
+[00FF] ÿ
+[0100] Ā
+[0101] ā
+[0102] Ă
+[0103] ă
+[0104] Ą
+[0105] ą
+[0106] Ć
+[0107] ć
+[0108] Ĉ
+[0109] ĉ
+[010A] Ċ
+[010B] ċ
+[010C] Č
+[010D] č
+[010E] Ď
+[010F] ď
+[0110] Đ
+[0111] đ
+[0112] Ē
+[0113] ē
+[0114] Ĕ
+[0115] ĕ
+[0116] Ė
+[0117] ė
+[0118] Ę
+[0119] ę
+[011A] Ě
+[011B] ě
+[011C] Ĝ
+[011D] ĝ
+[011E] Ğ
+[011F] ğ
+[0120] Ġ
+[0121] ġ
+[0122] Ģ
+[0123] ģ
+[0124] Ĥ
+[0125] ĥ
+[0126] Ħ
+[0127] ħ
+[0128] Ĩ
+[0129] ĩ
+[012A] Ī
+[012B] ī
+[012C] Ĭ
+[012D] ĭ
+[012E] Į
+[012F] į
+[0130] İ
+[0131] ı
+[0132] IJ
+[0133] ij
+[0134] Ĵ
+[0135] ĵ
+[0136] Ķ
+[0137] ķ
+[0138] ĸ
+[0139] Ĺ
+[013A] ĺ
+[013B] Ļ
+[013C] ļ
+[013D] Ľ
+[013E] ľ
+[013F] Ŀ
+[0140] ŀ
+[0141] Ł
+[0142] ł
+[0143] Ń
+[0144] ń
+[0145] Ņ
+[0146] ņ
+[0147] Ň
+[0148] ň
+[0149] ʼn
+[014A] Ŋ
+[014B] ŋ
+[014C] Ō
+[014D] ō
+[014E] Ŏ
+[014F] ŏ
+[0150] Ő
+[0151] ő
+[0152] Œ
+[0153] œ
+[0154] Ŕ
+[0155] ŕ
+[0156] Ŗ
+[0157] ŗ
+[0158] Ř
+[0159] ř
+[015A] Ś
+[015B] ś
+[015C] Ŝ
+[015D] ŝ
+[015E] Ş
+[015F] ş
+[0160] Š
+[0161] š
+[0162] Ţ
+[0163] ţ
+[0164] Ť
+[0165] ť
+[0166] Ŧ
+[0167] ŧ
+[0168] Ũ
+[0169] ũ
+[016A] Ū
+[016B] ū
+[016C] Ŭ
+[016D] ŭ
+[016E] Ů
+[016F] ů
+[0170] Ű
+[0171] ű
+[0172] Ų
+[0173] ų
+[0174] Ŵ
+[0175] ŵ
+[0176] Ŷ
+[0177] ŷ
+[0178] Ÿ
+[0179] Ź
+[017A] ź
+[017B] Ż
+[017C] ż
+[017D] Ž
+[017E] ž
+[017F] ſ
+[0180] ƀ
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+[0182] Ƃ
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+[0190] Ɛ
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+[0192] ƒ
+[0193] Ɠ
+[0194] Ɣ
+[0195] ƕ
+[0196] Ɩ
+[0197] Ɨ
+[0198] Ƙ
+[0199] ƙ
+[019A] ƚ
+[019B] ƛ
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+[01A1] ơ
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+[01A8] ƨ
+[01A9] Ʃ
+[01AA] ƪ
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+[01AD] ƭ
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+[01AF] Ư
+[01B0] ư
+[01B1] Ʊ
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+[01C0] ǀ
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+[01C3] ǃ
+[01C4] DŽ
+[01C5] Dž
+[01C6] dž
+[01C7] LJ
+[01C8] Lj
+[01C9] lj
+[01CA] NJ
+[01CB] Nj
+[01CC] nj
+[01CD] Ǎ
+[01CE] ǎ
+[01CF] Ǐ
+[01D0] ǐ
+[01D1] Ǒ
+[01D2] ǒ
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+[01D4] ǔ
+[01D5] Ǖ
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+[01D7] Ǘ
+[01D8] ǘ
+[01D9] Ǚ
+[01DA] ǚ
+[01DB] Ǜ
+[01DC] ǜ
+[01DD] ǝ
+[01DE] Ǟ
+[01DF] ǟ
+[01E0] Ǡ
+[01E1] ǡ
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+[01E6] Ǧ
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+[01E9] ǩ
+[01EA] Ǫ
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+[01F1] DZ
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+[0200] Ȁ
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+[0210] Ȑ
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+[0212] Ȓ
+[0213] ȓ
+[0214] Ȕ
+[0215] ȕ
+[0216] Ȗ
+[0217] ȗ
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+[0219] ș
+[021A] Ț
+[021B] ț
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+[0250] ɐ
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+[0259] ə
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+[0260] ɠ
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+[0280] ʀ
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+[02AD] ʭ
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+[02AF] ʯ
+[0370] Ͱ
+[0371] ͱ
+[0372] Ͳ
+[0373] ͳ
+[0374] ʹ
+[0375] ͵
+[0376] Ͷ
+[0377] ͷ
+[037A] ͺ
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+[037C] ͼ
+[037D] ͽ
+[037E] ;
+[0384] ΄
+[0385] ΅
+[0386] Ά
+[0387] ·
+[0388] Έ
+[0389] Ή
+[038A] Ί
+[038B] ΋
+[038C] Ό
+[038D] ΍
+[038E] Ύ
+[038F] Ώ
+[0390] ΐ
+[0391] Α
+[0392] Β
+[0393] Γ
+[0394] Δ
+[0395] Ε
+[0396] Ζ
+[0397] Η
+[0398] Θ
+[0399] Ι
+[039A] Κ
+[039B] Λ
+[039C] Μ
+[039D] Ν
+[039E] Ξ
+[039F] Ο
+[03A0] Π
+[03A1] Ρ
+[03A2] ΢
+[03A3] Σ
+[03A4] Τ
+[03A5] Υ
+[03A6] Φ
+[03A7] Χ
+[03A8] Ψ
+[03A9] Ω
+[03AA] Ϊ
+[03AB] Ϋ
+[03AC] ά
+[03AD] έ
+[03AE] ή
+[03AF] ί
+[03B0] ΰ
+[03B1] α
+[03B2] β
+[03B3] γ
+[03B4] δ
+[03B5] ε
+[03B6] ζ
+[03B7] η
+[03B8] θ
+[03B9] ι
+[03BA] κ
+[03BB] λ
+[03BC] μ
+[03BD] ν
+[03BE] ξ
+[03BF] ο
+[03C0] π
+[03C1] ρ
+[03C2] ς
+[03C3] σ
+[03C4] τ
+[03C5] υ
+[03C6] φ
+[03C7] χ
+[03C8] ψ
+[03C9] ω
+[03CA] ϊ
+[03CB] ϋ
+[03CC] ό
+[03CD] ύ
+[03CE] ώ
+[03CF] Ϗ
+[03D0] ϐ
+[03D1] ϑ
+[03D2] ϒ
+[03D3] ϓ
+[03D4] ϔ
+[03D5] ϕ
+[03D6] ϖ
+[03D7] ϗ
+[03D8] Ϙ
+[03D9] ϙ
+[03DA] Ϛ
+[03DB] ϛ
+[03DC] Ϝ
+[03DD] ϝ
+[03DE] Ϟ
+[03DF] ϟ
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+[03E4] Ϥ
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+[03E7] ϧ
+[03E8] Ϩ
+[03E9] ϩ
+[03EA] Ϫ
+[03EB] ϫ
+[03EC] Ϭ
+[03ED] ϭ
+[03EE] Ϯ
+[03EF] ϯ
+[03F0] ϰ
+[03F1] ϱ
+[03F2] ϲ
+[03F3] ϳ
+[03F4] ϴ
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+[03F7] Ϸ
+[03F8] ϸ
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+[03FF] Ͽ
+[0400] Ѐ
+[0401] Ё
+[0402] Ђ
+[0403] Ѓ
+[0404] Є
+[0405] Ѕ
+[0406] І
+[0407] Ї
+[0408] Ј
+[0409] Љ
+[040A] Њ
+[040B] Ћ
+[040C] Ќ
+[040D] Ѝ
+[040E] Ў
+[040F] Џ
+[0410] А
+[0411] Б
+[0412] В
+[0413] Г
+[0414] Д
+[0415] Е
+[0416] Ж
+[0417] З
+[0418] И
+[0419] Й
+[041A] К
+[041B] Л
+[041C] М
+[041D] Н
+[041E] О
+[041F] П
+[0420] Р
+[0421] С
+[0422] Т
+[0423] У
+[0424] Ф
+[0425] Х
+[0426] Ц
+[0427] Ч
+[0428] Ш
+[0429] Щ
+[042A] Ъ
+[042B] Ы
+[042C] Ь
+[042D] Э
+[042E] Ю
+[042F] Я
+[0430] а
+[0431] б
+[0432] в
+[0433] г
+[0434] д
+[0435] е
+[0436] ж
+[0437] з
+[0438] и
+[0439] й
+[043A] к
+[043B] л
+[043C] м
+[043D] н
+[043E] о
+[043F] п
+[0440] р
+[0441] с
+[0442] т
+[0443] у
+[0444] ф
+[0445] х
+[0446] ц
+[0447] ч
+[0448] ш
+[0449] щ
+[044A] ъ
+[044B] ы
+[044C] ь
+[044D] э
+[044E] ю
+[044F] я
+[0450] ѐ
+[0451] ё
+[0452] ђ
+[0453] ѓ
+[0454] є
+[0455] ѕ
+[0456] і
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+[0458] ј
+[0459] љ
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+[045E] ў
+[045F] џ
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+[0461] ѡ
+[0462] Ѣ
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+[0464] Ѥ
+[0465] ѥ
+[0466] Ѧ
+[0467] ѧ
+[0468] Ѩ
+[0469] ѩ
+[046A] Ѫ
+[046B] ѫ
+[046C] Ѭ
+[046D] ѭ
+[046E] Ѯ
+[046F] ѯ
+[0470] Ѱ
+[0471] ѱ
+[0472] Ѳ
+[0473] ѳ
+[0474] Ѵ
+[0475] ѵ
+[0476] Ѷ
+[0477] ѷ
+[0478] Ѹ
+[0479] ѹ
+[047A] Ѻ
+[047B] ѻ
+[047C] Ѽ
+[047D] ѽ
+[047E] Ѿ
+[047F] ѿ
+[0480] Ҁ
+[0481] ҁ
+[0482] ҂
+[0483] ҃
+[0484] ҄
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+[0488] ҈
+[0489] ҉
+[048A] Ҋ
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+[048C] Ҍ
+[048D] ҍ
+[048E] Ҏ
+[048F] ҏ
+[0490] Ґ
+[0491] ґ
+[0492] Ғ
+[0493] ғ
+[0494] Ҕ
+[0495] ҕ
+[0496] Җ
+[0497] җ
+[0498] Ҙ
+[0499] ҙ
+[049A] Қ
+[049B] қ
+[049C] Ҝ
+[049D] ҝ
+[049E] Ҟ
+[049F] ҟ
+[04A0] Ҡ
+[04A1] ҡ
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+[04A4] Ҥ
+[04A5] ҥ
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+[04A9] ҩ
+[04AA] Ҫ
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+[04B1] ұ
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+[04B5] ҵ
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+[04CF] ӏ
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+[04D5] ӕ
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+[04D8] Ә
+[04D9] ә
+[04DA] Ӛ
+[04DB] ӛ
+[04DC] Ӝ
+[04DD] ӝ
+[04DE] Ӟ
+[04DF] ӟ
+[04E0] Ӡ
+[04E1] ӡ
+[04E2] Ӣ
+[04E3] ӣ
+[04E4] Ӥ
+[04E5] ӥ
+[04E6] Ӧ
+[04E7] ӧ
+[04E8] Ө
+[04E9] ө
+[04EA] Ӫ
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+[04EC] Ӭ
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+[0500] Ԁ
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+[0517] ԗ
+[0518] Ԙ
+[0519] ԙ
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+[0522] Ԣ
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+[1D00] ᴀ
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+[1D17] ᴗ
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+[1D3A] ᴺ
+[1D3B] ᴻ
+[1D3C] ᴼ
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+[1EA0] Ạ
+[1EA1] ạ
+[1EA2] Ả
+[1EA3] ả
+[1EA4] Ấ
+[1EA5] ấ
+[1EA6] Ầ
+[1EA7] ầ
+[1EA8] Ẩ
+[1EA9] ẩ
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+[1EBA] Ẻ
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+[1EBC] Ẽ
+[1EBD] ẽ
+[1EBE] Ế
+[1EBF] ế
+[1EC0] Ề
+[1EC1] ề
+[1EC2] Ể
+[1EC3] ể
+[1EC4] Ễ
+[1EC5] ễ
+[1EC6] Ệ
+[1EC7] ệ
+[1EC8] Ỉ
+[1EC9] ỉ
+[1ECA] Ị
+[1ECB] ị
+[1ECC] Ọ
+[1ECD] ọ
+[1ECE] Ỏ
+[1ECF] ỏ
+[1ED0] Ố
+[1ED1] ố
+[1ED2] Ồ
+[1ED3] ồ
+[1ED4] Ổ
+[1ED5] ổ
+[1ED6] Ỗ
+[1ED7] ỗ
+[1ED8] Ộ
+[1ED9] ộ
+[1EDA] Ớ
+[1EDB] ớ
+[1EDC] Ờ
+[1EDD] ờ
+[1EDE] Ở
+[1EDF] ở
+[1EE0] Ỡ
+[1EE1] ỡ
+[1EE2] Ợ
+[1EE3] ợ
+[1EE4] Ụ
+[1EE5] ụ
+[1EE6] Ủ
+[1EE7] ủ
+[1EE8] Ứ
+[1EE9] ứ
+[1EEA] Ừ
+[1EEB] ừ
+[1EEC] Ử
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+[1EEF] ữ
+[1EF0] Ự
+[1EF1] ự
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+[1EF3] ỳ
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+[1EFA] Ỻ
+[1EFB] ỻ
+[1EFC] Ỽ
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+[1EFE] Ỿ
+[1EFF] ỿ
+[1F00] ἀ
+[1F01] ἁ
+[1F02] ἂ
+[1F03] ἃ
+[1F04] ἄ
+[1F05] ἅ
+[1F06] ἆ
+[1F07] ἇ
+[1F08] Ἀ
+[1F09] Ἁ
+[1F0A] Ἂ
+[1F0B] Ἃ
+[1F0C] Ἄ
+[1F0D] Ἅ
+[1F0E] Ἆ
+[1F0F] Ἇ
+[1F10] ἐ
+[1F11] ἑ
+[1F12] ἒ
+[1F13] ἓ
+[1F14] ἔ
+[1F15] ἕ
+[1F18] Ἐ
+[1F19] Ἑ
+[1F1A] Ἒ
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+[1F1D] Ἕ
+[1F20] ἠ
+[1F21] ἡ
+[1F22] ἢ
+[1F23] ἣ
+[1F24] ἤ
+[1F25] ἥ
+[1F26] ἦ
+[1F27] ἧ
+[1F28] Ἠ
+[1F29] Ἡ
+[1F2A] Ἢ
+[1F2B] Ἣ
+[1F2C] Ἤ
+[1F2D] Ἥ
+[1F2E] Ἦ
+[1F2F] Ἧ
+[1F30] ἰ
+[1F31] ἱ
+[1F32] ἲ
+[1F33] ἳ
+[1F34] ἴ
+[1F35] ἵ
+[1F36] ἶ
+[1F37] ἷ
+[1F38] Ἰ
+[1F39] Ἱ
+[1F3A] Ἲ
+[1F3B] Ἳ
+[1F3C] Ἴ
+[1F3D] Ἵ
+[1F3E] Ἶ
+[1F3F] Ἷ
+[1F40] ὀ
+[1F41] ὁ
+[1F42] ὂ
+[1F43] ὃ
+[1F44] ὄ
+[1F45] ὅ
+[1F48] Ὀ
+[1F49] Ὁ
+[1F4A] Ὂ
+[1F4B] Ὃ
+[1F4C] Ὄ
+[1F4D] Ὅ
+[1F50] ὐ
+[1F51] ὑ
+[1F52] ὒ
+[1F53] ὓ
+[1F54] ὔ
+[1F55] ὕ
+[1F56] ὖ
+[1F57] ὗ
+[1F59] Ὑ
+[1F5B] Ὓ
+[1F5D] Ὕ
+[1F5F] Ὗ
+[1F60] ὠ
+[1F61] ὡ
+[1F62] ὢ
+[1F63] ὣ
+[1F64] ὤ
+[1F65] ὥ
+[1F66] ὦ
+[1F67] ὧ
+[1F68] Ὠ
+[1F69] Ὡ
+[1F6A] Ὢ
+[1F6B] Ὣ
+[1F6C] Ὤ
+[1F6D] Ὥ
+[1F6E] Ὦ
+[1F6F] Ὧ
+[1F70] ὰ
+[1F71] ά
+[1F72] ὲ
+[1F73] έ
+[1F74] ὴ
+[1F75] ή
+[1F76] ὶ
+[1F77] ί
+[1F78] ὸ
+[1F79] ό
+[1F7A] ὺ
+[1F7B] ύ
+[1F7C] ὼ
+[1F7D] ώ
+[1F80] ᾀ
+[1F81] ᾁ
+[1F82] ᾂ
+[1F83] ᾃ
+[1F84] ᾄ
+[1F85] ᾅ
+[1F86] ᾆ
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+[1F89] ᾉ
+[1F8A] ᾊ
+[1F8B] ᾋ
+[1F8C] ᾌ
+[1F8D] ᾍ
+[1F8E] ᾎ
+[1F8F] ᾏ
+[1F90] ᾐ
+[1F91] ᾑ
+[1F92] ᾒ
+[1F93] ᾓ
+[1F94] ᾔ
+[1F95] ᾕ
+[1F96] ᾖ
+[1F97] ᾗ
+[1F98] ᾘ
+[1F99] ᾙ
+[1F9A] ᾚ
+[1F9B] ᾛ
+[1F9C] ᾜ
+[1F9D] ᾝ
+[1F9E] ᾞ
+[1F9F] ᾟ
+[1FA0] ᾠ
+[1FA1] ᾡ
+[1FA2] ᾢ
+[1FA3] ᾣ
+[1FA4] ᾤ
+[1FA5] ᾥ
+[1FA6] ᾦ
+[1FA7] ᾧ
+[1FA8] ᾨ
+[1FA9] ᾩ
+[1FAA] ᾪ
+[1FAB] ᾫ
+[1FAC] ᾬ
+[1FAD] ᾭ
+[1FAE] ᾮ
+[1FAF] ᾯ
+[1FB0] ᾰ
+[1FB1] ᾱ
+[1FB2] ᾲ
+[1FB3] ᾳ
+[1FB4] ᾴ
+[1FB6] ᾶ
+[1FB7] ᾷ
+[1FB8] Ᾰ
+[1FB9] Ᾱ
+[1FBA] Ὰ
+[1FBB] Ά
+[1FBC] ᾼ
+[1FBD] ᾽
+[1FBE] ι
+[1FBF] ᾿
+[1FC0] ῀
+[1FC1] ῁
+[1FC2] ῂ
+[1FC3] ῃ
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+[1FC9] Έ
+[1FCA] Ὴ
+[1FCB] Ή
+[1FCC] ῌ
+[1FCD] ῍
+[1FCE] ῎
+[1FCF] ῏
+[1FD0] ῐ
+[1FD1] ῑ
+[1FD2] ῒ
+[1FD3] ΐ
+[1FD6] ῖ
+[1FD7] ῗ
+[1FD8] Ῐ
+[1FD9] Ῑ
+[1FDA] Ὶ
+[1FDB] Ί
+[1FDD] ῝
+[1FDE] ῞
+[1FDF] ῟
+[1FE0] ῠ
+[1FE1] ῡ
+[1FE2] ῢ
+[1FE3] ΰ
+[1FE4] ῤ
+[1FE5] ῥ
+[1FE6] ῦ
+[1FE7] ῧ
+[1FE8] Ῠ
+[1FE9] Ῡ
+[1FEA] Ὺ
+[1FEB] Ύ
+[1FEC] Ῥ
+[1FED] ῭
+[1FEE] ΅
+[1FEF] `
+[1FF2] ῲ
+[1FF3] ῳ
+[1FF4] ῴ
+[1FF6] ῶ
+[1FF7] ῷ
+[1FF8] Ὸ
+[1FF9] Ό
+[1FFA] Ὼ
+[1FFB] Ώ
+[1FFC] ῼ
+[1FFD] ´
+[1FFE] ῾
+[200B] ​
+[200C] ‌
+[200D] ‍
+[200E] ‎
+[200F] ‏
+[2010] ‐
+[2011] ‑
+[2012] ‒
+[2013] –
+[2014] —
+[2015] ―
+[2016] ‖
+[2017] ‗
+[2018] ‘
+[2019] ’
+[201A] ‚
+[201B] ‛
+[201C] “
+[201D] ”
+[201E] „
+[201F] ‟
+[2020] †
+[2021] ‡
+[2022] •
+[2023] ‣
+[2024] ․
+[2025] ‥
+[2026] …
+[2027] ‧


+[202A] ‪
+[202B] ‫
+[202C] ‬
+[202D] ‭
+[202E] ‮
+[2030] ‰
+[2031] ‱
+[2032] ′
+[2033] ″
+[2034] ‴
+[2035] ‵
+[2036] ‶
+[2037] ‷
+[2038] ‸
+[2039] ‹
+[203A] ›
+[203B] ※
+[203C] ‼
+[203D] ‽
+[203E] ‾
+[203F] ‿
+[2040] ⁀
+[2041] ⁁
+[2042] ⁂
+[2043] ⁃
+[2044] ⁄
+[2045] ⁅
+[2046] ⁆
+[2047] ⁇
+[2048] ⁈
+[2049] ⁉
+[204A] ⁊
+[204B] ⁋
+[204C] ⁌
+[204D] ⁍
+[204E] ⁎
+[204F] ⁏
+[2050] ⁐
+[2051] ⁑
+[2052] ⁒
+[2053] ⁓
+[2054] ⁔
+[2055] ⁕
+[2056] ⁖
+[2057] ⁗
+[2058] ⁘
+[2059] ⁙
+[205A] ⁚
+[205B] ⁛
+[205C] ⁜
+[205D] ⁝
+[205E] ⁞
+[2060] ⁠
+[2061] ⁡
+[2062] ⁢
+[2063] ⁣
+[2064] ⁤
+[2070] ⁰
+[2071] ⁱ
+[2074] ⁴
+[2075] ⁵
+[2076] ⁶
+[2077] ⁷
+[2078] ⁸
+[2079] ⁹
+[207A] ⁺
+[207B] ⁻
+[207C] ⁼
+[207D] ⁽
+[207E] ⁾
+[207F] ⁿ
+[2080] ₀
+[2081] ₁
+[2082] ₂
+[2083] ₃
+[2084] ₄
+[2085] ₅
+[2086] ₆
+[2087] ₇
+[2088] ₈
+[2089] ₉
+[208A] ₊
+[208B] ₋
+[208C] ₌
+[208D] ₍
+[208E] ₎
+[208F] ₏
+[2090] ₐ
+[2091] ₑ
+[2092] ₒ
+[2093] ₓ
+[2094] ₔ
+[20A0] ₠
+[20A1] ₡
+[20A2] ₢
+[20A3] ₣
+[20A4] ₤
+[20A5] ₥
+[20A6] ₦
+[20A7] ₧
+[20A8] ₨
+[20A9] ₩
+[20AA] ₪
+[20AB] ₫
+[20AC] €
+[20AD] ₭
+[20AE] ₮
+[20AF] ₯
+[20B0] ₰
+[20B1] ₱
+[20B2] ₲
+[20B3] ₳
+[20B4] ₴
+[20B5] ₵
+[2190] ←
+[2191] ↑
+[2192] →
+[2193] ↓
+[2194] ↔
+[2195] ↕
+[2196] ↖
+[2197] ↗
+[2198] ↘
+[2199] ↙
+[219A] ↚
+[219B] ↛
+[219C] ↜
+[219D] ↝
+[219E] ↞
+[219F] ↟
+[21A0] ↠
+[21A1] ↡
+[21A2] ↢
+[21A3] ↣
+[21A4] ↤
+[21A5] ↥
+[21A6] ↦
+[21A7] ↧
+[21A8] ↨
+[21A9] ↩
+[21AA] ↪
+[21AB] ↫
+[21AC] ↬
+[21AD] ↭
+[21AE] ↮
+[21AF] ↯
+[21B0] ↰
+[21B1] ↱
+[21B2] ↲
+[21B3] ↳
+[21B4] ↴
+[21B5] ↵
+[21B6] ↶
+[21B7] ↷
+[21B8] ↸
+[21B9] ↹
+[21BA] ↺
+[21BB] ↻
+[21BC] ↼
+[21BD] ↽
+[21BE] ↾
+[21BF] ↿
+[21C0] ⇀
+[21C1] ⇁
+[21C2] ⇂
+[21C3] ⇃
+[21C4] ⇄
+[21C5] ⇅
+[21C6] ⇆
+[21C7] ⇇
+[21C8] ⇈
+[21C9] ⇉
+[21CA] ⇊
+[21CB] ⇋
+[21CC] ⇌
+[21CD] ⇍
+[21CE] ⇎
+[21CF] ⇏
+[21D0] ⇐
+[21D1] ⇑
+[21D2] ⇒
+[21D3] ⇓
+[21D4] ⇔
+[21D5] ⇕
+[21D6] ⇖
+[21D7] ⇗
+[21D8] ⇘
+[21D9] ⇙
+[21DA] ⇚
+[21DB] ⇛
+[21DC] ⇜
+[21DD] ⇝
+[21DE] ⇞
+[21DF] ⇟
+[21E0] ⇠
+[21E1] ⇡
+[21E2] ⇢
+[21E3] ⇣
+[21E4] ⇤
+[21E5] ⇥
+[21E6] ⇦
+[21E7] ⇧
+[21E8] ⇨
+[21E9] ⇩
+[21EA] ⇪
+[21EB] ⇫
+[21EC] ⇬
+[21ED] ⇭
+[21EE] ⇮
+[21EF] ⇯
+[21F0] ⇰
+[21F1] ⇱
+[21F2] ⇲
+[21F3] ⇳
+[21F4] ⇴
+[21F5] ⇵
+[21F6] ⇶
+[21F7] ⇷
+[21F8] ⇸
+[21F9] ⇹
+[21FA] ⇺
+[21FB] ⇻
+[21FC] ⇼
+[21FD] ⇽
+[21FE] ⇾
+[21FF] ⇿
+[2200] ∀
+[2201] ∁
+[2202] ∂
+[2203] ∃
+[2204] ∄
+[2205] ∅
+[2206] ∆
+[2207] ∇
+[2208] ∈
+[2209] ∉
+[220A] ∊
+[220B] ∋
+[220C] ∌
+[220D] ∍
+[220E] ∎
+[220F] ∏
+[2210] ∐
+[2211] ∑
+[2212] −
+[2213] ∓
+[2214] ∔
+[2215] ∕
+[2216] ∖
+[2217] ∗
+[2218] ∘
+[2219] ∙
+[221A] √
+[221B] ∛
+[221C] ∜
+[221D] ∝
+[221E] ∞
+[221F] ∟
+[2220] ∠
+[2221] ∡
+[2222] ∢
+[2223] ∣
+[2224] ∤
+[2225] ∥
+[2226] ∦
+[2227] ∧
+[2228] ∨
+[2229] ∩
+[222A] ∪
+[222B] ∫
+[222C] ∬
+[222D] ∭
+[222E] ∮
+[222F] ∯
+[2230] ∰
+[2231] ∱
+[2232] ∲
+[2233] ∳
+[2234] ∴
+[2235] ∵
+[2236] ∶
+[2237] ∷
+[2238] ∸
+[2239] ∹
+[223A] ∺
+[223B] ∻
+[223C] ∼
+[223D] ∽
+[223E] ∾
+[223F] ∿
+[2240] ≀
+[2241] ≁
+[2242] ≂
+[2243] ≃
+[2244] ≄
+[2245] ≅
+[2246] ≆
+[2247] ≇
+[2248] ≈
+[2249] ≉
+[224A] ≊
+[224B] ≋
+[224C] ≌
+[224D] ≍
+[224E] ≎
+[224F] ≏
+[2250] ≐
+[2251] ≑
+[2252] ≒
+[2253] ≓
+[2254] ≔
+[2255] ≕
+[2256] ≖
+[2257] ≗
+[2258] ≘
+[2259] ≙
+[225A] ≚
+[225B] ≛
+[225C] ≜
+[225D] ≝
+[225E] ≞
+[225F] ≟
+[2260] ≠
+[2261] ≡
+[2262] ≢
+[2263] ≣
+[2264] ≤
+[2265] ≥
+[2266] ≦
+[2267] ≧
+[2268] ≨
+[2269] ≩
+[226A] ≪
+[226B] ≫
+[226C] ≬
+[226D] ≭
+[226E] ≮
+[226F] ≯
+[2270] ≰
+[2271] ≱
+[2272] ≲
+[2273] ≳
+[2274] ≴
+[2275] ≵
+[2276] ≶
+[2277] ≷
+[2278] ≸
+[2279] ≹
+[227A] ≺
+[227B] ≻
+[227C] ≼
+[227D] ≽
+[227E] ≾
+[227F] ≿
+[2280] ⊀
+[2281] ⊁
+[2282] ⊂
+[2283] ⊃
+[2284] ⊄
+[2285] ⊅
+[2286] ⊆
+[2287] ⊇
+[2288] ⊈
+[2289] ⊉
+[228A] ⊊
+[228B] ⊋
+[228C] ⊌
+[228D] ⊍
+[228E] ⊎
+[228F] ⊏
+[2290] ⊐
+[2291] ⊑
+[2292] ⊒
+[2293] ⊓
+[2294] ⊔
+[2295] ⊕
+[2296] ⊖
+[2297] ⊗
+[2298] ⊘
+[2299] ⊙
+[229A] ⊚
+[229B] ⊛
+[229C] ⊜
+[229D] ⊝
+[229E] ⊞
+[229F] ⊟
+[22A0] ⊠
+[22A1] ⊡
+[22A2] ⊢
+[22A3] ⊣
+[22A4] ⊤
+[22A5] ⊥
+[22A6] ⊦
+[22A7] ⊧
+[22A8] ⊨
+[22A9] ⊩
+[22AA] ⊪
+[22AB] ⊫
+[22AC] ⊬
+[22AD] ⊭
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+[22AF] ⊯
+[22B0] ⊰
+[22B1] ⊱
+[22B2] ⊲
+[22B3] ⊳
+[22B4] ⊴
+[22B5] ⊵
+[22B6] ⊶
+[22B7] ⊷
+[22B8] ⊸
+[22B9] ⊹
+[22BA] ⊺
+[22BB] ⊻
+[22BC] ⊼
+[22BD] ⊽
+[22BE] ⊾
+[22BF] ⊿
+[22C0] ⋀
+[22C1] ⋁
+[22C2] ⋂
+[22C3] ⋃
+[22C4] ⋄
+[22C5] ⋅
+[22C6] ⋆
+[22C7] ⋇
+[22C8] ⋈
+[22C9] ⋉
+[22CA] ⋊
+[22CB] ⋋
+[22CC] ⋌
+[22CD] ⋍
+[22CE] ⋎
+[22CF] ⋏
+[22D0] ⋐
+[22D1] ⋑
+[22D2] ⋒
+[22D3] ⋓
+[22D4] ⋔
+[22D5] ⋕
+[22D6] ⋖
+[22D7] ⋗
+[22D8] ⋘
+[22D9] ⋙
+[22DA] ⋚
+[22DB] ⋛
+[22DC] ⋜
+[22DD] ⋝
+[22DE] ⋞
+[22DF] ⋟
+[22E0] ⋠
+[22E1] ⋡
+[22E2] ⋢
+[22E3] ⋣
+[22E4] ⋤
+[22E5] ⋥
+[22E6] ⋦
+[22E7] ⋧
+[22E8] ⋨
+[22E9] ⋩
+[22EA] ⋪
+[22EB] ⋫
+[22EC] ⋬
+[22ED] ⋭
+[22EE] ⋮
+[22EF] ⋯
+[22F0] ⋰
+[22F1] ⋱
+[22F2] ⋲
+[22F3] ⋳
+[22F4] ⋴
+[22F5] ⋵
+[22F6] ⋶
+[22F7] ⋷
+[22F8] ⋸
+[22F9] ⋹
+[22FA] ⋺
+[22FB] ⋻
+[22FC] ⋼
+[22FD] ⋽
+[22FE] ⋾
+[22FF] ⋿
+[2300] ⌀
+[2301] ⌁
+[2302] ⌂
+[2303] ⌃
+[2304] ⌄
+[2305] ⌅
+[2306] ⌆
+[2307] ⌇
+[2308] ⌈
+[2309] ⌉
+[230A] ⌊
+[230B] ⌋
+[230C] ⌌
+[230D] ⌍
+[230E] ⌎
+[230F] ⌏
+[2310] ⌐
+[2311] ⌑
+[2312] ⌒
+[2313] ⌓
+[2314] ⌔
+[2315] ⌕
+[2316] ⌖
+[2317] ⌗
+[2318] ⌘
+[2319] ⌙
+[231A] ⌚
+[231B] ⌛
+[231C] ⌜
+[231D] ⌝
+[231E] ⌞
+[231F] ⌟
+[2320] ⌠
+[2321] ⌡
+[2322] ⌢
+[2323] ⌣
+[2324] ⌤
+[2325] ⌥
+[2326] ⌦
+[2327] ⌧
+[2328] ⌨
+[2329] 〈
+[232A] 〉
+[232B] ⌫
+[232C] ⌬
+[232D] ⌭
+[232E] ⌮
+[232F] ⌯
+[2330] ⌰
+[2331] ⌱
+[2332] ⌲
+[2333] ⌳
+[2334] ⌴
+[2335] ⌵
+[2336] ⌶
+[2337] ⌷
+[2338] ⌸
+[2339] ⌹
+[233A] ⌺
+[233B] ⌻
+[233C] ⌼
+[233D] ⌽
+[233E] ⌾
+[233F] ⌿
+[2340] ⍀
+[2341] ⍁
+[2342] ⍂
+[2343] ⍃
+[2344] ⍄
+[2345] ⍅
+[2346] ⍆
+[2347] ⍇
+[2348] ⍈
+[2349] ⍉
+[234A] ⍊
+[234B] ⍋
+[234C] ⍌
+[234D] ⍍
+[234E] ⍎
+[234F] ⍏
+[2350] ⍐
+[2351] ⍑
+[2352] ⍒
+[2353] ⍓
+[2354] ⍔
+[2355] ⍕
+[2356] ⍖
+[2357] ⍗
+[2358] ⍘
+[2359] ⍙
+[235A] ⍚
+[235B] ⍛
+[235C] ⍜
+[235D] ⍝
+[235E] ⍞
+[235F] ⍟
+[2360] ⍠
+[2361] ⍡
+[2362] ⍢
+[2363] ⍣
+[2364] ⍤
+[2365] ⍥
+[2366] ⍦
+[2367] ⍧
+[2368] ⍨
+[2369] ⍩
+[236A] ⍪
+[236B] ⍫
+[236C] ⍬
+[236D] ⍭
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+[236F] ⍯
+[2370] ⍰
+[2371] ⍱
+[2372] ⍲
+[2373] ⍳
+[2374] ⍴
+[2375] ⍵
+[2376] ⍶
+[2377] ⍷
+[2378] ⍸
+[2379] ⍹
+[237A] ⍺
+[237B] ⍻
+[237C] ⍼
+[237D] ⍽
+[237E] ⍾
+[237F] ⍿
+[2380] ⎀
+[2381] ⎁
+[2382] ⎂
+[2383] ⎃
+[2384] ⎄
+[2385] ⎅
+[2386] ⎆
+[2387] ⎇
+[2388] ⎈
+[2389] ⎉
+[238A] ⎊
+[238B] ⎋
+[238C] ⎌
+[238D] ⎍
+[238E] ⎎
+[238F] ⎏
+[2390] ⎐
+[2391] ⎑
+[2392] ⎒
+[2393] ⎓
+[2394] ⎔
+[2395] ⎕
+[2396] ⎖
+[2397] ⎗
+[2398] ⎘
+[2399] ⎙
+[239A] ⎚
+[239B] ⎛
+[239C] ⎜
+[239D] ⎝
+[239E] ⎞
+[239F] ⎟
+[23A0] ⎠
+[23A1] ⎡
+[23A2] ⎢
+[23A3] ⎣
+[23A4] ⎤
+[23A5] ⎥
+[23A6] ⎦
+[23A7] ⎧
+[23A8] ⎨
+[23A9] ⎩
+[23AA] ⎪
+[23AB] ⎫
+[23AC] ⎬
+[23AD] ⎭
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+[23AF] ⎯
+[23B0] ⎰
+[23B1] ⎱
+[23B2] ⎲
+[23B3] ⎳
+[23B4] ⎴
+[23B5] ⎵
+[23B6] ⎶
+[23B7] ⎷
+[23B8] ⎸
+[23B9] ⎹
+[23BA] ⎺
+[23BB] ⎻
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+[23BE] ⎾
+[23BF] ⎿
+[23C0] ⏀
+[23C1] ⏁
+[23C2] ⏂
+[23C3] ⏃
+[23C4] ⏄
+[23C5] ⏅
+[23C6] ⏆
+[23C7] ⏇
+[23C8] ⏈
+[23C9] ⏉
+[23CA] ⏊
+[23CB] ⏋
+[23CC] ⏌
+[23CD] ⏍
+[23CE] ⏎
+[23CF] ⏏
+[23D0] ⏐
+[23D1] ⏑
+[23D2] ⏒
+[23D3] ⏓
+[23D4] ⏔
+[23D5] ⏕
+[23D6] ⏖
+[23D7] ⏗
+[23D8] ⏘
+[23D9] ⏙
+[23DA] ⏚
+[23DB] ⏛
+[23DC] ⏜
+[23DD] ⏝
+[23DE] ⏞
+[23DF] ⏟
+[23E0] ⏠
+[23E1] ⏡
+[23E2] ⏢
+[23E3] ⏣
+[23E4] ⏤
+[23E5] ⏥
+[23E6] ⏦
+[23E7] ⏧
+[25A0] ■
+[25A1] □
+[25A2] ▢
+[25A3] ▣
+[25A4] ▤
+[25A5] ▥
+[25A6] ▦
+[25A7] ▧
+[25A8] ▨
+[25A9] ▩
+[25AA] ▪
+[25AB] ▫
+[25AC] ▬
+[25AD] ▭
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+[25AF] ▯
+[25B0] ▰
+[25B1] ▱
+[25B2] ▲
+[25B3] △
+[25B4] ▴
+[25B5] ▵
+[25B6] ▶
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+[25BA] ►
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+[25BD] ▽
+[25BE] ▾
+[25BF] ▿
+[25C0] ◀
+[25C1] ◁
+[25C2] ◂
+[25C3] ◃
+[25C4] ◄
+[25C5] ◅
+[25C6] ◆
+[25C7] ◇
+[25C8] ◈
+[25C9] ◉
+[25CA] ◊
+[25CB] ○
+[25CC] ◌
+[25CD] ◍
+[25CE] ◎
+[25CF] ●
+[25D0] ◐
+[25D1] ◑
+[25D2] ◒
+[25D3] ◓
+[25D4] ◔
+[25D5] ◕
+[25D6] ◖
+[25D7] ◗
+[25D8] ◘
+[25D9] ◙
+[25DA] ◚
+[25DB] ◛
+[25DC] ◜
+[25DD] ◝
+[25DE] ◞
+[25DF] ◟
+[25E0] ◠
+[25E1] ◡
+[25E2] ◢
+[25E3] ◣
+[25E4] ◤
+[25E5] ◥
+[25E6] ◦
+[25E7] ◧
+[25E8] ◨
+[25E9] ◩
+[25EA] ◪
+[25EB] ◫
+[25EC] ◬
+[25ED] ◭
+[25EE] ◮
+[25EF] ◯
+[25F0] ◰
+[25F1] ◱
+[25F2] ◲
+[25F3] ◳
+[25F4] ◴
+[25F5] ◵
+[25F6] ◶
+[25F7] ◷
+[25F8] ◸
+[25F9] ◹
+[25FA] ◺
+[25FB] ◻
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+[25FE] ◾
+[25FF] ◿
+[FFFD] �
diff --git a/board/main/schematics/main/schematic.lp b/board/main/schematics/main/schematic.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7740975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/schematics/main/schematic.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,2749 @@
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+ (name "Main")
+ (grid (interval 2.54) (unit millimeters))
+ (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb
+ (component a594577f-b967-41dd-9ba3-7401df235978)
+ (lib_gate c10da483-8184-48c3-8977-52ef7187c885)
+ (position 114.3 -83.82) (rotation -90.0) (mirror false)
+ (text 278303b7-968a-41e6-af8f-ebcf460c84db (layer sym_values) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ (align center top) (height 2.54) (position 101.6 -83.82) (rotation -90.0)
+ )
+ (text eafc5c09-bc81-4bf1-9383-2ee875ee753f (layer sym_names) (value "{{NAME}}")
+ (align center bottom) (height 2.54) (position 124.46 -83.82) (rotation -90.0)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol 0371ca22-f9c9-40fd-99b3-faf2e94080b5
+ (component b5d48a91-615a-4045-9ff3-0f3a1977e721)
+ (lib_gate 0539fd52-890f-48af-97a9-bacfb79c9475)
+ (position 111.76 -106.68) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ (text 5ec17485-716e-4eb9-8bbf-273444155632 (layer sym_values) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ (align center top) (height 2.54) (position 111.76 -106.68) (rotation 0.0)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol 06d361dd-394a-4b48-b7c7-64b502f00016
+ (component 72b5484a-906a-4e99-a49b-04dbf24cf835)
+ (lib_gate 70b68910-b276-4e73-86e0-b3a9c48507cb)
+ (position 175.26 -111.76) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ (text 9a0516ce-255e-49ef-a6e6-52e705351636 (layer sym_names) (value "{{NAME}}")
+ (align right bottom) (height 2.54) (position 168.91 -111.76) (rotation 0.0)
+ )
+ (text f3f19176-ba2d-4763-9a1b-f7063f636839 (layer sym_values) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ (align right top) (height 2.54) (position 168.91 -111.76) (rotation 0.0)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol 06dea7b2-d486-4474-a000-0b233deada9d
+ (component 87082bf5-cfca-47c7-9589-8323a904b342)
+ (lib_gate cbf9241b-bbe2-41ce-bb65-ba002b3c86fa)
+ (position 127.0 -35.56) (rotation -90.0) (mirror false)
+ (text 50651ad9-c8e0-475d-abdc-99330a8617a7 (layer sym_values) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ (align center top) (height 2.54) (position 119.38 -35.56) (rotation -90.0)
+ )
+ (text aaa525cc-0a48-4eb9-9e6f-390fe0e95f86 (layer sym_names) (value "{{NAME}}")
+ (align center bottom) (height 2.54) (position 132.08 -35.56) (rotation -90.0)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol 07e95c6a-347c-4148-959d-12ff7fa46a91
+ (component 7c0f4c57-c656-4296-92dc-7ec3cc0a2c79)
+ (lib_gate 0539fd52-890f-48af-97a9-bacfb79c9475)
+ (position 68.58 -12.7) (rotation 270.0) (mirror false)
+ (text 5ec17485-716e-4eb9-8bbf-273444155632 (layer sym_values) (value "{{VALUE}}")
+ (align center top) (height 2.54) (position 68.58 -12.7) (rotation 270.0)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (to (symbol bafd2a42-3527-44a9-98f6-3492cde69c3b) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
+ )
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+ (to (junction fdad9c3f-a6c0-4ed7-9907-e45752709f28))
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (to (symbol bfc2072a-6006-4e91-a56b-625f70a79bff) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
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+ (to (junction e170b8b8-815e-4a51-af07-9d9937de5d09))
+ )
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+ (to (symbol 53f790e2-aa1d-4504-a381-849bcde54910) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
+ )
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+ (to (junction a75e0527-9679-4131-9e4a-01485932c4a3))
+ )
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+ (to (junction fdad9c3f-a6c0-4ed7-9907-e45752709f28))
+ )
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+ (to (junction a75e0527-9679-4131-9e4a-01485932c4a3))
+ )
+ (line f824f70e-7cea-4da2-be6e-66920c807a0c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2a48ed8a-b3ae-4e25-a383-5068e8431362))
+ (to (junction e170b8b8-815e-4a51-af07-9d9937de5d09))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 0da1c5b9-6612-4b1b-a9b4-308b12ae5771
+ (net 92404067-50aa-4a1d-81fa-31d45eaf1b12)
+ (junction 260f9c1b-2c14-4407-9efc-4aef31a6441a (position 236.22 -116.84))
+ (junction 320a6214-864d-4ef3-9bf9-01f88a2ba80b (position 246.38 -116.84))
+ (junction 52db3dae-3753-4bee-8935-609515ba5088 (position 241.3 -116.84))
+ (line 007b681f-cd37-40ef-817a-cd8a26686e8d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 52db3dae-3753-4bee-8935-609515ba5088))
+ (to (junction 320a6214-864d-4ef3-9bf9-01f88a2ba80b))
+ )
+ (line 08425608-6785-4dd6-b9fb-5d386a258516 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 52db3dae-3753-4bee-8935-609515ba5088))
+ (to (junction 260f9c1b-2c14-4407-9efc-4aef31a6441a))
+ )
+ (line 89391932-e692-4b08-b8d3-c4cb752786b7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 260f9c1b-2c14-4407-9efc-4aef31a6441a))
+ (to (symbol 36093cbc-dcbd-4da3-8bff-d6f53879f962) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line a877b672-f74d-47e4-9621-48bdc6558e8b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 2639aa09-394d-441f-99a8-ebcd6057bdaa) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction 320a6214-864d-4ef3-9bf9-01f88a2ba80b))
+ )
+ (line ed1aa1a8-a2f3-4daf-b83d-bd26c0b57fba (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 63184f33-c173-4c38-93c5-6c44177bc994) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction 52db3dae-3753-4bee-8935-609515ba5088))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 10a4f908-8983-41d7-bc42-cade6a314694
+ (net c2ba8449-4b55-4ddb-b972-d1ac0cdfd263)
+ (line 693d4969-f2c2-4f25-9b9a-0b5d900c4041 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 81847a16-70ae-40c8-a96c-edb116c26bdd) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin 82ad71cb-71f8-4381-ab01-69bd75632103))
+ )
+ (label 00fb9a8d-080e-458e-bb30-768b1e37198c
+ (position 63.5 -38.1) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 114158de-e6e6-4259-8b0c-22920f93e57e
+ (net fa097ea3-9409-45b3-a97a-75888dd83a62)
+ (line fc332449-e41b-4575-aeb5-43bc05bcd6de (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol b5771b29-b35c-4fc9-879b-bb6bfe5b4bcf) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin 51297969-868c-4801-acab-5894943d8264))
+ )
+ (label cc73e6e4-bab0-4bb1-8af8-eb81fefc60be
+ (position 81.28 -35.56) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 1455d78c-a6c3-4a2d-a9a9-c86d522bb7e6
+ (net 8c869aee-5efd-4881-81d2-fa37b74485ea)
+ (junction 10eab832-1bfb-4bfe-aef6-93e2f212548f (position 71.12 -58.42))
+ (junction 35cfdf0d-3cca-449a-94ca-bba39b29cd62 (position 58.42 -25.4))
+ (junction 3a1f4358-96ca-426a-a4f7-6bffd7a7736f (position 81.28 -58.42))
+ (junction 534b5486-64f1-4821-a09c-502a955c4577 (position 60.96 -58.42))
+ (junction 668fef85-60d3-455c-883a-c760f2703d28 (position 58.42 -58.42))
+ (junction cf8ed7ea-6a80-4091-9769-9da73b060c4a (position 88.9 -58.42))
+ (junction e0a1d42b-b69c-4771-831d-b6e8653f65ae (position 88.9 -27.94))
+ (line 11cbc972-356e-430b-95ac-9fdeba54bfad (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3a1f4358-96ca-426a-a4f7-6bffd7a7736f))
+ (to (junction cf8ed7ea-6a80-4091-9769-9da73b060c4a))
+ )
+ (line 12474a4b-3c8d-4853-868f-9b08b508b56a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 534b5486-64f1-4821-a09c-502a955c4577))
+ (to (junction 10eab832-1bfb-4bfe-aef6-93e2f212548f))
+ )
+ (line 19dab6c4-e84b-4d03-bb5f-a668d83341a5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 1f0625e8-52c2-4471-b32d-4e1c981d43fc) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 3a1f4358-96ca-426a-a4f7-6bffd7a7736f))
+ )
+ (line 23eaa268-9884-43ae-ad47-9e4f87734b4c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 534b5486-64f1-4821-a09c-502a955c4577))
+ (to (junction 668fef85-60d3-455c-883a-c760f2703d28))
+ )
+ (line 3408ac19-90b5-476d-b3e8-8c6b67731a83 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3a1f4358-96ca-426a-a4f7-6bffd7a7736f))
+ (to (junction 10eab832-1bfb-4bfe-aef6-93e2f212548f))
+ )
+ (line b5ee302c-5315-4cd0-a529-ea6b4b1642e1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 35cfdf0d-3cca-449a-94ca-bba39b29cd62))
+ (to (junction 668fef85-60d3-455c-883a-c760f2703d28))
+ )
+ (line d6989702-4507-494c-8ec9-8df3e0153729 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 223fce6c-d993-488f-a143-0e9ca2ed777f) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 10eab832-1bfb-4bfe-aef6-93e2f212548f))
+ )
+ (line d6de3d3c-13ab-4d19-ba99-06ce1f98049c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction cf8ed7ea-6a80-4091-9769-9da73b060c4a))
+ (to (junction e0a1d42b-b69c-4771-831d-b6e8653f65ae))
+ )
+ (line ddac9928-e9b0-4e89-8754-b82bc1a3a856 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin e262847f-f69a-4008-a6b6-f2ccb480c733))
+ (to (junction e0a1d42b-b69c-4771-831d-b6e8653f65ae))
+ )
+ (line ea8eb7b8-3fcf-4b92-ab8c-de214e3621f9 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol e8b146cd-6c29-4f95-98f6-386b2b08f85e) (pin 8ddf0e09-635a-4afd-bf5f-34193f2ed35d))
+ (to (junction 35cfdf0d-3cca-449a-94ca-bba39b29cd62))
+ )
+ (line fe09ce8e-723a-458a-a84d-39375c97603c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol ef47d16a-53c5-40a9-8907-2d8366708256) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 534b5486-64f1-4821-a09c-502a955c4577))
+ )
+ (label 23fae780-aba3-4212-bc0d-aab5cf37d9f4
+ (position 55.88 -25.4) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 19820257-1a2b-4cc0-9b6b-2b9b0188374b
+ (net 062006c5-6ec3-4dd1-aabd-19940323e782)
+ (junction 2983cbc6-c132-40d2-b0ed-e40d2cd33ad3 (position 134.62 -187.96))
+ (junction 3bd45013-8e6a-485a-814a-1f4f2904b2b6 (position 104.14 -60.96))
+ (junction 8dbb7c5d-0319-4c34-a18e-bf83006c4a90 (position 231.14 -187.96))
+ (junction 9a03da5d-ce4a-4931-89b8-71d0e353b7e7 (position 134.62 -60.96))
+ (junction ee4c9b8a-9643-4df1-b28c-7d5ea3ac9df8 (position 231.14 -177.8))
+ (line 269ac599-200c-449f-8597-ea64a088014f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 29b79e3b-ce46-4852-a514-8bbba855cec0) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (junction ee4c9b8a-9643-4df1-b28c-7d5ea3ac9df8))
+ )
+ (line 7b69809c-0a53-444a-b1b0-dfcaa69f4aa0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 53f790e2-aa1d-4504-a381-849bcde54910) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction ee4c9b8a-9643-4df1-b28c-7d5ea3ac9df8))
+ )
+ (line a699b88c-f6a4-4daa-ab28-13c142ce370d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3bd45013-8e6a-485a-814a-1f4f2904b2b6))
+ (to (junction 9a03da5d-ce4a-4931-89b8-71d0e353b7e7))
+ )
+ (line a995f46c-05a1-46eb-adee-4ef54a83b587 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction ee4c9b8a-9643-4df1-b28c-7d5ea3ac9df8))
+ (to (junction 8dbb7c5d-0319-4c34-a18e-bf83006c4a90))
+ )
+ (line b3faf2ec-e797-43db-b696-4b84a8ecf00d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9a03da5d-ce4a-4931-89b8-71d0e353b7e7))
+ (to (junction 2983cbc6-c132-40d2-b0ed-e40d2cd33ad3))
+ )
+ (line d3669fb9-3227-4a22-9b90-2d7163891490 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 7d1db861-3a9a-42d9-b39f-042be5c703d1))
+ (to (junction 3bd45013-8e6a-485a-814a-1f4f2904b2b6))
+ )
+ (line ed5c0919-990e-45c9-b6d5-94f9fcfdb6c0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2983cbc6-c132-40d2-b0ed-e40d2cd33ad3))
+ (to (junction 8dbb7c5d-0319-4c34-a18e-bf83006c4a90))
+ )
+ (label 0a0af965-c7ff-4306-9ec2-c5c8f4bb4375
+ (position 139.7 -187.96) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 1a864a5d-0742-43f7-b4b0-fc9e02bc1df2
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (junction d0bd75b8-2aa6-49de-b7fe-12702c62413a (position 124.46 -167.64))
+ (junction eaa9df12-5abd-4712-bca8-7a54994216ca (position 124.46 -116.84))
+ (line 2b75816b-4ac2-438b-9f29-ac9fb410f759 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 09d2bdde-ef86-484d-8b3b-33a8fea8853a) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction eaa9df12-5abd-4712-bca8-7a54994216ca))
+ )
+ (line 7f6363d6-2642-4e07-ba16-04fe2a6fca9b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d0bd75b8-2aa6-49de-b7fe-12702c62413a))
+ (to (junction eaa9df12-5abd-4712-bca8-7a54994216ca))
+ )
+ (line 81b7b090-3d32-4a69-963e-4c3f116e64c3 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d0bd75b8-2aa6-49de-b7fe-12702c62413a))
+ (to (symbol 63419cec-129d-4a32-8466-fab5820735a6) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ )
+ (line b952e814-09e7-4f7b-82cf-bc319ea6d260 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol a480a48a-cf47-4392-b2bd-845aa30e493b) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction d0bd75b8-2aa6-49de-b7fe-12702c62413a))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 26bb8513-04af-4312-ac9c-fb887bbb9193
+ (net 99d1572a-d0ac-4c5d-b055-32a1b8efd5cc)
+ (junction e77a559e-2ba3-48bd-9035-4e563442abb2 (position 33.02 -83.82))
+ (junction f79a6a36-f4f9-4cbe-981c-0cb0ba984b2c (position 33.02 -58.42))
+ (line 8e6d2b6f-60db-464f-ab58-943502a20fa0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f79a6a36-f4f9-4cbe-981c-0cb0ba984b2c))
+ (to (junction e77a559e-2ba3-48bd-9035-4e563442abb2))
+ )
+ (line aa2f969b-1acb-4420-9cf8-ba6539f97db2 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin ca52c4d3-ebcc-4b46-9376-b47b62ee8b06))
+ (to (junction f79a6a36-f4f9-4cbe-981c-0cb0ba984b2c))
+ )
+ (line c95bf63f-8364-48e4-901c-4bdbc3822fdf (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 3bfd473f-60c4-43e8-8bd0-ffb42c741a30) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction e77a559e-2ba3-48bd-9035-4e563442abb2))
+ )
+ (label 9c3d1ec9-0166-401b-91ff-e649181ee3c6
+ (position 30.48 -58.42) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2c0cee0d-c527-453a-9bd2-1651dcc1c8bb
+ (net c5177c94-1a2c-47a1-b53e-1ee0bd6d30a1)
+ (junction 1b7d1614-b34e-40d2-beb2-c4c408170c2c (position 114.3 -68.58))
+ (junction 611441d9-5828-44d3-a789-cfdc391af021 (position 127.0 -109.22))
+ (junction e2d97fad-ee4a-4121-bfa4-936915779702 (position 127.0 -177.8))
+ (junction f134c44e-875e-4ad0-8f0d-bff6ccc52c34 (position 137.16 -177.8))
+ (junction f9736a36-8f96-4f79-915b-e0c36b0af062 (position 127.0 -68.58))
+ (line 3a8a90ff-7dee-4ea8-bdf2-5ef0c8d176d8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol f2e02f2e-b70e-41bc-b305-04588931d517) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction f134c44e-875e-4ad0-8f0d-bff6ccc52c34))
+ )
+ (line 4e400fe4-432a-4fa0-96a2-cc3f230ee841 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f134c44e-875e-4ad0-8f0d-bff6ccc52c34))
+ (to (junction e2d97fad-ee4a-4121-bfa4-936915779702))
+ )
+ (line 5db4a81e-37b5-46cf-bdbe-564dfbfb996a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f9736a36-8f96-4f79-915b-e0c36b0af062))
+ (to (junction 611441d9-5828-44d3-a789-cfdc391af021))
+ )
+ (line 7d159714-0c1c-4ebb-8aa9-69a63cd149c7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 6a5d752f-659a-4b64-9d04-9920a1fcbf12))
+ (to (junction 1b7d1614-b34e-40d2-beb2-c4c408170c2c))
+ )
+ (line a5fbabd4-5b2a-44ca-b800-64fdb7c119c3 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction e2d97fad-ee4a-4121-bfa4-936915779702))
+ (to (junction 611441d9-5828-44d3-a789-cfdc391af021))
+ )
+ (line c3b23140-94e1-4c98-803c-a42090c81de1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1b7d1614-b34e-40d2-beb2-c4c408170c2c))
+ (to (junction f9736a36-8f96-4f79-915b-e0c36b0af062))
+ )
+ (line dd389384-5cfe-4640-a796-a5d71c4eaef2 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f134c44e-875e-4ad0-8f0d-bff6ccc52c34))
+ (to (symbol a480a48a-cf47-4392-b2bd-845aa30e493b) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (label 440644e0-bf5a-4806-bc38-79ed8770af7a
+ (position 139.7 -177.8) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2d4f91f1-d2f6-400f-bd44-904a47ecb4a0
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (line 55d8ab69-4fc3-4a5d-9874-2ef8faedd051 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 28867930-0db8-4d5d-8d2e-3e010f78f591) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (symbol 07e95c6a-347c-4148-959d-12ff7fa46a91) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ )
+ (label 94644354-accd-4ac2-a510-ed4a3bbe7428
+ (position 73.66 -12.7) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2f61a3f8-b889-434a-821a-c49a5fcbb6d2
+ (net 37f8e6df-f624-4e86-bfd8-97b937ff29a2)
+ (junction 115e4b1f-c790-4661-adef-c5ef6b7f2d7f (position 30.48 -50.8))
+ (junction ccde3cab-4c5c-4bf0-ba45-88f73fd84c99 (position 30.48 -43.18))
+ (line 55dfd006-6eed-4d43-927b-7ffe78cc2df4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 7284c020-2471-4037-a601-2362fcf29a05) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction ccde3cab-4c5c-4bf0-ba45-88f73fd84c99))
+ )
+ (line 8ed16b1b-07e3-4e77-8abc-34876a51bee8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin d47f1757-6221-43de-91a2-c6c6ccabf7c5))
+ (to (junction 115e4b1f-c790-4661-adef-c5ef6b7f2d7f))
+ )
+ (line b12e1ae8-0759-4c62-8d24-735d97243e04 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 115e4b1f-c790-4661-adef-c5ef6b7f2d7f))
+ (to (junction ccde3cab-4c5c-4bf0-ba45-88f73fd84c99))
+ )
+ (label fed294ab-6b0f-4e51-ac25-4e25e54fe1e3
+ (position 30.48 -43.18) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 2f62751a-46be-4b48-a99e-be770b11bf5c
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (junction 23af8379-19f8-4991-967c-a5c28f9a4c6e (position 187.96 -129.54))
+ (junction 85fdac8d-146a-4a51-85db-a6a12be69c25 (position 180.34 -129.54))
+ (junction bfb07efa-1505-45c7-a046-c145ffecb6d4 (position 157.48 -129.54))
+ (junction d8281607-166e-41b0-bc54-c61e4b450143 (position 210.82 -129.54))
+ (junction f5f1adb4-2ea5-46a3-afea-48710f1b0d3c (position 241.3 -129.54))
+ (junction f7d140c3-8cab-4644-b70b-59f12419ad24 (position 149.86 -129.54))
+ (junction fcfb9d05-72a9-4c19-b4c6-5c62793aef42 (position 218.44 -129.54))
+ (line 0872c0f2-e377-417f-80c8-2786b8e4b40e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction fcfb9d05-72a9-4c19-b4c6-5c62793aef42))
+ (to (junction f5f1adb4-2ea5-46a3-afea-48710f1b0d3c))
+ )
+ (line 0aed19d8-4ffd-4870-9182-1d2b2ddaceeb (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 86a75e2f-4751-4a26-8f47-346e2b261f7f) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ (to (junction f5f1adb4-2ea5-46a3-afea-48710f1b0d3c))
+ )
+ (line 4e3d89a1-ab0d-4eac-aa11-7d1e4a44144d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f7d140c3-8cab-4644-b70b-59f12419ad24))
+ (to (symbol be2a77c0-b2aa-4c46-b67f-e00c08076e47) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
+ )
+ (line 4f77c64b-6785-4e7c-9132-d5feb7f0c36b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 973f0072-7f2a-4872-9b35-ca76d13d2b90) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction fcfb9d05-72a9-4c19-b4c6-5c62793aef42))
+ )
+ (line 5b28e405-a7c6-4531-af31-9ec0dbfb1593 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction bfb07efa-1505-45c7-a046-c145ffecb6d4))
+ (to (junction 85fdac8d-146a-4a51-85db-a6a12be69c25))
+ )
+ (line 63f847b2-de95-49b4-b5ef-ed7361ddf36a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 23af8379-19f8-4991-967c-a5c28f9a4c6e))
+ (to (junction d8281607-166e-41b0-bc54-c61e4b450143))
+ )
+ (line 657d3b75-4465-4d76-b0a7-397d8956f4b6 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction fcfb9d05-72a9-4c19-b4c6-5c62793aef42))
+ (to (junction d8281607-166e-41b0-bc54-c61e4b450143))
+ )
+ (line 85b9b072-60c0-4b7c-ab06-123b877f0dc8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6bcf4d78-b145-42f2-92e0-4ea5fa311076) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction 23af8379-19f8-4991-967c-a5c28f9a4c6e))
+ )
+ (line a9e4c9a5-7f5b-4597-a0ca-ce73b9ebded5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction bfb07efa-1505-45c7-a046-c145ffecb6d4))
+ (to (junction f7d140c3-8cab-4644-b70b-59f12419ad24))
+ )
+ (line ad12f6de-759e-4c16-b8cb-e53bd2bb16c0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 23af8379-19f8-4991-967c-a5c28f9a4c6e))
+ (to (junction 85fdac8d-146a-4a51-85db-a6a12be69c25))
+ )
+ (line c9b0611f-aa2b-4177-89c8-64c2f049b0d5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d8281607-166e-41b0-bc54-c61e4b450143))
+ (to (symbol 6bf7f225-071d-42e3-b8ca-098c93211056) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
+ )
+ (line f17fa405-5200-4316-ad60-a87a5e0e7eb1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol a8638444-bebb-49b2-960b-5f849ff9d014) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction bfb07efa-1505-45c7-a046-c145ffecb6d4))
+ )
+ (line f883fc42-bdb5-45fc-9146-a3b91efc441d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 85fdac8d-146a-4a51-85db-a6a12be69c25))
+ (to (symbol 0d9897a7-6d77-435a-ac99-19c04e05f1db) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
+ )
+ (line fba3655e-cc63-4181-b1e9-475a8b7c25c7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f5f1adb4-2ea5-46a3-afea-48710f1b0d3c))
+ (to (symbol 63184f33-c173-4c38-93c5-6c44177bc994) (pin 25ed99ff-f079-402d-823c-39eac3d358c2))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 33ccfc1d-4f4b-460e-9af9-1d3647f4008d
+ (net 15ce32e9-5052-44a5-b7e0-de6b02b306b8)
+ (junction 1c065202-ea08-4360-95f7-7941985f4518 (position 149.86 -116.84))
+ (junction 4c94dd5c-7176-40f1-8cbf-1f58b7c18d95 (position 147.32 -116.84))
+ (junction 8dbd1b96-d507-478b-8e74-fb0f9fe24a85 (position 154.94 -116.84))
+ (junction a30fa07b-6965-42dc-9207-4ab024a0f4d3 (position 154.94 -116.84))
+ (line 8b06f276-0123-45bb-9532-9fca705c4e0c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol be2a77c0-b2aa-4c46-b67f-e00c08076e47) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction 1c065202-ea08-4360-95f7-7941985f4518))
+ )
+ (line b4fccc89-4067-4cbb-a435-6b822aa68f78 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1c065202-ea08-4360-95f7-7941985f4518))
+ (to (junction 8dbd1b96-d507-478b-8e74-fb0f9fe24a85))
+ )
+ (line bacb10d4-0812-4079-bcc3-3b4fde389892 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 52432312-47de-4940-a417-73f4757891bf) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction a30fa07b-6965-42dc-9207-4ab024a0f4d3))
+ )
+ (line c1f8dfa5-ccf1-4415-8851-df39f7034a27 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 4c94dd5c-7176-40f1-8cbf-1f58b7c18d95))
+ (to (symbol 8bfca755-bf4a-4366-8e5e-ddefb1730aaf) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line c30c320e-ca6f-4204-b5e5-b1433a349006 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8dbd1b96-d507-478b-8e74-fb0f9fe24a85))
+ (to (junction a30fa07b-6965-42dc-9207-4ab024a0f4d3))
+ )
+ (line dbcfa5af-8762-4d64-a604-63424feb270b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1c065202-ea08-4360-95f7-7941985f4518))
+ (to (junction 4c94dd5c-7176-40f1-8cbf-1f58b7c18d95))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 38d61fcb-5037-4d44-a40d-fb7f5b4162db
+ (net 199b4cb6-a442-492b-bc10-39842b91d297)
+ (junction 6b7d9379-9ca0-4fc4-b9ce-63467e22fb8c (position 109.22 -134.62))
+ (junction db743aa4-3b60-424b-8525-0c5283d02944 (position 200.66 -134.62))
+ (junction ddde05cd-0592-4a72-9456-ab8d1df9c376 (position 200.66 -127.0))
+ (line 3c5f8c9c-bb66-4f3a-91b2-30fd5f27783e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 04dc0d6b-ae5e-4a97-839c-2236c921237e))
+ (to (junction 6b7d9379-9ca0-4fc4-b9ce-63467e22fb8c))
+ )
+ (line 66384faf-a900-430b-abf6-a83674b61e66 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction ddde05cd-0592-4a72-9456-ab8d1df9c376))
+ (to (junction db743aa4-3b60-424b-8525-0c5283d02944))
+ )
+ (line 8a4859b0-9082-4894-894b-6a8bec47cebc (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6bcf4d78-b145-42f2-92e0-4ea5fa311076) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (junction ddde05cd-0592-4a72-9456-ab8d1df9c376))
+ )
+ (line 8ad19d5f-e986-40d4-ad2b-e5ddccfee9b8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6bf7f225-071d-42e3-b8ca-098c93211056) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction ddde05cd-0592-4a72-9456-ab8d1df9c376))
+ )
+ (line ec54d501-ec22-40d5-9da5-841d8842708e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 6b7d9379-9ca0-4fc4-b9ce-63467e22fb8c))
+ (to (junction db743aa4-3b60-424b-8525-0c5283d02944))
+ )
+ (label e4595229-80a1-41ae-a8ee-cb12f29322f7
+ (position 116.84 -134.62) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 3a61ea80-d26c-45ac-9e4e-a224b81bc9c1
+ (net 208e989a-fe13-4b10-b3c5-a3203575f96e)
+ (junction 11014e67-c06d-43c5-b5a8-c8e31d901c8d (position 137.16 -127.0))
+ (junction 50fc2e45-2b48-4380-a004-5ec89bb3928d (position 104.14 -129.54))
+ (junction 7b6d750f-e4ac-455b-8b79-d74b1826b843 (position 137.16 -129.54))
+ (line 3d429953-5b0e-43af-8928-4a30753f16f5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol be2a77c0-b2aa-4c46-b67f-e00c08076e47) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction 11014e67-c06d-43c5-b5a8-c8e31d901c8d))
+ )
+ (line 69b45907-6e7d-423a-ae69-060c9ba4ea15 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 11014e67-c06d-43c5-b5a8-c8e31d901c8d))
+ (to (junction 7b6d750f-e4ac-455b-8b79-d74b1826b843))
+ )
+ (line 69e94d45-be2c-4328-bc28-32fa57c86521 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 50fc2e45-2b48-4380-a004-5ec89bb3928d))
+ (to (junction 7b6d750f-e4ac-455b-8b79-d74b1826b843))
+ )
+ (line 7a51b043-1c4b-4a6f-9d4f-c27a4fa899c1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 41ea20eb-38c8-4ba3-995c-371559352c19))
+ (to (junction 50fc2e45-2b48-4380-a004-5ec89bb3928d))
+ )
+ (line 8bc7ac2e-1021-4139-9894-66ed18742fef (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 11014e67-c06d-43c5-b5a8-c8e31d901c8d))
+ (to (symbol 09d2bdde-ef86-484d-8b3b-33a8fea8853a) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (label 2259568d-22fb-4efe-9b89-44e4b42b8238
+ (position 116.84 -129.54) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 411af898-6fad-45a0-8f2b-4b9e64a52235
+ (net 0cc88ed9-7ab1-4f6a-bc53-367814c24f4a)
+ (junction 8a602bf2-e1cb-4213-b75f-1ae1221b62ee (position 35.56 -55.88))
+ (junction c76108f9-f711-4158-bc4b-35a56fd7c66e (position 35.56 -68.58))
+ (line 0908f118-3082-4c00-8d59-895c94b569af (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8a602bf2-e1cb-4213-b75f-1ae1221b62ee))
+ (to (junction c76108f9-f711-4158-bc4b-35a56fd7c66e))
+ )
+ (line 568f28a1-dee6-4d4f-baea-3174e57c6bfe (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol b6b106e3-4525-4670-8f08-b6b96f4c2bfd) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction c76108f9-f711-4158-bc4b-35a56fd7c66e))
+ )
+ (line 5c9e7ea0-270d-411c-86b3-96d4469429c1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin 70424ae6-0958-49b1-9492-1c43685dae62))
+ (to (junction 8a602bf2-e1cb-4213-b75f-1ae1221b62ee))
+ )
+ (label accc2c8c-2a2f-47c3-8228-9ef330799227
+ (position 30.48 -55.88) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 46ec332e-438d-4a70-809b-9d55cfea9bd4
+ (net fa4a56c1-cc6a-428c-b9b2-ee888d670e7c)
+ (junction 5cfb937c-e694-4e75-a8aa-7e1e4385be2e (position 175.26 -167.64))
+ (junction 61297381-c8fe-4338-adaf-88744155a587 (position 180.34 -167.64))
+ (junction ce9a9ec1-86c9-426b-955b-a05e1e9d107f (position 185.42 -167.64))
+ (line 5870f839-1760-49f1-ad34-66f47e7577ca (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 5cfb937c-e694-4e75-a8aa-7e1e4385be2e))
+ (to (symbol 11cedbd3-cfcf-4d94-add4-f3300c25822f) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line 5f226d58-9828-4670-87b8-b26f4c681996 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 135073ba-4c03-48e8-83a9-757f1e6ed325) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction ce9a9ec1-86c9-426b-955b-a05e1e9d107f))
+ )
+ (line 87191ff6-f975-4434-826d-f185297c60f0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bfc2072a-6006-4e91-a56b-625f70a79bff) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction 61297381-c8fe-4338-adaf-88744155a587))
+ )
+ (line 8ecf5f88-9274-4fee-aef3-b5f99876c56d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 61297381-c8fe-4338-adaf-88744155a587))
+ (to (junction ce9a9ec1-86c9-426b-955b-a05e1e9d107f))
+ )
+ (line c0328e93-e295-4b54-a28d-31f107ecc322 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 61297381-c8fe-4338-adaf-88744155a587))
+ (to (junction 5cfb937c-e694-4e75-a8aa-7e1e4385be2e))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 63bccd05-2b44-49db-9549-344c44187746
+ (net 8858ff8a-6d48-4a72-9d56-d48bb68c5886)
+ (junction 2da1b349-f66a-4753-9d88-a10beb90928f (position 30.48 -96.52))
+ (junction d0c81f63-1880-40c4-ace3-d0bd202ffbb3 (position 30.48 -60.96))
+ (line 382ef2bb-4ad0-40c3-9e3a-4c2695d3b3e2 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d0c81f63-1880-40c4-ace3-d0bd202ffbb3))
+ (to (junction 2da1b349-f66a-4753-9d88-a10beb90928f))
+ )
+ (line 595af54d-e7cc-48f4-ac1d-4a8d538c5bf7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol b0d4945d-9e36-40e5-a3b3-ae38b3035798) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction 2da1b349-f66a-4753-9d88-a10beb90928f))
+ )
+ (line ae32b558-563d-45f2-8642-8eaf41a2ac69 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin 0f317892-fafc-475d-b67d-f5b659f9bcca))
+ (to (junction d0c81f63-1880-40c4-ace3-d0bd202ffbb3))
+ )
+ (label 012fe2a8-fcc7-4ade-a1ff-753eb75d6407
+ (position 30.48 -60.96) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 645c8a37-bec6-434a-abe1-f7ac9de61ce1
+ (net c707e92a-928d-42f7-9303-9325d8fd1939)
+ (junction 1290e4e8-5963-4894-81fa-d8d22a5b8bf7 (position 22.86 -134.62))
+ (line 707e1d7e-e711-4e3e-8ce2-2439051a2799 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol e3c0aac9-f122-4a49-97f1-24d8f95f12d8) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction 1290e4e8-5963-4894-81fa-d8d22a5b8bf7))
+ )
+ (line fcea12f2-bed7-4074-8cc2-947933758783 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin 013beb41-354a-4799-89c3-1ccaadbb758c))
+ (to (junction 1290e4e8-5963-4894-81fa-d8d22a5b8bf7))
+ )
+ (label b56a2e2d-958d-4f76-abbc-e089c11b5e6d
+ (position 22.86 -68.58) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 6a52bd6b-3e04-45b4-bccf-cb28d51017ab
+ (net f15db5b0-6b14-48b9-98c2-fe4642b585c0)
+ (junction 29ae37f7-bb7e-421e-94a0-dc3032e8cfc0 (position 236.22 -104.14))
+ (junction b604c9af-ba9c-4a16-b572-311c08ab0020 (position 246.38 -104.14))
+ (line 0972e536-ef8e-4244-9807-1ead5e261117 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 29ae37f7-bb7e-421e-94a0-dc3032e8cfc0))
+ (to (junction b604c9af-ba9c-4a16-b572-311c08ab0020))
+ )
+ (line 54525b76-edda-48d8-a65d-849f12148968 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 29ae37f7-bb7e-421e-94a0-dc3032e8cfc0))
+ (to (symbol 36093cbc-dcbd-4da3-8bff-d6f53879f962) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (line 81e09cf6-baff-4667-a474-e515efa2e2b4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 2639aa09-394d-441f-99a8-ebcd6057bdaa) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction b604c9af-ba9c-4a16-b572-311c08ab0020))
+ )
+ (line d5dfd074-d59a-4950-93bf-e841581f0828 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 29ae37f7-bb7e-421e-94a0-dc3032e8cfc0))
+ (to (symbol 0b5a65d1-15d0-4a44-983a-418221414110) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (label 24098905-db3d-4dd9-b797-386385dbf9c8
+ (position 241.3 -104.14) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 6ec58437-7c8e-4d0a-bac5-5ddb4c46d68d
+ (net 9bbc1533-8c80-42b8-bf7a-812dd7970b11)
+ (junction 0f9e59fe-b49c-439d-8bf8-b7b1dd649e30 (position 53.34 -132.08))
+ (junction 1999b6f1-355e-475f-8419-f67327af7b53 (position 53.34 -81.28))
+ (junction 3084ba00-a043-410a-aa08-932b15df3035 (position 53.34 -53.34))
+ (junction 34728eec-05f2-4b30-bc8e-61e681eb0732 (position 53.34 -30.48))
+ (junction 35463d49-5494-4542-9a45-281ad82389f9 (position 53.34 -119.38))
+ (junction 52ad41cb-ecb0-451e-88a5-3b73fe41bf27 (position 53.34 -66.04))
+ (junction 56c8453e-d567-434c-82a5-3b89a99ac2ab (position 43.18 -30.48))
+ (junction 5fddb7c5-2d65-412a-8662-8a915729dcdc (position 53.34 -93.98))
+ (junction 69ba0d33-5da1-41bd-8c12-3c8f695127c2 (position 27.94 -30.48))
+ (junction 79f16b80-5eea-43bd-9461-c0311ee78e1c (position 27.94 -48.26))
+ (junction e2603d66-75ca-4190-aca5-2d58c3aa9fe2 (position 53.34 -40.64))
+ (junction ff001cab-b092-4b42-b553-c75a1bd15a2f (position 53.34 -106.68))
+ (line 174e089e-9ee8-46de-b96f-89a7dc255e03 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 52ad41cb-ecb0-451e-88a5-3b73fe41bf27))
+ (to (junction 3084ba00-a043-410a-aa08-932b15df3035))
+ )
+ (line 24573f9e-d8ff-45ac-8025-74e4ea9f5a90 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3084ba00-a043-410a-aa08-932b15df3035))
+ (to (junction e2603d66-75ca-4190-aca5-2d58c3aa9fe2))
+ )
+ (line 33134a31-b2d4-4391-a869-8793f57855de (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 805032df-7411-4ffe-b972-147d32bef66c) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction 35463d49-5494-4542-9a45-281ad82389f9))
+ )
+ (line 4727af5d-024c-436f-9fd8-d1e4c10728cd (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 34728eec-05f2-4b30-bc8e-61e681eb0732))
+ (to (junction e2603d66-75ca-4190-aca5-2d58c3aa9fe2))
+ )
+ (line 592981f8-19fb-434d-8eb1-862e37199e65 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol b0d4945d-9e36-40e5-a3b3-ae38b3035798) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction 5fddb7c5-2d65-412a-8662-8a915729dcdc))
+ )
+ (line 8555adeb-beb4-4614-b20b-205c24b26987 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 56c8453e-d567-434c-82a5-3b89a99ac2ab))
+ (to (junction 34728eec-05f2-4b30-bc8e-61e681eb0732))
+ )
+ (line 93016459-4faf-477f-8571-4f90a27acabe (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 5fddb7c5-2d65-412a-8662-8a915729dcdc))
+ (to (junction 1999b6f1-355e-475f-8419-f67327af7b53))
+ )
+ (line a05f254d-e99b-47f7-8729-9dc705880a87 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6b68b53b-adbd-479e-a8d2-21f12a522d03) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction ff001cab-b092-4b42-b553-c75a1bd15a2f))
+ )
+ (line ac0fb2f7-1913-48e4-b5b7-c56747cfbf99 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 7284c020-2471-4037-a601-2362fcf29a05) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction e2603d66-75ca-4190-aca5-2d58c3aa9fe2))
+ )
+ (line b0acc63d-e5a2-4026-98cc-936966d87346 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 35463d49-5494-4542-9a45-281ad82389f9))
+ (to (junction ff001cab-b092-4b42-b553-c75a1bd15a2f))
+ )
+ (line b14b3644-ab2c-42df-8ce1-a7014ba9dafb (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 56c8453e-d567-434c-82a5-3b89a99ac2ab))
+ (to (symbol e8b146cd-6c29-4f95-98f6-386b2b08f85e) (pin b25141b8-f02a-427c-89be-1c0baab1303d))
+ )
+ (line b7f7258a-24b9-4424-9c45-80e38c6ee3fd (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1999b6f1-355e-475f-8419-f67327af7b53))
+ (to (junction 52ad41cb-ecb0-451e-88a5-3b73fe41bf27))
+ )
+ (line b9199cc6-f3a3-4d5f-b625-37a38c82d369 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol b6b106e3-4525-4670-8f08-b6b96f4c2bfd) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction 52ad41cb-ecb0-451e-88a5-3b73fe41bf27))
+ )
+ (line bb93576c-c4f7-4598-9394-a11d90315961 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction ff001cab-b092-4b42-b553-c75a1bd15a2f))
+ (to (junction 5fddb7c5-2d65-412a-8662-8a915729dcdc))
+ )
+ (line bc9ff3a3-92c6-41e3-96a4-a2c620c57e8e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 3bfd473f-60c4-43e8-8bd0-ffb42c741a30) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction 1999b6f1-355e-475f-8419-f67327af7b53))
+ )
+ (line c2f829a9-a8ff-4221-bee0-47c6ce8f469b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 35463d49-5494-4542-9a45-281ad82389f9))
+ (to (junction 0f9e59fe-b49c-439d-8bf8-b7b1dd649e30))
+ )
+ (line cd58e510-b036-4e70-9b9d-3da91d0a5ae5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 79f16b80-5eea-43bd-9461-c0311ee78e1c))
+ (to (junction 69ba0d33-5da1-41bd-8c12-3c8f695127c2))
+ )
+ (line da587de5-a72c-442a-9f48-4fb91925d0b2 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 96a92916-87b2-453c-a24c-fc5594713190) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction 3084ba00-a043-410a-aa08-932b15df3035))
+ )
+ (line e32ad5c9-9095-4f7f-8aae-a6b57f8d3c3d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 56c8453e-d567-434c-82a5-3b89a99ac2ab))
+ (to (junction 69ba0d33-5da1-41bd-8c12-3c8f695127c2))
+ )
+ (line f14b1786-caa1-40d7-a52c-67aa665c83c0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol e3c0aac9-f122-4a49-97f1-24d8f95f12d8) (pin b5140ac9-13b5-419d-8fc8-839028a616e5))
+ (to (junction 0f9e59fe-b49c-439d-8bf8-b7b1dd649e30))
+ )
+ (line fb41f3fa-8f1c-427e-99ed-a579e1e5683a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin e90890e4-8a64-44e6-942e-6ebf083e0649))
+ (to (junction 79f16b80-5eea-43bd-9461-c0311ee78e1c))
+ )
+ (label 14479f00-1db6-4d90-9aa6-d79f736987dc
+ (position 33.02 -30.48) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 6fb5f14d-3c45-49f0-97c9-14d6ed82fa26
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (line 40ef711f-33b2-4e4a-b068-6446324136a5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 06dea7b2-d486-4474-a000-0b233deada9d) (pin 3b16f9c6-1b43-4f7a-83ca-3cfe1f18090c))
+ (to (symbol 2e8caa64-bde8-4ea0-9cb7-91588f6231ac) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 72b54c5d-2087-487e-aba9-f129d39a0101
+ (net b3e50bba-d040-4e55-be74-2e8f42522611)
+ (junction 86e73160-fcf0-42c0-bd91-ae0c0c681496 (position 154.94 -104.14))
+ (junction e01a33b4-a651-4230-855d-156459749228 (position 144.78 -104.14))
+ (line 9d56a0ae-8cbc-4965-ba07-7980fbc2dbb5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction e01a33b4-a651-4230-855d-156459749228))
+ (to (symbol 8bfca755-bf4a-4366-8e5e-ddefb1730aaf) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (line a4acd1b1-a55e-4907-8c4a-5fa33a26f85f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction e01a33b4-a651-4230-855d-156459749228))
+ (to (symbol 166e9482-62d4-458d-a280-22312facfdd8) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (line c693d90f-c7f0-4c29-b487-61c08320a776 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 52432312-47de-4940-a417-73f4757891bf) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction 86e73160-fcf0-42c0-bd91-ae0c0c681496))
+ )
+ (line e2a1a3d9-a819-4de3-9c4a-009d5b0bf0c1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction e01a33b4-a651-4230-855d-156459749228))
+ (to (junction 86e73160-fcf0-42c0-bd91-ae0c0c681496))
+ )
+ (label 0b67ae35-8513-4007-8fd9-cf35411510db
+ (position 149.86 -104.14) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 7a78b45b-7708-41d8-98e6-ce0cdba743dd
+ (net 510139b0-5b7b-4254-8b9d-003afc9e5274)
+ (junction 843b851d-78d7-47ad-b942-f92d8695b2de (position 99.06 -25.4))
+ (junction 9d5bc707-5241-459d-9766-8c3ed2d86ed7 (position 99.06 -22.86))
+ (line 4d3d52a2-b725-4aab-b8ab-8cffaafa7904 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9d5bc707-5241-459d-9766-8c3ed2d86ed7))
+ (to (junction 843b851d-78d7-47ad-b942-f92d8695b2de))
+ )
+ (line c0ccf196-345f-44fc-b034-c5eff40ef266 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bc779dfb-6921-4deb-8b43-658ce5be6918) (pin d1587bb1-f5be-451c-b0ea-9298743dfc3d))
+ (to (junction 843b851d-78d7-47ad-b942-f92d8695b2de))
+ )
+ (line d096468e-9eab-45c9-90b7-110caca01e4e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 84e31463-abd5-486f-b07f-6f15fcc7c682) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 843b851d-78d7-47ad-b942-f92d8695b2de))
+ )
+ (line fcf85d6a-a9fa-4e0c-8f24-235bfc7684fa (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin ddf9e498-a477-4110-b90d-7e4592148613))
+ (to (junction 9d5bc707-5241-459d-9766-8c3ed2d86ed7))
+ )
+ (label 892931e3-7152-4f2f-b3c1-6ca49d5ab743
+ (position 88.9 -22.86) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 83dc96c0-849e-47d8-a111-2a7a47f5a2a2
+ (net 696c0c3d-7c20-4fba-ae51-0065748c382f)
+ (junction 322f06a9-129b-46dd-8461-861e32a9ea76 (position 215.9 -116.84))
+ (junction 39e032e2-d6c0-44d6-a4fb-e3f2f1b7e266 (position 205.74 -116.84))
+ (junction 8e5f7566-b0bc-4ed8-a0ae-ce7d6e34b561 (position 210.82 -116.84))
+ (line 684cb6ac-f741-4ad3-98d4-c6d8cb378e16 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6bf7f225-071d-42e3-b8ca-098c93211056) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction 8e5f7566-b0bc-4ed8-a0ae-ce7d6e34b561))
+ )
+ (line 6dee15e2-c6b0-44ca-aef2-02378b734072 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8e5f7566-b0bc-4ed8-a0ae-ce7d6e34b561))
+ (to (junction 322f06a9-129b-46dd-8461-861e32a9ea76))
+ )
+ (line a95e5aca-3a01-4b28-af1a-e35c569651fa (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 39e032e2-d6c0-44d6-a4fb-e3f2f1b7e266))
+ (to (symbol 3fb49447-c236-4bba-bf86-ca085ecdbdf4) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line da7aee6f-ddb1-4043-ba17-7eac2f77adb8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8e5f7566-b0bc-4ed8-a0ae-ce7d6e34b561))
+ (to (junction 39e032e2-d6c0-44d6-a4fb-e3f2f1b7e266))
+ )
+ (line fac0b3f3-6350-4700-ac18-52966eb0c70c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 65bea3a5-1e23-47ce-b83b-a97824626b0f) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction 322f06a9-129b-46dd-8461-861e32a9ea76))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 852f0a01-a0f0-4927-9476-299e6b268b34
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (line aea83123-3d45-40f0-915e-32fcfbb3d70f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 0371ca22-f9c9-40fd-99b3-faf2e94080b5) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ (to (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 5604661e-11a5-4ff7-b6c9-4773888b216d))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 89a1f0ed-b8ed-4941-b2da-89b191668f89
+ (net 9927fbdf-6965-408e-a181-46a324b2f658)
+ (junction 296757db-c511-4fb7-938c-4c33e87d441d (position 25.4 -66.04))
+ (junction 741ed473-5f07-4f0c-a9b3-fda5feb8bb10 (position 25.4 -121.92))
+ (line 49996209-fba5-4da4-a576-9d626c7e8396 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 296757db-c511-4fb7-938c-4c33e87d441d))
+ (to (junction 741ed473-5f07-4f0c-a9b3-fda5feb8bb10))
+ )
+ (line 4a0a8349-dfdd-470c-9386-9ef18edd572b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 805032df-7411-4ffe-b972-147d32bef66c) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction 741ed473-5f07-4f0c-a9b3-fda5feb8bb10))
+ )
+ (line c5d3a35a-18b1-49c5-8fd8-d0a2b88b2729 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin 22cd03f5-e36a-4ee2-adf5-b489c35a4e25))
+ (to (junction 296757db-c511-4fb7-938c-4c33e87d441d))
+ )
+ (label 447f358e-0343-4fcb-963e-fedfe194da0b
+ (position 25.4 -66.04) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 8bd9c2a2-d78a-462f-bc4a-4d79d56fa005
+ (net 4cd41a44-babf-4984-a120-32e2774c5ddd)
+ (junction 361b796b-91b6-427c-9d15-ef3dfa49025b (position 236.22 -154.94))
+ (junction 4b243b17-c12c-484b-8ce6-2ece7bb6fd29 (position 246.38 -154.94))
+ (line 09ed32d1-481d-4ca8-9df2-594c74ea7c88 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 361b796b-91b6-427c-9d15-ef3dfa49025b))
+ (to (symbol ef614469-6e6d-44f4-a38c-bf01516c62b1) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (line a8c0a072-4708-40a9-8501-56c9799c50a7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 361b796b-91b6-427c-9d15-ef3dfa49025b))
+ (to (junction 4b243b17-c12c-484b-8ce6-2ece7bb6fd29))
+ )
+ (line ac185354-194c-44ee-95f6-e5e43eba256e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bdc9f477-f974-475e-b9ce-c0c708d78fa9) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction 4b243b17-c12c-484b-8ce6-2ece7bb6fd29))
+ )
+ (line e6a9a208-c4b4-4d0a-a464-e0442a29c43f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 361b796b-91b6-427c-9d15-ef3dfa49025b))
+ (to (symbol 2caf2023-4d4f-427f-ba84-ead272d8e8c7) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (label c43e8697-6de3-4195-91d3-c205192b0170
+ (position 241.3 -154.94) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 8d0e8f11-2402-42d2-aab2-7c2da0b37e8e
+ (net fb074a31-08aa-4dd7-af11-2f1169c2a4bf)
+ (junction 339f056f-67d8-41a0-96dd-653ffacea7f6 (position 121.92 -43.18))
+ (junction 89602e87-d3b0-4aaa-aa51-a8a478506f62 (position 93.98 -96.52))
+ (junction c57cdd6e-2b99-4c95-82e2-887839f7c808 (position 93.98 -43.18))
+ (junction e6cdf172-3d1d-4e67-a07b-bb2670117e11 (position 116.84 -96.52))
+ (line 0aec4aa0-7e61-4245-a4ed-f7380ec5f770 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 339f056f-67d8-41a0-96dd-653ffacea7f6))
+ (to (junction c57cdd6e-2b99-4c95-82e2-887839f7c808))
+ )
+ (line 87b70c5c-5edc-4848-9a67-03c68986e435 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 89602e87-d3b0-4aaa-aa51-a8a478506f62))
+ (to (junction c57cdd6e-2b99-4c95-82e2-887839f7c808))
+ )
+ (line ba6206e9-ae4c-4101-a162-941347932b4d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 06dea7b2-d486-4474-a000-0b233deada9d) (pin fe665206-5fd7-45dd-af7d-e0584890b4b5))
+ (to (junction 339f056f-67d8-41a0-96dd-653ffacea7f6))
+ )
+ (line e4f57e95-b9ec-492a-9403-728b0eaf3312 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 89602e87-d3b0-4aaa-aa51-a8a478506f62))
+ (to (junction e6cdf172-3d1d-4e67-a07b-bb2670117e11))
+ )
+ (line f6959c1c-29b3-445b-8ffc-8cee0c4c3afd (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin b315f13d-791d-4e5e-9614-120aa96167c9))
+ (to (junction e6cdf172-3d1d-4e67-a07b-bb2670117e11))
+ )
+ (label e36534b7-e09d-47db-a479-8b7fa34be303
+ (position 116.84 -43.18) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 8fdbd0f6-8dc7-4e96-a5a7-5b6a5c7319d6
+ (net 4ff24f6c-0991-4281-b582-89c45a0d95ae)
+ (junction 1efb9bb5-7fdc-48c2-9801-753c025799ac (position 215.9 -154.94))
+ (junction 4f7c5951-ffce-4d6e-9116-122b2487f8d0 (position 205.74 -154.94))
+ (line 19712e1b-d6c8-4136-9f38-442cb5d8b51a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 4f7c5951-ffce-4d6e-9116-122b2487f8d0))
+ (to (symbol ca3195e4-6305-4a80-beed-2a2ecc5890dc) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (line bdf8fbc4-8f1f-4df4-b358-52b5c859dff1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 4f7c5951-ffce-4d6e-9116-122b2487f8d0))
+ (to (junction 1efb9bb5-7fdc-48c2-9801-753c025799ac))
+ )
+ (line c405c7f7-52c4-49ca-881b-67fd334c9cc6 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol f85a0fdd-7fed-45e3-98a3-377d7ab1f36b) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction 1efb9bb5-7fdc-48c2-9801-753c025799ac))
+ )
+ (line fc0e9c53-33fc-492f-89ab-e28a7707c75d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 4f7c5951-ffce-4d6e-9116-122b2487f8d0))
+ (to (symbol 5fc55e0d-693f-42d0-a363-7921b177fa53) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (label 76080092-e8f4-49c2-967f-a0aa656161df
+ (position 210.82 -154.94) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 934ef8a1-39ef-431a-89b6-467abc1b75b4
+ (net facb7e8f-ff09-4d1b-88a3-c6212c4cb76e)
+ (junction 77b576db-f3a3-4308-9180-91a34d52731b (position 185.42 -154.94))
+ (junction dac2bbf3-eff1-4912-853d-a863834c3d4e (position 175.26 -154.94))
+ (line 0ed52373-8245-4113-be97-0a7d763b4a48 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction dac2bbf3-eff1-4912-853d-a863834c3d4e))
+ (to (symbol 11cedbd3-cfcf-4d94-add4-f3300c25822f) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (line 113549ea-d5a9-4f24-aa4f-573ec45e178c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction dac2bbf3-eff1-4912-853d-a863834c3d4e))
+ (to (symbol 22053a48-5c1e-44e2-a6b3-ad96b7d90294) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (line 4d4f4d41-4e7a-4162-9850-3480de45946c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction dac2bbf3-eff1-4912-853d-a863834c3d4e))
+ (to (junction 77b576db-f3a3-4308-9180-91a34d52731b))
+ )
+ (line ba37b5d3-5e09-484e-86df-b835f4b09825 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 135073ba-4c03-48e8-83a9-757f1e6ed325) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction 77b576db-f3a3-4308-9180-91a34d52731b))
+ )
+ (label 35883591-31fd-4eb2-abe6-46c0a06a3b8c
+ (position 180.34 -154.94) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 95481139-4b39-4783-bc60-1f4cc52a0ae4
+ (net bcc7f942-323c-4efa-9e9c-ce7e7abce278)
+ (junction 1028d449-eb4e-4a95-91c2-8cd9e05aa392 (position 106.68 -132.08))
+ (junction 46713c97-5044-4453-915d-e83c6fb48455 (position 170.18 -127.0))
+ (junction cc7dcb58-48cf-4cb3-98be-8764d7537460 (position 170.18 -129.54))
+ (junction ec3f2c78-a0c8-44ad-bcb9-75ef4978365c (position 170.18 -132.08))
+ (line 38a1d2c3-e926-4140-aa4c-467feb87a43a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol a8638444-bebb-49b2-960b-5f849ff9d014) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (junction 46713c97-5044-4453-915d-e83c6fb48455))
+ )
+ (line 441d1bb1-2fb3-40b3-8ab0-1da2cc71734a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 0d9897a7-6d77-435a-ac99-19c04e05f1db) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction 46713c97-5044-4453-915d-e83c6fb48455))
+ )
+ (line 8083bf21-085c-4bf0-a5b2-741378032178 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction cc7dcb58-48cf-4cb3-98be-8764d7537460))
+ (to (junction 46713c97-5044-4453-915d-e83c6fb48455))
+ )
+ (line 981231f2-4f9c-4d99-9f30-c0ac55a80744 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction cc7dcb58-48cf-4cb3-98be-8764d7537460))
+ (to (junction ec3f2c78-a0c8-44ad-bcb9-75ef4978365c))
+ )
+ (line a636afcc-3456-4ce5-991d-d310054a0506 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1028d449-eb4e-4a95-91c2-8cd9e05aa392))
+ (to (junction ec3f2c78-a0c8-44ad-bcb9-75ef4978365c))
+ )
+ (line d317ef86-cc9b-4d5d-8fa7-0abe2696262d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 20a4a4da-33e5-4faf-9ae0-57173e3a9a53))
+ (to (junction 1028d449-eb4e-4a95-91c2-8cd9e05aa392))
+ )
+ (label 06087319-76cd-4282-85be-6f080f6a6d41
+ (position 116.84 -132.08) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9b4d8e66-c11b-4329-b683-0c2f9341b9a5
+ (net d63ded29-0579-4d8b-a2dd-be5fa6ae9e3d)
+ (junction 04af8f1f-ff28-4cdd-ba84-88e0d2a47fa6 (position 129.54 -66.04))
+ (junction 0ee6c566-030f-4ac3-b668-a1503c22903d (position 111.76 -66.04))
+ (junction 6394db1b-5761-41a5-890f-a19d2136f7ef (position 170.18 -182.88))
+ (junction ed134774-219f-4bb8-8e4d-0ee27c568378 (position 170.18 -177.8))
+ (junction f28bc5ea-3614-46e8-a937-3e35a4f7bccd (position 129.54 -182.88))
+ (line 29332d63-7675-47f0-9265-0666203360c4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f28bc5ea-3614-46e8-a937-3e35a4f7bccd))
+ (to (junction 6394db1b-5761-41a5-890f-a19d2136f7ef))
+ )
+ (line 421d16db-dc2d-4a6e-bd34-87d3c634aacd (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction ed134774-219f-4bb8-8e4d-0ee27c568378))
+ (to (junction 6394db1b-5761-41a5-890f-a19d2136f7ef))
+ )
+ (line b0fb456f-d4e3-4e94-85b3-95287d9a196a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bfc2072a-6006-4e91-a56b-625f70a79bff) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction ed134774-219f-4bb8-8e4d-0ee27c568378))
+ )
+ (line b85824b0-ead4-4ca3-8ba8-6ead2362dfa1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin ed0e4c0c-a1a8-4abe-98e5-523fdcb9b0ef))
+ (to (junction 0ee6c566-030f-4ac3-b668-a1503c22903d))
+ )
+ (line e1c81ba8-c638-406d-82b3-86dd52c54c71 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol eb45f434-8a1f-4bb4-a3c9-2fd8c5d58bf5) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (junction ed134774-219f-4bb8-8e4d-0ee27c568378))
+ )
+ (line f0614303-5376-45c3-b9d5-e5f4ce7c5587 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 0ee6c566-030f-4ac3-b668-a1503c22903d))
+ (to (junction 04af8f1f-ff28-4cdd-ba84-88e0d2a47fa6))
+ )
+ (line fc011b1a-57cd-4f25-89a8-d265c850c909 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 04af8f1f-ff28-4cdd-ba84-88e0d2a47fa6))
+ (to (junction f28bc5ea-3614-46e8-a937-3e35a4f7bccd))
+ )
+ (label 563106c1-c81d-4461-93eb-15dd0954f9de
+ (position 139.7 -182.88) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment 9d908d67-73bb-402e-99ba-b37c77760d6a
+ (net c8880beb-7885-4113-b1bd-f5b52de09c2c)
+ (junction 5e29ed63-8b28-4e1d-89fa-b98f341d1ac2 (position 27.94 -63.5))
+ (junction 99515209-13f5-44ff-841e-db379c68b418 (position 27.94 -109.22))
+ (line 20dbc075-174f-4087-a4a2-87dc66398308 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 5e29ed63-8b28-4e1d-89fa-b98f341d1ac2))
+ (to (junction 99515209-13f5-44ff-841e-db379c68b418))
+ )
+ (line 85141b2d-247f-4009-a788-88ccf62d60e8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6b68b53b-adbd-479e-a8d2-21f12a522d03) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction 99515209-13f5-44ff-841e-db379c68b418))
+ )
+ (line a405a523-b4cd-4dbd-a03c-3fb06948bedb (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin 4e0ac191-ec61-4396-865c-0a06b6c2765e))
+ (to (junction 5e29ed63-8b28-4e1d-89fa-b98f341d1ac2))
+ )
+ (label 5f24103e-c7ea-42c5-a13d-2a3b881dec2e
+ (position 27.94 -63.5) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment a3696283-b974-4a8d-b89e-cece79864923
+ (net 0187b177-8981-4fcc-97d5-93370e2ea4be)
+ (junction 5580aae3-5a60-49c1-a64b-af46d524d2de (position 154.94 -154.94))
+ (junction da9f60c1-006c-4e62-8ab8-7b49cdf2aa6c (position 144.78 -154.94))
+ (line 1e9b4f5d-43ed-44b9-b5de-4fc6a6f14ee4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol f5548af8-3ba9-4aae-8e17-8da6013ae019) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction 5580aae3-5a60-49c1-a64b-af46d524d2de))
+ )
+ (line 8a792f20-2cf9-41e2-8c14-bdc3f64a7565 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction da9f60c1-006c-4e62-8ab8-7b49cdf2aa6c))
+ (to (symbol a0753e6f-7cfd-4f41-9a12-4d54d887177d) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (line b4337953-445c-4c09-b3ec-2de2b8266c21 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction da9f60c1-006c-4e62-8ab8-7b49cdf2aa6c))
+ (to (symbol 28fe2303-3947-467b-9dfb-6aa30aa4421c) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (line e6abb2b3-8dca-428d-b8a4-8461a21634df (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction da9f60c1-006c-4e62-8ab8-7b49cdf2aa6c))
+ (to (junction 5580aae3-5a60-49c1-a64b-af46d524d2de))
+ )
+ (label dc02e647-d515-4347-b71b-4d936bef4a53
+ (position 149.86 -154.94) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment a6476ed6-3bef-44c3-b487-3dca50888376
+ (net d4626238-abe7-4a78-8a6a-f1d4678f245e)
+ (junction 09a10b08-9bf6-4f77-a130-8d4019593d46 (position 142.24 -60.96))
+ (junction 11c8fc6d-7d2b-4d5f-a976-14c160daae9a (position 142.24 -25.4))
+ (junction 158d3001-6712-481d-8dba-717fcf9ec8b6 (position 111.76 -25.4))
+ (junction 1d80ba25-a278-4a69-b7a9-0534c56f2dd7 (position 205.74 -91.44))
+ (junction 26f6c48d-bcf5-44a1-9c6e-0ac84359895d (position 142.24 -58.42))
+ (junction 2caa83c2-3d6b-498f-9b4c-ae587769f0d6 (position 236.22 -142.24))
+ (junction 44b7afae-ad21-46f9-9a26-748eb505db10 (position 142.24 -38.1))
+ (junction 47952a8b-a966-4547-8915-4b82fb87c16f (position 236.22 -91.44))
+ (junction 48d05c3e-0b13-4d0a-b121-8cc0abdb2433 (position 121.92 -71.12))
+ (junction 4a068bed-9bb8-47d0-8121-6fc8bf27b53d (position 205.74 -142.24))
+ (junction 519d6896-7846-4b5d-b107-7b45b2642ee7 (position 142.24 -48.26))
+ (junction 5320831c-5fe2-49fc-89ca-bd3967eb299a (position 142.24 -55.88))
+ (junction 57228f44-beb2-4010-8655-b134cb435e5a (position 142.24 -71.12))
+ (junction 5f29f83d-91a2-40eb-a062-9775bf93917a (position 144.78 -91.44))
+ (junction 62c41e94-9e27-43eb-93a6-b30d8b1e5ab9 (position 254.0 -142.24))
+ (junction 709ce609-cadc-4d3e-8642-cd0f0d2b4a29 (position 119.38 -73.66))
+ (junction 716faf12-392d-432d-8a2f-6e6a48244b72 (position 175.26 -142.24))
+ (junction 733838e5-45b7-46b3-ac69-542b2fd735c8 (position 114.3 -25.4))
+ (junction 8ae94284-6ef8-43f5-b388-0a434913c299 (position 114.3 -12.7))
+ (junction 9426d730-657a-4731-b516-0fb6182baf25 (position 175.26 -91.44))
+ (junction 9751684f-50dc-4436-96f8-b9884a403d74 (position 121.92 -73.66))
+ (junction ab58f044-38eb-4d06-9683-e2ec7c09bea2 (position 137.16 -91.44))
+ (junction af7a3c50-d1f0-4f7a-ab14-82304467d5ad (position 142.24 -27.94))
+ (junction c1bf1a9e-e9e7-4d58-b979-6123116e8b64 (position 142.24 -40.64))
+ (junction c2283623-974f-4af6-94de-00cd0946b4b3 (position 142.24 -30.48))
+ (junction c813c307-d3c9-44c3-a434-450671b4f375 (position 142.24 -50.8))
+ (junction d9a068bf-8d4b-494b-94f5-13c8586d592e (position 254.0 -91.44))
+ (junction df1e9358-0443-4934-b9ff-aa0f4cbc164c (position 142.24 -68.58))
+ (junction f161518d-93bd-4c5b-b205-b3ce6af287c2 (position 114.3 -15.24))
+ (junction f64c6446-6f46-4411-89a2-cbfc1172155a (position 137.16 -71.12))
+ (line 04343bb1-b514-4dbf-8552-99c98e7843e1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction df1e9358-0443-4934-b9ff-aa0f4cbc164c))
+ (to (junction 57228f44-beb2-4010-8655-b134cb435e5a))
+ )
+ (line 0ef159dd-d336-484a-86d5-b2384cba4c6f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d9a068bf-8d4b-494b-94f5-13c8586d592e))
+ (to (junction 62c41e94-9e27-43eb-93a6-b30d8b1e5ab9))
+ )
+ (line 10ebde72-1cbf-4c0d-9de7-40933bc6fa7f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1d80ba25-a278-4a69-b7a9-0534c56f2dd7))
+ (to (symbol ded4d9d4-dd05-4af6-a5e7-56cf6451a5c7) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line 12ac6904-b29c-40bb-a9a0-c13720b36bb3 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 733838e5-45b7-46b3-ac69-542b2fd735c8))
+ (to (junction 158d3001-6712-481d-8dba-717fcf9ec8b6))
+ )
+ (line 15d829fa-b03b-4958-adf2-de51db29410b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f64c6446-6f46-4411-89a2-cbfc1172155a))
+ (to (junction 48d05c3e-0b13-4d0a-b121-8cc0abdb2433))
+ )
+ (line 1cbde6ee-91df-4d4a-8708-2f7776e784f6 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 5f29f83d-91a2-40eb-a062-9775bf93917a))
+ (to (junction ab58f044-38eb-4d06-9683-e2ec7c09bea2))
+ )
+ (line 1d00d915-72c6-4631-ad3a-caf933956b77 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2caa83c2-3d6b-498f-9b4c-ae587769f0d6))
+ (to (junction 62c41e94-9e27-43eb-93a6-b30d8b1e5ab9))
+ )
+ (line 25a1195d-905f-4615-9161-54e52387f2b5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 716faf12-392d-432d-8a2f-6e6a48244b72))
+ (to (junction 4a068bed-9bb8-47d0-8121-6fc8bf27b53d))
+ )
+ (line 2f4eadc0-8339-4ab2-a395-eae3858689c8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin e890f654-6c17-4325-9a33-4e3ccdab0867))
+ (to (junction 709ce609-cadc-4d3e-8642-cd0f0d2b4a29))
+ )
+ (line 31a98eb3-b92b-4bed-95d8-3ae92419080b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 44b7afae-ad21-46f9-9a26-748eb505db10))
+ (to (junction c2283623-974f-4af6-94de-00cd0946b4b3))
+ )
+ (line 35a98d32-c07d-4d86-89b7-1bd2f5eb7f23 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1d80ba25-a278-4a69-b7a9-0534c56f2dd7))
+ (to (junction 9426d730-657a-4731-b516-0fb6182baf25))
+ )
+ (line 3b1b2203-542e-4569-95bc-977e5fc22ad8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol c4a89766-1302-4585-8835-e2a49f7b6987) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 26f6c48d-bcf5-44a1-9c6e-0ac84359895d))
+ )
+ (line 3e7232e0-c252-4a2d-9013-5413966d2db1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9426d730-657a-4731-b516-0fb6182baf25))
+ (to (symbol 58ce1097-4df6-4a94-92c1-c956c9de6888) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line 4750363a-1172-425a-8044-d6d7fdc8a6a0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f161518d-93bd-4c5b-b205-b3ce6af287c2))
+ (to (junction 8ae94284-6ef8-43f5-b388-0a434913c299))
+ )
+ (line 4a8db05f-18ab-4e52-8dcf-4be76c17b699 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 28fe2303-3947-467b-9dfb-6aa30aa4421c) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (junction 716faf12-392d-432d-8a2f-6e6a48244b72))
+ )
+ (line 655be528-b3a7-4715-ad7c-300f0575055e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 4b6728b1-302a-4873-a030-43becda15b3a) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction 8ae94284-6ef8-43f5-b388-0a434913c299))
+ )
+ (line 6d59e08a-ae70-4ece-8995-e08104585866 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 47952a8b-a966-4547-8915-4b82fb87c16f))
+ (to (junction d9a068bf-8d4b-494b-94f5-13c8586d592e))
+ )
+ (line 6e20f40a-464b-48c4-bb7c-3b215b74363a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 87fc0197-cc2f-4235-b85d-f03158415baf) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction af7a3c50-d1f0-4f7a-ab14-82304467d5ad))
+ )
+ (line 71dcc227-79a4-47c5-8140-a8bbaf37d351 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 47952a8b-a966-4547-8915-4b82fb87c16f))
+ (to (junction 1d80ba25-a278-4a69-b7a9-0534c56f2dd7))
+ )
+ (line 74cfbe73-3492-4588-8d7b-8078b519aa1c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 519d6896-7846-4b5d-b107-7b45b2642ee7))
+ (to (junction c1bf1a9e-e9e7-4d58-b979-6123116e8b64))
+ )
+ (line 74d6d6e7-6144-451f-b8b6-11c8dd8e8373 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 5f29f83d-91a2-40eb-a062-9775bf93917a))
+ (to (symbol 166e9482-62d4-458d-a280-22312facfdd8) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line 8e546cba-0a17-4262-b210-cb8dfea72aff (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 5320831c-5fe2-49fc-89ca-bd3967eb299a))
+ (to (junction c813c307-d3c9-44c3-a434-450671b4f375))
+ )
+ (line 947a01ce-61d3-409a-8931-7b0044bb8126 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 44b7afae-ad21-46f9-9a26-748eb505db10))
+ (to (junction c1bf1a9e-e9e7-4d58-b979-6123116e8b64))
+ )
+ (line 9553a846-79aa-4706-818a-872ba14473c6 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 716faf12-392d-432d-8a2f-6e6a48244b72))
+ (to (symbol 22053a48-5c1e-44e2-a6b3-ad96b7d90294) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line 9596d31e-8fe5-41b3-9d25-c25f84896a75 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9751684f-50dc-4436-96f8-b9884a403d74))
+ (to (junction 709ce609-cadc-4d3e-8642-cd0f0d2b4a29))
+ )
+ (line 96fa11ee-198a-4851-b682-7948b7d1667c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2caa83c2-3d6b-498f-9b4c-ae587769f0d6))
+ (to (symbol 2caf2023-4d4f-427f-ba84-ead272d8e8c7) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line 9c93fc9c-965f-4640-b1d8-f3ee2c1dbf5a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 48d05c3e-0b13-4d0a-b121-8cc0abdb2433))
+ (to (junction 9751684f-50dc-4436-96f8-b9884a403d74))
+ )
+ (line 9e97d2bf-e29f-474e-9bad-9cefb0ce0c94 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 57228f44-beb2-4010-8655-b134cb435e5a))
+ (to (junction f64c6446-6f46-4411-89a2-cbfc1172155a))
+ )
+ (line a9f91637-f588-401a-8e97-c584f9519e23 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 8093e669-de04-46ba-a3ca-5d7a099c6c79) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction f161518d-93bd-4c5b-b205-b3ce6af287c2))
+ )
+ (line aa323b91-76d3-4c94-8921-b611c273ed92 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f161518d-93bd-4c5b-b205-b3ce6af287c2))
+ (to (junction 733838e5-45b7-46b3-ac69-542b2fd735c8))
+ )
+ (line b543aafa-576f-4ed6-9470-4a5d6f86ad55 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9426d730-657a-4731-b516-0fb6182baf25))
+ (to (junction 5f29f83d-91a2-40eb-a062-9775bf93917a))
+ )
+ (line b75d7276-76fd-489d-ab0e-8be629a31114 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 26f6c48d-bcf5-44a1-9c6e-0ac84359895d))
+ (to (junction 5320831c-5fe2-49fc-89ca-bd3967eb299a))
+ )
+ (line b9c0006f-2836-4636-8702-6f46824610b0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 733838e5-45b7-46b3-ac69-542b2fd735c8))
+ (to (junction 11c8fc6d-7d2b-4d5f-a976-14c160daae9a))
+ )
+ (line c121fb17-1491-4600-8bd8-c1f64fe7aa99 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 158d3001-6712-481d-8dba-717fcf9ec8b6))
+ (to (symbol bc779dfb-6921-4deb-8b43-658ce5be6918) (pin 7c8796e8-a731-4428-ad4e-a85eeeaf58d1))
+ )
+ (line c86966a4-081e-4af8-a168-d05521c711a9 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol fc349383-ccd7-4997-8c95-7f637421e0fc) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 44b7afae-ad21-46f9-9a26-748eb505db10))
+ )
+ (line cc68abe1-4176-4699-8992-977f0cf43831 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f64c6446-6f46-4411-89a2-cbfc1172155a))
+ (to (junction ab58f044-38eb-4d06-9683-e2ec7c09bea2))
+ )
+ (line cfbd6671-9d8a-402a-9c35-c0d63e753f4d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6e47615b-736f-4b46-a237-310a77f79021) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction df1e9358-0443-4934-b9ff-aa0f4cbc164c))
+ )
+ (line e6cc59bc-d2c8-4e93-9e99-969e87d0da59 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9751684f-50dc-4436-96f8-b9884a403d74))
+ (to (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 8e85707c-4a6f-498c-b908-883a4d1a25d1))
+ )
+ (line e78e901f-db92-457d-83fc-4ad9ba22bb76 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 26f6c48d-bcf5-44a1-9c6e-0ac84359895d))
+ (to (junction 09a10b08-9bf6-4f77-a130-8d4019593d46))
+ )
+ (line e8c50eb0-6755-4da0-9127-d4f931ced589 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction af7a3c50-d1f0-4f7a-ab14-82304467d5ad))
+ (to (junction 11c8fc6d-7d2b-4d5f-a976-14c160daae9a))
+ )
+ (line e953034e-0017-4c65-814a-6ad610d64ef1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 4a068bed-9bb8-47d0-8121-6fc8bf27b53d))
+ (to (junction 2caa83c2-3d6b-498f-9b4c-ae587769f0d6))
+ )
+ (line e9d701e6-3198-407f-b8e0-f4989075ddaf (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction df1e9358-0443-4934-b9ff-aa0f4cbc164c))
+ (to (junction 09a10b08-9bf6-4f77-a130-8d4019593d46))
+ )
+ (line f4faa44b-1390-4945-93e5-f912cce0075e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 4a068bed-9bb8-47d0-8121-6fc8bf27b53d))
+ (to (symbol ca3195e4-6305-4a80-beed-2a2ecc5890dc) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line f5b0d337-ddd0-4ba4-9b04-ddaaf5bfae91 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 36e5d84a-25e1-4187-8a6d-1f9dc26868aa) (pin c39ca7a0-22c0-4338-83e8-98aba0874d88))
+ (to (junction 519d6896-7846-4b5d-b107-7b45b2642ee7))
+ )
+ (line f631e3a1-f8eb-4f42-86cf-42bf86a691a0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 47952a8b-a966-4547-8915-4b82fb87c16f))
+ (to (symbol 0b5a65d1-15d0-4a44-983a-418221414110) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line f977a530-a10a-4039-898f-d3b3cc9b7420 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction af7a3c50-d1f0-4f7a-ab14-82304467d5ad))
+ (to (junction c2283623-974f-4af6-94de-00cd0946b4b3))
+ )
+ (line f9cf085f-a619-42f3-8186-f723ff756930 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 519d6896-7846-4b5d-b107-7b45b2642ee7))
+ (to (junction c813c307-d3c9-44c3-a434-450671b4f375))
+ )
+ (label 8f40a3a4-587e-4460-932e-4488e374dab1
+ (position 104.14 -12.7) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment a9ef12e4-4af4-429b-ae84-9a5fbbc4e930
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (junction 0b99e2d4-465a-41a4-8f86-591dd81694d4 (position 73.66 -48.26))
+ (junction 1510f78c-7b45-4051-b4fd-60d2014c82b6 (position 86.36 -48.26))
+ (junction 56e0e3ae-1921-48a5-bdfb-99e84c156ca5 (position 63.5 -48.26))
+ (junction 8acf245e-9079-4af4-81c8-f909a9308f69 (position 81.28 -48.26))
+ (junction a1f90170-906a-4ba8-85b6-e97fa69117de (position 71.12 -48.26))
+ (junction d891a028-943d-4f79-bf45-cabf57b5c9bf (position 86.36 -30.48))
+ (junction e5a5e4e4-9e37-4f9e-9b30-066d69325520 (position 60.96 -48.26))
+ (junction ef413780-bd63-4ba8-bd1c-cf30d11892ad (position 60.96 -27.94))
+ (junction f100cabe-f9a1-4677-9d99-481497541705 (position 81.28 -48.26))
+ (line 006fd1c3-07ec-4667-ae62-d0ea22dbb215 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 81847a16-70ae-40c8-a96c-edb116c26bdd) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 56e0e3ae-1921-48a5-bdfb-99e84c156ca5))
+ )
+ (line 012ee048-e2c6-4781-bd31-774451dc1ee5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f100cabe-f9a1-4677-9d99-481497541705))
+ (to (junction 1510f78c-7b45-4051-b4fd-60d2014c82b6))
+ )
+ (line 0591a044-fbe1-4306-be0d-0b7d602014eb (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d891a028-943d-4f79-bf45-cabf57b5c9bf))
+ (to (junction 1510f78c-7b45-4051-b4fd-60d2014c82b6))
+ )
+ (line 2d27985e-ed03-4ba4-9ab5-2c35141a3333 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 1f0625e8-52c2-4471-b32d-4e1c981d43fc) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 8acf245e-9079-4af4-81c8-f909a9308f69))
+ )
+ (line 65c89a94-f25d-4bf5-8a9c-4e2582a9d0e8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8acf245e-9079-4af4-81c8-f909a9308f69))
+ (to (junction 0b99e2d4-465a-41a4-8f86-591dd81694d4))
+ )
+ (line 6936212e-e5dc-4f41-a7b4-8c7ce6dbd6ce (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 56e0e3ae-1921-48a5-bdfb-99e84c156ca5))
+ (to (junction e5a5e4e4-9e37-4f9e-9b30-066d69325520))
+ )
+ (line 7ec1200f-d1d7-4a7f-8679-b4b1b3a9aea7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8acf245e-9079-4af4-81c8-f909a9308f69))
+ (to (junction f100cabe-f9a1-4677-9d99-481497541705))
+ )
+ (line 822b0f03-4db3-4bc0-a369-f146fbf17fb9 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol ef47d16a-53c5-40a9-8907-2d8366708256) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction e5a5e4e4-9e37-4f9e-9b30-066d69325520))
+ )
+ (line 89c1db63-796d-417d-9ff6-177ad7fa073c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction ef413780-bd63-4ba8-bd1c-cf30d11892ad))
+ (to (junction e5a5e4e4-9e37-4f9e-9b30-066d69325520))
+ )
+ (line aa88bf20-4275-47fd-84e5-a507a64ac402 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction a1f90170-906a-4ba8-85b6-e97fa69117de))
+ (to (junction 0b99e2d4-465a-41a4-8f86-591dd81694d4))
+ )
+ (line b1dfbb5f-8d5f-4939-9985-dc800a3fbdc2 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin 2e4b1a37-2490-43bb-ba49-b00e14dcbd36))
+ (to (junction d891a028-943d-4f79-bf45-cabf57b5c9bf))
+ )
+ (line b71f415a-d9e7-4b83-a07d-2329f7686f80 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 223fce6c-d993-488f-a143-0e9ca2ed777f) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction a1f90170-906a-4ba8-85b6-e97fa69117de))
+ )
+ (line c9264430-9cf9-417b-af50-5a28096de283 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction a1f90170-906a-4ba8-85b6-e97fa69117de))
+ (to (junction 56e0e3ae-1921-48a5-bdfb-99e84c156ca5))
+ )
+ (line cd79c138-133c-4c70-a869-2385bea27a4e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin 316e8cb1-9931-43f5-97b1-1a686ee8a645))
+ (to (junction ef413780-bd63-4ba8-bd1c-cf30d11892ad))
+ )
+ (line cd864f83-ada1-4b43-a38b-bf8ceae2496f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol b5771b29-b35c-4fc9-879b-bb6bfe5b4bcf) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ (to (junction f100cabe-f9a1-4677-9d99-481497541705))
+ )
+ (line fc8733b5-d645-430b-9275-df56b69b61a1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 0b99e2d4-465a-41a4-8f86-591dd81694d4))
+ (to (symbol 78de4c26-e18b-428f-8f5e-cd2a7280053c) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment acb02eee-8d18-4d42-ba4d-39c642bff7da
+ (net e796368f-2bc3-4e6b-8ec6-4221cd57f218)
+ (junction 2117016b-8739-467a-90e4-6d8cff570fc4 (position 96.52 -99.06))
+ (junction 49d0cbc7-beed-4143-9c2c-0b96f5927eae (position 119.38 -99.06))
+ (junction 6192baf1-df51-46a5-b9da-fb2083df39fd (position 124.46 -45.72))
+ (junction 6e74d6fb-1f9c-40ea-a6b3-ecb9da72fdb0 (position 96.52 -45.72))
+ (line 4300964b-d86b-4a79-b939-869c684c1f70 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 06dea7b2-d486-4474-a000-0b233deada9d) (pin f3aaf01c-e113-412d-abe9-f02b71e8e81d))
+ (to (junction 6192baf1-df51-46a5-b9da-fb2083df39fd))
+ )
+ (line 70f1fa6b-1be9-45e5-9326-1fd9d9f5fcc4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2117016b-8739-467a-90e4-6d8cff570fc4))
+ (to (junction 6e74d6fb-1f9c-40ea-a6b3-ecb9da72fdb0))
+ )
+ (line 88757159-3097-4ba7-9b54-df6c594a81c6 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2117016b-8739-467a-90e4-6d8cff570fc4))
+ (to (junction 49d0cbc7-beed-4143-9c2c-0b96f5927eae))
+ )
+ (line a9b703bb-c23c-4987-8dbe-d9ef9c6f08ac (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin f1c7fea2-bd2f-4b6a-b57d-34f2fbd93cd6))
+ (to (junction 49d0cbc7-beed-4143-9c2c-0b96f5927eae))
+ )
+ (line f365fad8-ff46-4824-98ca-542b04919a14 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 6192baf1-df51-46a5-b9da-fb2083df39fd))
+ (to (junction 6e74d6fb-1f9c-40ea-a6b3-ecb9da72fdb0))
+ )
+ (label 7b1d5fbd-ef70-4f09-9b19-dd0922304cbd
+ (position 116.84 -45.72) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment b32db9bf-8891-4bfa-be6b-ce1dc1d9eba2
+ (net f2982fda-5f55-4821-ad10-eef08e224ba8)
+ (junction 0cc7fdc4-f4d6-4d5c-bcd6-9a84aac489b2 (position 185.42 -104.14))
+ (junction f0374b34-df96-4ee9-9a7e-639fda2cc919 (position 175.26 -104.14))
+ (line 2e82cc04-0971-440b-a2fd-4848430dcf60 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f0374b34-df96-4ee9-9a7e-639fda2cc919))
+ (to (symbol 58ce1097-4df6-4a94-92c1-c956c9de6888) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (line 348178b2-055f-42b3-8c7d-cbb7ebddcaca (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f0374b34-df96-4ee9-9a7e-639fda2cc919))
+ (to (junction 0cc7fdc4-f4d6-4d5c-bcd6-9a84aac489b2))
+ )
+ (line a0308957-4e02-409e-9668-2faf48a5dd2f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction f0374b34-df96-4ee9-9a7e-639fda2cc919))
+ (to (symbol 06d361dd-394a-4b48-b7c7-64b502f00016) (pin fa167eba-70af-48df-a772-299542d38e9b))
+ )
+ (line f455825e-b9a1-47b6-93ba-29900b93a1e5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 4a766d83-238e-4228-a67d-d56dd2889924) (pin 48dad2d5-4392-4d8f-870e-9e69d9727b83))
+ (to (junction 0cc7fdc4-f4d6-4d5c-bcd6-9a84aac489b2))
+ )
+ (label d6d3440f-b612-4ad4-a9f1-9c679b3d65cf
+ (position 180.34 -104.14) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment b41e3d4b-d1a5-4747-b80c-66e484714c37
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (junction 0a812b4c-3446-427d-91e7-edde5f417f90 (position 152.4 -48.26))
+ (junction 2ad3a4f7-50a6-496c-a806-ec5ccfe3e131 (position 152.4 -27.94))
+ (junction 2bc85d11-47e8-412d-b178-e9417b87b8bb (position 152.4 -25.4))
+ (junction 3f8fac4c-adb1-4b7c-b4da-90d350c0fed5 (position 152.4 -38.1))
+ (junction 815c0cf0-65cf-4ffd-8e91-36a68e42ea3d (position 152.4 -58.42))
+ (junction 8e2400b8-846d-4c9c-ad86-744ad08d1dc3 (position 152.4 -40.64))
+ (junction 9082cb3e-59f2-42af-bca0-1cfb4d5038a9 (position 152.4 -50.8))
+ (junction b490319f-ce43-40ce-a83f-b484cfc639b7 (position 152.4 -30.48))
+ (junction cae42198-8993-4655-b733-5d007e675d0e (position 152.4 -68.58))
+ (junction cb5a6e7f-0631-47df-ab44-21971c83c331 (position 152.4 -60.96))
+ (line 19679cb4-90e6-4364-8378-33bcf532c15d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3f8fac4c-adb1-4b7c-b4da-90d350c0fed5))
+ (to (junction b490319f-ce43-40ce-a83f-b484cfc639b7))
+ )
+ (line 1ce425fb-53ab-49c4-afeb-9ea678af6b9c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 0a812b4c-3446-427d-91e7-edde5f417f90))
+ (to (junction 9082cb3e-59f2-42af-bca0-1cfb4d5038a9))
+ )
+ (line 2a720009-47ad-4c2b-9a71-cd651d8f399b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2ad3a4f7-50a6-496c-a806-ec5ccfe3e131))
+ (to (junction 2bc85d11-47e8-412d-b178-e9417b87b8bb))
+ )
+ (line 2beeb723-16b0-427f-92fb-4ea4fc8272a5 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 815c0cf0-65cf-4ffd-8e91-36a68e42ea3d))
+ (to (junction cb5a6e7f-0631-47df-ab44-21971c83c331))
+ )
+ (line 2dfa6fb1-7676-465e-9c9b-6ab63a0aab71 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol fc349383-ccd7-4997-8c95-7f637421e0fc) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 3f8fac4c-adb1-4b7c-b4da-90d350c0fed5))
+ )
+ (line 4f487f20-6d71-4004-aa2b-03eba8a836c8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2ad3a4f7-50a6-496c-a806-ec5ccfe3e131))
+ (to (junction b490319f-ce43-40ce-a83f-b484cfc639b7))
+ )
+ (line 54c32dc2-4808-4735-be7f-5d4dc7a48100 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 0a812b4c-3446-427d-91e7-edde5f417f90))
+ (to (junction 8e2400b8-846d-4c9c-ad86-744ad08d1dc3))
+ )
+ (line 579d9f73-9d76-48c2-877f-ada1545abf39 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3f8fac4c-adb1-4b7c-b4da-90d350c0fed5))
+ (to (junction 8e2400b8-846d-4c9c-ad86-744ad08d1dc3))
+ )
+ (line 7f00efc9-bc83-49d3-bfc7-1d8f066b0979 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 36e5d84a-25e1-4187-8a6d-1f9dc26868aa) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 0a812b4c-3446-427d-91e7-edde5f417f90))
+ )
+ (line c35c14a0-d673-49d8-a39d-0700dbf75f0f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 6e47615b-736f-4b46-a237-310a77f79021) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction cae42198-8993-4655-b733-5d007e675d0e))
+ )
+ (line d38adec2-2b47-4d8d-8796-2fa55724faba (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol c4a89766-1302-4585-8835-e2a49f7b6987) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 815c0cf0-65cf-4ffd-8e91-36a68e42ea3d))
+ )
+ (line d403f2b8-6492-45c8-ac28-4a460d0d2904 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 87fc0197-cc2f-4235-b85d-f03158415baf) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 2ad3a4f7-50a6-496c-a806-ec5ccfe3e131))
+ )
+ (line e92c2060-cdd4-47f3-b5cd-4c8153d57993 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 8f380c95-e1f9-4218-9f62-8a9bd9cbf392) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ (to (junction 2bc85d11-47e8-412d-b178-e9417b87b8bb))
+ )
+ (line f0167339-7aa1-494f-9284-e91b10768ed7 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 815c0cf0-65cf-4ffd-8e91-36a68e42ea3d))
+ (to (junction 9082cb3e-59f2-42af-bca0-1cfb4d5038a9))
+ )
+ (line f6a78250-b689-436d-980b-a81002b0bc9e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction cae42198-8993-4655-b733-5d007e675d0e))
+ (to (junction cb5a6e7f-0631-47df-ab44-21971c83c331))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment b9fac90a-0f72-45e8-9994-f62c8bff70f0
+ (net 41e89a55-4be5-4879-8a2e-1102c7f2074f)
+ (junction 0d192641-0b85-489e-9ea7-48e160bcb004 (position 60.96 -25.4))
+ (junction 17526625-f435-4740-9ab6-db0fd302cd03 (position 88.9 -17.78))
+ (junction 1861134c-96ee-42aa-b4f4-e3e5ee203d52 (position 104.14 -17.78))
+ (junction 1f55d42a-dcb9-4362-9fce-4d1b7843d085 (position 104.14 -15.24))
+ (junction 302174aa-1427-4e72-9cb2-95c10231ee32 (position 60.96 -17.78))
+ (junction d9af253d-8989-4bdb-8837-67f215aca367 (position 88.9 -12.7))
+ (line 5782249d-83ef-4043-8707-eb8105b2f804 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 8093e669-de04-46ba-a3ca-5d7a099c6c79) (pin 83d40864-0a14-496e-a08d-faeb2bbd9af6))
+ (to (junction 1f55d42a-dcb9-4362-9fce-4d1b7843d085))
+ )
+ (line 5dd13d06-4eeb-4d97-ba07-7447a8ffe3f8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bef31cac-19e6-4838-a79b-e9709b874c1d) (pin e70efabc-23a4-4bef-815f-c91932f00b22))
+ (to (junction 0d192641-0b85-489e-9ea7-48e160bcb004))
+ )
+ (line 67a5fcf0-32f0-4175-b23a-ed4feaa46486 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1f55d42a-dcb9-4362-9fce-4d1b7843d085))
+ (to (junction 1861134c-96ee-42aa-b4f4-e3e5ee203d52))
+ )
+ (line 7d0e7a2a-9742-40a5-8eed-1e24ebf3b63a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d9af253d-8989-4bdb-8837-67f215aca367))
+ (to (symbol 4b6728b1-302a-4873-a030-43becda15b3a) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ )
+ (line 8567520a-a0ef-4da5-ac14-8b2b1591682c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 302174aa-1427-4e72-9cb2-95c10231ee32))
+ (to (junction 0d192641-0b85-489e-9ea7-48e160bcb004))
+ )
+ (line af980cc3-c831-493d-96e5-d725cf1a6287 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 17526625-f435-4740-9ab6-db0fd302cd03))
+ (to (junction 302174aa-1427-4e72-9cb2-95c10231ee32))
+ )
+ (line e275b62a-eccd-4c79-a3c7-3d679f7defcb (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1861134c-96ee-42aa-b4f4-e3e5ee203d52))
+ (to (junction 17526625-f435-4740-9ab6-db0fd302cd03))
+ )
+ (line e438a637-844d-48ca-a7a8-bef13c26f547 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d9af253d-8989-4bdb-8837-67f215aca367))
+ (to (symbol 28867930-0db8-4d5d-8d2e-3e010f78f591) (pin f42020e8-c53f-4ff2-947e-07879cf42546))
+ )
+ (line e52bb31e-a962-4e47-bfec-a0a5a841c5e1 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d9af253d-8989-4bdb-8837-67f215aca367))
+ (to (junction 17526625-f435-4740-9ab6-db0fd302cd03))
+ )
+ (label 6b14001a-7197-499d-aed9-3b0fb7e742bc
+ (position 93.98 -17.78) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment ce4fb090-8fa9-4191-b389-48fe67ddf5ee
+ (net 88b03d91-3993-4c36-b5d8-a20d2eb96ccc)
+ (junction 2ddf51d9-ca58-48ab-80d3-4ad53449c02e (position 180.34 -116.84))
+ (junction 591fd341-273e-4aaf-8709-e6d4e761d04a (position 175.26 -116.84))
+ (junction f07e154b-3873-47ab-bfce-ff0e1ed1c083 (position 185.42 -116.84))
+ (line 4dedfc21-8e80-43ba-8321-76c1517d8fd8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2ddf51d9-ca58-48ab-80d3-4ad53449c02e))
+ (to (junction f07e154b-3873-47ab-bfce-ff0e1ed1c083))
+ )
+ (line 6cdadbd1-7390-4582-928b-c4d3902853d4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 591fd341-273e-4aaf-8709-e6d4e761d04a))
+ (to (symbol 06d361dd-394a-4b48-b7c7-64b502f00016) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line a0fb77d2-b372-489a-96c8-ebd2d0522e4d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 2ddf51d9-ca58-48ab-80d3-4ad53449c02e))
+ (to (junction 591fd341-273e-4aaf-8709-e6d4e761d04a))
+ )
+ (line ddbeb0c7-a602-4646-9a68-73ad5819f570 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 0d9897a7-6d77-435a-ac99-19c04e05f1db) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction 2ddf51d9-ca58-48ab-80d3-4ad53449c02e))
+ )
+ (line e4cfd381-aa52-4d83-a0b6-0f4de8d913e8 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 4a766d83-238e-4228-a67d-d56dd2889924) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction f07e154b-3873-47ab-bfce-ff0e1ed1c083))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment cf413c3a-09e0-4acf-9b1d-0e0ed09ca090
+ (net d348e811-dd63-4199-a8b3-92572406c4ab)
+ (junction 19a6b9d8-6c5a-41cf-b8f6-aa12a6be4c56 (position 99.06 -48.26))
+ (junction 552f3c03-81c7-4854-9622-0b1efcd89187 (position 129.54 -48.26))
+ (junction 56d91979-e57c-470c-8739-a8f23c1588a9 (position 121.92 -101.6))
+ (junction d6d79627-61a4-487d-ad59-cec6260239c7 (position 99.06 -101.6))
+ (line 54ed91f3-562c-446a-8798-6cfc0bb9f28d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin cb55b615-01a0-4ef9-9493-8ece84cf465b))
+ (to (junction 56d91979-e57c-470c-8739-a8f23c1588a9))
+ )
+ (line 57417ae8-0b96-4d37-affe-f80fdbaddfce (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 19a6b9d8-6c5a-41cf-b8f6-aa12a6be4c56))
+ (to (junction 552f3c03-81c7-4854-9622-0b1efcd89187))
+ )
+ (line 86261416-a4af-4b95-be3a-36312a185ba3 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction d6d79627-61a4-487d-ad59-cec6260239c7))
+ (to (junction 19a6b9d8-6c5a-41cf-b8f6-aa12a6be4c56))
+ )
+ (line e06ae2f1-675e-431d-9121-545c0f29b33a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 06dea7b2-d486-4474-a000-0b233deada9d) (pin 37f1f202-23d4-4e7d-8039-76bb16626249))
+ (to (junction 552f3c03-81c7-4854-9622-0b1efcd89187))
+ )
+ (line e306c883-24a6-4005-aa6e-8dd62e65e830 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 56d91979-e57c-470c-8739-a8f23c1588a9))
+ (to (junction d6d79627-61a4-487d-ad59-cec6260239c7))
+ )
+ (label 162bb2a3-d4d6-4aa8-ad0d-376874a4bebf
+ (position 116.84 -48.26) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment e9cce978-add4-4d0d-9b56-0b003721ce7d
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (junction 1005b54f-53a2-4d60-af5b-36585621fa96 (position 106.68 -73.66))
+ (junction e1ecb855-8d67-4607-a5f5-76957348d368 (position 116.84 -73.66))
+ (line 39a7d1e1-e633-4c61-8ec4-e5081accf0b3 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin d069f929-5d58-464f-a7ac-2d2fe388f4df))
+ (to (junction 1005b54f-53a2-4d60-af5b-36585621fa96))
+ )
+ (line 648472ab-9b96-437d-86e4-9fd81c565e93 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction e1ecb855-8d67-4607-a5f5-76957348d368))
+ (to (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin 731f37a0-151a-4660-a428-148ab152f484))
+ )
+ (line d7c45e8c-8fbe-47ca-9102-e82e3900f501 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 1005b54f-53a2-4d60-af5b-36585621fa96))
+ (to (junction e1ecb855-8d67-4607-a5f5-76957348d368))
+ )
+ (line fd5889a4-dc18-45a1-ac9c-9e70ef022dc4 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction e1ecb855-8d67-4607-a5f5-76957348d368))
+ (to (symbol 7fa15227-7bce-48ff-9f17-448969656f79) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment ed33be72-e4af-4d32-9023-d5e174829e5e
+ (net 07a06b2e-43ee-4eb7-b312-22fd6399beab)
+ (line a90b98b1-c4fc-42f5-b294-fe88cd1d180d (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol fcd3f65b-67c6-4cd9-b3e6-c28417e66b02) (pin abcc319b-d09f-437b-a624-3dcf3eff5792))
+ (to (symbol e8b146cd-6c29-4f95-98f6-386b2b08f85e) (pin a5291c98-3729-47c7-b3d5-173a8ccea1e5))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment ee66afda-a53e-4323-9c85-6930bef51317
+ (net 040de378-880f-441c-870a-29594b041ada)
+ (junction 442a978e-7a57-4879-8fd4-1235dccdb673 (position 149.86 -167.64))
+ (junction 9aa7bf22-b513-4fcc-a45c-98d568af3e73 (position 154.94 -167.64))
+ (junction b296026f-7238-4cd2-9be0-ee2f41d80d86 (position 147.32 -167.64))
+ (line 38819794-91ca-40ec-934d-fa0d972b69a9 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol f5548af8-3ba9-4aae-8e17-8da6013ae019) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction 9aa7bf22-b513-4fcc-a45c-98d568af3e73))
+ )
+ (line 4cca5d0b-aa23-4764-a352-ed106e4a554b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 442a978e-7a57-4879-8fd4-1235dccdb673))
+ (to (junction 9aa7bf22-b513-4fcc-a45c-98d568af3e73))
+ )
+ (line 55874344-d5eb-4007-abd7-a06b151a3599 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol f2e02f2e-b70e-41bc-b305-04588931d517) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction 442a978e-7a57-4879-8fd4-1235dccdb673))
+ )
+ (line e2e3ba5a-66d0-4aaf-a689-7ad8bfecc41f (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction b296026f-7238-4cd2-9be0-ee2f41d80d86))
+ (to (symbol a0753e6f-7cfd-4f41-9a12-4d54d887177d) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line ec21201b-2efb-4414-80f2-b06c86168917 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 442a978e-7a57-4879-8fd4-1235dccdb673))
+ (to (junction b296026f-7238-4cd2-9be0-ee2f41d80d86))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f322a1f5-b6f5-48c1-9abf-7dd8a22c43eb
+ (net 6183b9b9-8433-4e01-9196-0ffe79bbf5f3)
+ (junction 05506215-03f7-4d06-ade2-9625d83307fb (position 200.66 -185.42))
+ (junction 16a2df85-fa4b-46cc-8f17-22ba8290dd32 (position 200.66 -177.8))
+ (junction 25b30528-7976-47b5-bee2-c8b5c3d98f22 (position 132.08 -185.42))
+ (junction 3240a11a-b1be-4039-b093-b74e089d4a69 (position 109.22 -63.5))
+ (junction 9c095e4a-a8b7-4248-8bd1-eef5aa965727 (position 132.08 -63.5))
+ (line 373104b4-48f2-4498-83d3-487bae2b70cb (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 9c095e4a-a8b7-4248-8bd1-eef5aa965727))
+ (to (junction 25b30528-7976-47b5-bee2-c8b5c3d98f22))
+ )
+ (line 56513024-5c8a-465f-a3f9-8c80be5ef760 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 3240a11a-b1be-4039-b093-b74e089d4a69))
+ (to (junction 9c095e4a-a8b7-4248-8bd1-eef5aa965727))
+ )
+ (line 5a419245-fbe1-4d8b-b2a5-8429a274786a (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 006ed4a7-391d-4b26-bb5e-a21c5ff037eb) (pin cf0f9cb1-1218-4cac-b3ed-ace10babfbe3))
+ (to (junction 3240a11a-b1be-4039-b093-b74e089d4a69))
+ )
+ (line b37216f9-91a0-4f7f-ab6f-acb85275097b (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 16a2df85-fa4b-46cc-8f17-22ba8290dd32))
+ (to (junction 05506215-03f7-4d06-ade2-9625d83307fb))
+ )
+ (line b576fa7d-c435-40e8-a535-36441f32cafa (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bafd2a42-3527-44a9-98f6-3492cde69c3b) (pin 6b08ad4a-ea43-420c-af39-4b08609e9532))
+ (to (junction 16a2df85-fa4b-46cc-8f17-22ba8290dd32))
+ )
+ (line c0549038-670f-4f52-8020-4d9a32e31a82 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 25b30528-7976-47b5-bee2-c8b5c3d98f22))
+ (to (junction 05506215-03f7-4d06-ade2-9625d83307fb))
+ )
+ (line fe9272c1-f23a-46e8-8e38-b6649efd728e (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol e55618a0-877b-4c79-af92-f8c7710bd8fd) (pin 2b3dd7f8-043b-4d43-9302-9300ba356de7))
+ (to (junction 16a2df85-fa4b-46cc-8f17-22ba8290dd32))
+ )
+ (label a6205b2c-453c-4ecb-8ae5-200315e8aaf5
+ (position 139.7 -185.42) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f396c5fe-55c7-47b8-b25e-962546e1a680
+ (net 2eb90cca-49df-406c-8b70-8455e2e83c7e)
+ (junction 8fb9f517-7da9-4989-9760-c2b3c2bc2c76 (position 205.74 -167.64))
+ (junction a6a94d1d-3260-4b4a-ba27-35010be978d5 (position 210.82 -167.64))
+ (junction d45f3b46-1f62-42aa-b10e-c8ab85f8aad9 (position 215.9 -167.64))
+ (line 024ea5c9-3f8f-4b7c-a0cb-e310ee3c154c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction a6a94d1d-3260-4b4a-ba27-35010be978d5))
+ (to (junction d45f3b46-1f62-42aa-b10e-c8ab85f8aad9))
+ )
+ (line 28d0bafd-3066-42b3-9c2b-f4eec1ad9944 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction a6a94d1d-3260-4b4a-ba27-35010be978d5))
+ (to (junction 8fb9f517-7da9-4989-9760-c2b3c2bc2c76))
+ )
+ (line 4e3c2dda-3841-424d-8efa-ecd7686d124c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 8fb9f517-7da9-4989-9760-c2b3c2bc2c76))
+ (to (symbol 5fc55e0d-693f-42d0-a363-7921b177fa53) (pin ba358cff-2dd4-47e7-89b2-c3f9e2266e1b))
+ )
+ (line 57a2c80d-21ff-4922-a897-12a889dd9e95 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol bafd2a42-3527-44a9-98f6-3492cde69c3b) (pin 55014667-bbfc-410a-b0eb-cacd978d1e08))
+ (to (junction a6a94d1d-3260-4b4a-ba27-35010be978d5))
+ )
+ (line 6ca68b6b-c57f-46de-9e26-25433ca96947 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol f85a0fdd-7fed-45e3-98a3-377d7ab1f36b) (pin cd50cc1e-a0d2-460e-818b-c9a4cc03ec42))
+ (to (junction d45f3b46-1f62-42aa-b10e-c8ab85f8aad9))
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f4b67420-9653-4850-abef-356aadbea947
+ (net 650cce9a-6064-4bac-b3e3-646382a7b5d3)
+ (junction 1c07892e-6328-43c4-8512-a013cfd0f499 (position 25.4 -20.32))
+ (junction 700c3a54-1a33-407d-bcbb-653c7f4c69aa (position 25.4 -45.72))
+ (line 319b04a0-5915-4268-ac67-574e0ff8d3d0 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 700c3a54-1a33-407d-bcbb-653c7f4c69aa))
+ (to (junction 1c07892e-6328-43c4-8512-a013cfd0f499))
+ )
+ (line dca0c17b-af96-4369-933d-ad73b974b472 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin dc001b18-a3f0-4d9f-baa9-3e2d6aab1cc8))
+ (to (junction 700c3a54-1a33-407d-bcbb-653c7f4c69aa))
+ )
+ (line e2cb97c4-9117-4c82-98d5-df79a10ec049 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol e8b146cd-6c29-4f95-98f6-386b2b08f85e) (pin ebbf1fd9-e566-4a0b-a5e0-7b1635387a13))
+ (to (junction 1c07892e-6328-43c4-8512-a013cfd0f499))
+ )
+ (label 5a9caa93-94e3-4be5-b0b1-983a10bda464
+ (position 33.02 -20.32) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (netsegment f6d8c667-e7bc-42d5-a80b-eb4b7310a399
+ (net d95e94f8-c344-4bf2-99a4-e37b1792ff2e)
+ (junction 0117f635-951b-4a38-ab5e-61a8dc630eb7 (position 38.1 -53.34))
+ (junction 066b894c-853e-4e9b-a423-34d0b999b321 (position 38.1 -55.88))
+ (line c8f298f4-2ecd-4016-a65c-547690e79713 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (junction 0117f635-951b-4a38-ab5e-61a8dc630eb7))
+ (to (junction 066b894c-853e-4e9b-a423-34d0b999b321))
+ )
+ (line db5336a9-1630-4735-b5f5-99f4bdb4888c (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol 96a92916-87b2-453c-a24c-fc5594713190) (pin 717bbdd9-261c-40c9-b4dd-9730228f6af6))
+ (to (junction 066b894c-853e-4e9b-a423-34d0b999b321))
+ )
+ (line e715f9f6-5a86-43d7-8a79-c4c947c5b292 (width 0.15875)
+ (from (symbol dacb5db7-a4a3-4208-89d0-62bd1bd8120d) (pin ebcf07e1-c572-4a97-a10c-d924951cf18a))
+ (to (junction 0117f635-951b-4a38-ab5e-61a8dc630eb7))
+ )
+ (label 64e6c865-563c-48d7-b5e3-0ffa37562f19
+ (position 30.48 -53.34) (rotation 0.0) (mirror false)
+ )
+ )
+ (polygon 6b4369f8-ec1a-4ea8-97a8-cc859a207480 (layer sch_guide)
+ (width 0.3) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position 139.7 -68.58) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 111.76 -109.22) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 91.44 -109.22) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 91.44 -35.56) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 134.62 -30.48) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 139.7 -30.48) (angle 0.0))
+ (vertex (position 139.7 -68.58) (angle 0.0))
+ )
+ (polygon 8ab3a660-26d3-425b-a6d4-20c663525658 (layer sch_guide)
+ (width 0.3) (fill false) (grab_area false)
+ (vertex (position 35.56 -35.56) (angle 0.0))
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diff --git a/board/main/schematics/schematics.lp b/board/main/schematics/schematics.lp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c480828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/main/schematics/schematics.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ (schematic "schematics/main/schematic.lp")